Writing about a production such as La-Mulana turns out to be an arduous undertaking, today as it was fifteen years ago. And the fact that this review is the daughter of the re-release on current gen of one of the most acclaimed, savored and gutted by hardcore gamers, makes the challenge almost prohibitive. But let's go in order.
La-Mulana, for those who do not know the genesis of this binary production, is an adventure-platform game initially released only for PC by GR3 Project back in 2005. Noting the interest matured around a freeware creature which was the very first La-Mulana, the developer has subsequently well thought of starting to convert and remaster the original work, publishing it for a fee on a whole series of different consoles. Until today, with Nigoro and the arrival on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One of a compilation able to give the possibility to the owners of the current consoles to be able to dirty their hands, rubbing them against the filthy gears that define the deceptive traps of which the two chapters of La-Mulana are marked.
E getting the extremities of the upper limbs dirty in this fantastic universe has never been so pleasant. Populated by nasty creatures and truly unlikely NPCs, the world of La-Mulana 1 & 2 is spectacular and painstakingly detailed. Whether you want to start from the first stage of history, thus impersonating the Japanese-American archaeologist Lemeza Kosugi, or whether you intend to skip the narrative concoctions of the very first La-Mulana to devote yourself completely to the expertise described by Lemeza's daughter, Lumisa Kosugi , in the second part of the work, every constitutive aspect of the creation is full of style and refinement.
Know that La-Mulana 1 & 2 is difficult. Very. Between one apotropaic gesture and another, homo ludens proceeds nonstop, whatever the starting point selected. Two metroidvania with a typical retro flavor, with many variables to take into consideration when exploring the ruins, damn hard to face but with obstacles and enemies as important (at least) as the satisfaction felt in overcoming them. If you wanted to go and look for the classic nit, the only aspect on which you could point your finger should be found in the pitiless difficulty of some playful fragments, which could discourage the less patient.
Truly extensive maps will guarantee hours and hours of gameplay in the midst of which to address many insults to your favorite recipient, rejoicing even for the smallest of achievements. Between a leap of faith and a treasure gained through sweat, La-Mulana 1 & 2 never ceases to pamper the gamer, providing him with all the stimuli so that he can continue with his head down and without delay on the long path that will lead him to the discovery of every minimum secret. The freshness of the gameplay is guaranteed by the aptitude of these two games to constantly reshape their playful plot, so that something new can be proposed in every binary ravine..
Un practically perfect control system leaves no room for the usual sterile polemics that the gamer in an evident neurodegenerative state of blasphemy usually launches against the developers of particularly hard productions, citing the causes of their failures to inaccurate or responsive commands.
Graphically, both titles confirm to be really well packaged: sprites detailed enough stand out against pixelated but witty decorated backdrops, often embellished with really delicious special effects. Open applause for the sound sector, definitely evocative in the chiptuned music reproduced during the adventure.
The revival of La-Mulana 1 & 2 on current gen consoles represents an excellent opportunity for all those who have already had the opportunity to venture into the depths of the universe of Nigoro production. For all the others, however, the publication of La Mulana 1 & 2 is the classic offer that cannot be refused. Bring home these two pillars of the two-dimensional video game as soon as possible, quickly.