Kingdom Hearts III offers multiple activities, both for the main campaign and for the secondary and end-game activities. The latter presuppose a thorough knowledge of the various maps in the title or a rather accurate exploration of them if necessary.
Here we are going to analyze which activities will be available once you have finished the main campaign.
Once you have finished the main campaign, you will have access to Battlegates, portals that will appear in each of the game worlds. They are shaped like blue spheres and will teleport you to a battlefield where you can face powerful enemies. They have different levels of difficulty and completing them will grant you access to useful items as well Secret Reports, which will reveal more details about the narrative universe of the game.
Battle with Dark Inferno
Another interesting end-game content, directly related to Battlegates, is the secret boss battle Dark Inferno. It will be available through the Battlegate number 14 in the map Wastelands. Once you beat the mighty boss, you will have access to the Crystal Regalia, which will provide a boost to your strength and magic.
Lucky charm
I Lucky charm, head-shaped Mickey mouse, are one of the collectibles available in Kingdom Hearts III. They, scattered around the game worlds, once found and photographed via the Gummifono, they will provide you with interesting rewards and also allow you to have access to the secret ending. The number of emblems you need depends on the difficulty level you're playing at: all if you're playing Easy, 60 if you're playing Standard, and 30 if you're playing Expert. The Lucky Charms are hidden around the worlds and finding them is not always easy and sometimes you will need a good dose of patience, a painstaking exploration and a good spirit of observation. Occasionally Paperino, Pippo or the same Sora they'll say they've seen one, so keep your ears open!
The ability to photograph them will unlock once you receive the Gummifono a Twilight Town. Once you have located a Lucky Charm, use the Gummifono camera and frame it: a red frame will appear if you are looking at it from the wrong angle or distance and a yellow frame if you are framing it in the right way; at this point it will be enough to photograph it and that's it: the Lucky Charm will be in your database.
Photographic Missions
During the game, i Moogle they will ask you for some missions in which you will have to photograph some things, in particular here we talk about those concerning the photos of monsters: for these you will have to photograph the monsters with which you will have the opportunity to fight during the game and the mission is done.
Unlock Ultima Weapon
In Kingdom Hearts III there are numerous Keyblades, Ultima Weapon is one of them. Extremely difficult to obtain, given the rarity of the materials needed to produce it, it is also a very powerful weapon, so we recommend that you try to have it in your arsenal. The first thing to do will be to find at least one of each material in the game (there are 58) and, to find out which ones you are missing, you can consult the list at the Moogle shop, available in every world. To get them all, you will have to search for them around the worlds, fighting and opening chests. Once you have accumulated at least one of each material, the Moguri will tell you that you can produce Ultima Weapon. To craft it, you will need the materials: find them and produce the weapon, which will also give you access to the trophy attached to it.
Statuettes of Hercules
A Thebes, you will find statuettes of Hercules scattered in various places. In all there are 5: take them and you can exchange them for other things. To get access to this content, you don't need to finish the main campaign first, just the Mount Olympus.
Gummi Ship missions
Some missions of the Gummi Ship they will give you rewards and unlock the trophies connected to them; some will ask you to photograph constellations, others to find some customizations for your ship. With it you will also have access to some Treasure chests, which will provide you with important rewards.
Each of these end-game challenges will work together to keep you busy once the title's main campaign is over, and completing it 100% will also provide you with the trophy connected to it.
Recall that Kingdom Hearts III was released on January 29, 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
► Kingdom Hearts III is an Action-JRPG game developed and published by Square Enix for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 25/01/2019
Kingdom Hearts III is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 95%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Kingdom Hearts III review