Review for Ion Fury. Game for Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/02/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/12/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 31/12/2019 The version for Xbox One came out on 31/12/2019
The logo 3D Realms enough and advances to override the laws of physics, and immediately we find ourselves shot at 88 miles per hour traveling towards the past. Overcome the legal name hurdle - and badly lost the case with Steve Harris' band resulting in the game's name change, originally dubbed Ion Maiden - Ion Fury bursts into summer 2019 and takes us back to the golden age of FPS.
Transhumanism is now cleared of customs: humans transcend the intellect, psyche and physical qualities typical of their species thanks to cybernetic implants like Ghost in the Shell. Not all "augments" have peaceful intentions and, in Ion Fury, our job will be to fight subversives with heavy weapons.
The world of FPS can generally be divided into two eras: before and after Half-Life. Ion Fury belongs to the first time frame, although it reaches us twenty years late: we are talking about a time when the plot was not at the center of the gaming experience, created entirely with the sole purpose of responding to the need of the players to riddle with bullets waves upon waves of enemies, without too many frills. Wolfenstein, closely followed by the first two Doom (also landed a few weeks ago on the consoles of the current generation), Rise of the Triad and Shadow Warrior are the most striking examples of this very important historical period for the genre.
And then there was him: the Duke deserves a separate mention, because his light-hearted and irreverent style, subsequently matched perhaps only by Serious Sam, has definitively fixed in the collective imagination of gamers the state of the art of Half-hour shooters. Life. Ion Fury must be respected even only for the intent of the developers to bring the spirit of the immortal Duke Nukem to modern PCs, to be rediscovered or (why not, if you are young enough) to be discovered for the first time.
The gameplay is dated and, at the same time, modern enough: Ion Fury offers tons of weapons (and there is certainly no shortage of bullets around the levels) and as many enemies on which to download them. The levels, with a post-apocalyptic style with the right balance between science fiction and cyberpunk, are developed on multiple vertical levels and contain the right amount of secrets and keys to be found in order to continue beyond closed doors, another characteristic element of Doom and Duke Nukem.
The most demanding will have to object to the weapons that, apart from perhaps the grenades, they know all of them already seen and do not offer particular characteristics capable of differentiating them enough to appreciate their variety. Given Ion Fury's mission statement, however, whose only mission is to pay homage to the glorious past, the choice not to innovate in this sense seems to us the most obvious and appreciable.
The general feeling, more than Duke Nukem, brings to mind Rise of the Triad: the gloomy atmosphere and the reaction of the enemies to the bullets seem to be weighed down by the experience of Apogee. With the Duke, on the other hand, Ion Fury shares the irreverence of the protagonist: Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison (interesting the idea of putting a woman behind the gun) never misses the opportunity to tease enemies with her sharp tongue.
Despite this, however, it demonstrates less charisma and fails - nor will - to make us exclaim "Hail to the Queen", demonstrating how as much as the golden age of FPS can be attributed to infinity, its immortal icons do not they will never be undermined by a new lever, however temperamentally apt it may be.
Duke Nukem's original graphics engine immediately throws the truth in our faces: when a title is supported by solid gameplay, you don't need polygons, particle effects and photorealism to make it damn fun. Ion Fury, the first title to be based on the Build Engine after 19 years, amazes and works: if you are willing to turn a blind eye to a color palette that is sometimes a bit too dark, you will find yourself entertained by a retro graphics that still works and does today his part. Too bad for the character design of the enemies and the creation of the environments: if the maps are well designed and the antagonists are a tribute to the classics of the genre, the overall package lacks that captivating spirit that made the greatest great.
In short, a neon sign is not enough if there is no stripper inside the club to put money in his underwear: for the ten-hour duration of the campaign, Ion Fury entertains, entertains, and even brings down some dutiful tear of nostalgia, but even if approaching it will never overcome Doom II, Rise of the Triad and Duke Nukem 3D, which we highly recommend you to recover if you really want to savor the glories of a world as far away as it is still incredibly current and fun.
Ion Fury is a tribute to the FPS of the 90s: irreverent in the right place, graphically fitting and full of enemies to be filled with bullets. The 3D Realms game is all this, but nothing more: the presence of the original Duke Nukem 3D and the first two Dooms (released just a few weeks ago on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch) on the current consoles plan this new incarnation of the pre Half-Life shooter. However, if you are looking for the thrills of yesteryear and have already fleshed out the classic titles, putting yourself in Shelly's shoes will be a valid pastime for this summer 2019 holiday.
► Ion Fury is an indie-Shooter game published by 1C Company for Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/02/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/12/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 31/12/2019 The version for Xbox One came out on 31/12/2019