Review for Metro Redux. Game for Linux, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 26/08/2014 The version for PC came out on 29/08/2014 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 28/02/2020 The version for Xbox One came out on 29/08/2014
Artyom reluctantly rose from his seat by the fire and, carrying the machine gun from his back to his chest, headed for the darkness. He was standing at the edge of the lighted area when he released the safety from the gun and began to scream in a gruff and threatening way, with all the breath in his body: “Stop! Password!".
Dmitry Gluchovsky is the Russian author of the quotation just read and originally written for the novel Metro 2033 from which Deep Silver e 4A Games they made the video game of the same name, produced for PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC in 2015 and today also landed on Nintendo Switch in the remaster bundle of Metro 2033 e Meter: Last Light named Metro Redux.
First of all, it should be specified that Metro Redux: 2033 and Metro Redux Last Light are two separate titles but linked by each other, both in a remastered version and adapted to next gen consoles. They can be purchased and used separately, given that the second chapter offers several flashbacks of clarification, and while in the original version the second title offered an improved graphics engine, in the Redux version both have undergone a powerful refurbishment that also goes to smooth out some flaws in the gameplay. .
Today they can be purchased in a physical bundle that includes both titles and all the DLCs or in digital version on Nintendo eShop one at a time, also here with all expansions included. The price as usual might seem a bit high - around 25 euros for the single versions - but it must be said that the experience offered, the duration and the story are worth the price of the ticket, even if unfortunately the replayability factor is limited to wanting tackle the adventure at a higher difficulty level.
Speaking of the plot, it must be said that Gluchovskij was particularly good at dealing with a theme in his novels that has basically already been addressed over and over again, without being trivial and keeping the reader with his nose glued to the book, and also the boys of Deep Silver 4A Games have been good at transposing the heart of the books into Metro Redux: 2033 + Last Light.
It wasn't easy since the title itself is a mix of horror, adventure, exploration in FPS sauce: you don't often see titles that represent a mix of different genres while still managing to maintain an identity while blending fun gameplay with a complex storyline and articulated; well, both Metro Redux: 2033 and Last Light succeed in providing a small masterpiece, still valid today and still exciting.
Metro Redux: 2033 + Last Light sees us impersonating Artyom in a truly gloomy context. The nuclear winter has completely enveloped the planet making life on the surface impossible. The few survivors found refuge in the old stations of the Moscow Metro and built an ecosystem there that allowed life as we know it to survive, albeit with some compromise. Real communities have formed in the various stations, creating markets and exchanges and offering the population refuge and safety.
Unfortunately, however, radiation has given birth to new and dangerous forms of life that hinder transport and kill mercilessly. Several factions have taken control and are turning their gaze to recapture the planet by trying to kill all threats. There will be various twists and threats that you will have to face: in fact, the evil nature of man takes over and in addition to the radioactive enemies you will have to face bandits and marauders, whose danger also derives from traps which the playing field is strewn with. .
Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that the game context sees the protagonist in an era in which resources do not abound and the territory is hostile. The gas mask is essential as is constantly changing filters. Every single bullet, which is also used as a currency, is to be considered precious given the difficulty you will have in finding them. The mysterious creatures are also quite leathery, and it will often take a lot of firepower to take down the packs.
Fortunately, at the beginning of the game it is possible to choose the approach with which to face the adventure that will decide whether to prefer a stealth and more horror context, in which to sip the bullets and move with caution or whether to opt for a more First Person version. Shooter where ammo is easier to retrieve.
This shouldn't make you think the second option is easier, it's just a choice: in fact dark caverns, supernatural creatures, traps and enemies are the mood of the adventure of Metro Redux: 2033 + Last Light and you will need to measure every single step giving the right weight to the exploration phase. Therefore, rely on the light of your helmet and the accessories supplied by spending some time to understand if you are under or above the wind with your lighter in order to understand if the creatures you see in the distance will be a problem or not and I recommend, always keep d eye the sky: monsters have wings! Also make sure you always have enough ammo, filters, and weapon upgrades, as the only way to stock up is to loot corpses or trade ammo for black market material you will find at outposts along your path.
The added value of Metro Redux: 2033 + Last Light - despite the imprint is horror and the gameplay is FPS-rated - lies in the ability to involve the player in a dense and credible plot which, thanks to the masterful realization, will remain in your head over time, effectively creating an experience that is close to reading a good novel. This is partly thanks to the author of the original novel and partly to the transposition of the development team who, collaborating (more in the first chapter than in the second) and inserting new but coherent elements, carries on the trend while keeping intact the verve that distinguishes the genre.
Speaking of the porting work, we need to make some clarifications: compared to the original titles, the Metro Redux: 2033 + Last Light version when it came out was characterized by an upgrade both of the details and textures and of the graphics engine itself. Although it was more evident in the older chapter, both have benefited from a rejuvenation that today lands on the Nintendo laptop, unfortunately with some slight compromises. In total the experience is remarkable, more on the big screen than in portability, and the total is stable and free from slowdowns, but the graphic detail (especially on the details when the camera is close to the object) is affected by the less hardware. performance of the Switch, perhaps even a little due to the porting work.
In particular, the writer has found some uploads really exhausting, which in the other versions are much faster. Fortunately, even in this case the experience is marginally affected and in the end this waiting time as well as the graphic compromise do not undermine a final experience that can be defined as truly remarkable.
Metro Redux: 2033 + Last Light published by Deep Silver and 4A Games finally arrives on Switch with its magnificent horror atmospheres and with its adrenaline-pumping moments of hunting and escape. The experience is well transposed net of some graphic compromise that does not undermine the experience, and enjoying the portability of the title, as always, offers that added value that combined with the plot and gameplay fully justify the purchase. Recommended for lovers of the genre and anyone who has not enjoyed the titles on Playstation 4, Xbox One or PC.
► Metro Redux is a Shooter-RPG type game developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver for Linux, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the game was released on 26/08/2014 The version for PC came out on 29/08/2014 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 28/02/2020 The version for Xbox One came out on 29/08/2014