Mass Effect Andromeda is a rift from the past, with enough changes to leave fans of the series baffled. Whether you are a fan of ME or a new player, follow our guide to make the initial stages of the game easier and be able to fully enjoy the latest BioWare effort.
- Improve your physical stats first
How your character levels up will depend on the style of play you adopt. We recommend that you focus on upgrading your physical stats first so that you can deal more damage, take less, and shoot with more accuracy. At the beginning of the game these skills are very useful to make the adventure less difficult. It is also important not to forget about your allies: you can level up as much as you want, but without them in some parts of the game it will still be difficult to continue.
- Create all kinds of objects
Crafting is divided into the two phases of research and development. the research part consists in finding the blueprints of the various weapons. If you are unable to create something, in the creation menu press square on Playstation 4 or x on Xbox One to highlight which materials you are missing. Be sure to explore all kinds of objects when you are on different planets, because only by accumulating research points can you create the most powerful weapons.
- Explore wisely
Many times it makes no sense to enter a solar system and explore every single planet just to accumulate some experience points and collect some minerals. You can minimize effort and maximize the result by looking for just the anomaly in each solar system.
- Craft items and minerals
On each planet it is important to unlock the mines. When the resource level is at maximum you can use a drone to collect some good loot. If you want you can exploit the mine to the limit otherwise, if you don't want to spend too much time on this activity, once you have collected the highest loot, move to another planet.
- Modify the Nomad
the Nomad can be modified to make the vehicle more resistant and suitable to better face the adventure. The changes to the Nomad don't stop with the simple exterior: on each planet look for the mod merchants for the Nomad and have fun customizing the latter to make exploration easier.
- Search Terminals are your friends
At the beginning of the game when you want to upgrade your arsenal, you will quickly realize how scarce money is in Mass Effect Andromeda. By unlocking a Research Terminal you will immediately have a reward to reinvest: a Commercial Capsule will give you 500 credits every three quarters of an hour, to be used immediately to purchase new weapons. Do not exclude also the Scientific Capsules, able to make you collect more minerals and save you hours of research on the various planets.
If you found this guide useful, don't forget to also consult those on how to change armor, how to solve Remnant puzzles, how to train characters and how to choose the best weapons. Without of course forgetting our guide to love stories.