Review for Injustice 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/05/2017 The version for PC came out on 14/11/2017
Impossible to escape the seductive charm of tights! Certainly we inveterate gamers have no escape, who are often called upon to wear the heavy masks of galactic heroes and criminals, executioners and exalted of all kinds. Although it is impossible to define with certainty the origin of the superhero figure in the collective imagination - probably Mesozoic - Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster signed in 1938 the first Superman cartoon on the newborn Action Comics.
The dichotomous between the invincible Kryptonian and the myopic Clark has inspired and captivated generations of readers and creatives, to shine in the exceptional "What happened to the man of tomorrow" by Alan Moore and lead to the unforgettable reflection on the identity of Kal-El through the mouth of the famous Bill by Quentin Tarantino. A little more than twenty years after Clark's centenary, now an accomplice of a very large group of supporting actors, the leotard continues to fascinate the general public with numerous films and video games.
The fighting game is a genre that lends itself well to hosting the DC Comics tights, and has finally arrived on PC Injustice 2 (six months later than the console versions), following the acclaimed Injustice: Gods among us.
A world of injustices
The story mode will lead us by the hand to face the invasion of Braniac, which returns to eye the planet earth with perfidious expansionist aims. The quality of the adventure is easily comparable in showmanship and writing to a good cinecomic: it is able to entertain, intrigue and offer a good level of challenge for both the beginner and the more experienced hitter. In about ten hours you will have saved planet earth and mended the rift that occurred within the Justice League during the last chapter.
A multiverse of challenges
Backing up the story mode, battles for the multiverse take place, hourly or daily battles where by defeating a series of enemies and obtaining an eligible score for the rewards, we will earn chests containing equipment for our heroes, which will change the aesthetics of the fighters and the statistics associated with them such as vitality, strength and defense.
This RPG component will interact with the multiverse itself and with friendly multiplayer battles. If you are a fan of naked competition, don't worry, the equipment will perform a purely aesthetic function.
Did anyone say Netcode?
Remember the PC port of Mortal Kombat X? We sincerely hope not, otherwise you will certainly have suffered from the almost total unplayability of the online sector, which sanctioned battles in the last installment. In the case of Injustice 2, fortunately, the Netcode has been completely revisited ensuring an optimal experience in almost all the matches we will play.
NetherRealm Studios has entrusted the PC port to the guys from Qloc, a Polish studio that has done an excellent job. With the right settings and a performing machine we will be able to witness almost miraculous improvements in the fluidity of the fighting - which manage to keep 60 Fps stable even in the most agitated situations - and in a drastic reduction of the input lag which makes the final product certainly more enjoyable and competitive than the console counterpart.
Let's expose the bat
Injustice 2 can be considered a living and constantly evolving creature, with the obsession to become part of the Olympus of competitive fighting games. His presence at Evo 2017 certainly marked his entry into a niche of interest that his predecessors certainly did not enjoy, (remember that Mortal Kombat Vs Dc Universe of 2008?) But there is still someone who distorts the nose.
The neutral game of Injustice 2, that is the phase in which opponents from medium distance study each other before throwing themselves into the fight, is absolutely dominated by characters with instant bullets, which inevitably exclude from the competition all characters without such firepower or a quick approach move.
Although the Roster sees well at the moment 35 playable characters constantly increasing, in the light of the problem just expressed, competitive players wonder how many characters are really usable and how many are inserted just to make up the numbers. A real shame if we consider the care with which the kit of each character has been devised in order to create the perfect combination of characterization and playability.
The PC muscles support Injustice 2 elevating it beyond mere porting, positively influencing the usability of the gameplay, defining a new limit for the possibility of reactivity itself. The fighting game of NetherRealm Studios is therefore proposed in dazzling form, giving PC users a perfect title for those who have just entered the world of duels at the latest Bat-Rang and refined to the right point to fascinate the veterans of on-screen combat.
► Injustice 2 is a fighting game published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/05/2017 The version for PC came out on 14/11/2017
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