Review for Monster Hunter: World Iceborne. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 26/01/2018 The version for PC came out on 09/08/2018
If we were to go and look for something that leaves a bitter aftertaste at the end of Monster Hunter Worldwould surely have been that sense of unfinished at the end of the main campaign. Relatively speaking, World has conceded a little less than its predecessors in terms of post-end game content, despite that Capcom has put a lot of effort into keeping the latest title in the series alive Action JRPG, between events, famous collaborations such as the one with Final Fantasy XIV and the introduction of tempered and arch-tempered monsters.
However, there was always that "something" that fans of the series craved. We finally have the answer, thanks to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, the expansion that will be released worldwide on September 6 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
Towards the Beyond and ... beyond!
Following the mystery unveiled in the Crystal Wilds and the defeat of the first Xenojiiva discovered by hunters in the New World, bizarre new phenomena begin to occur in the Ecosystem. A flock of Legiana, already majestic creatures in themselves, migrate desperately to the Northwest of the New World. The five fleets and the research institute decide to investigate the strange event, also because of a mysterious "song" that seems to attract the Legiana in question.
Thus it was that a new small continent was discovered, dominated by an arctic and harsh climate. The hunter will once again be the protagonist of a thousand hunts and an indispensable resource for the crew that has settled in the New World. We then set off again to unravel mysteries, in an attempt to rebalance an altered ecosystem that has caused damage not only in the glacial expanses, but in the New World itself.
Sometimes they come back..
The frozen wastes are perhaps only a brief prelude to what Monster Hunter World: Iceborne really understands. This is not an episode, it is not a map with monsters never seen before, but the rediscovery of the true essence of the Monster Hunter. The infamous Grade G, known in this new title as "Master Degree", makes his return and with him his difficulty. Hunters will finally be able to really test themselves and fight with nails and teeth to be able to win both single and multi player against the new and old monsters.
The adventure continues in the frost-laden expanses, with the arrival of new monsters such as the Banbaro, Beotudus and the new Ice Elder Dragon, Velkhana, and the raids in the New World are far from coming to an end. As in the "definitive" editions of the previous Monster Hunter, here too come the subspecies, ie variants of the monsters that have already appeared, which differ in abilities, elemental affinities and even habitat. You will also see several famous returns of some popular monsters from the series, and some unexpected monster debuts introduced in the Spin off Monster Hunter: Generations. Summing up, Capcom has kept the best at the last and it's up to you to discover the many surprises that Monster Hunter World: Iceborne holds.
The rediscovery of Monster Hunter World
To surround the aforementioned surprises, Capcom introduces several new features also in terms of gameplay and battle system. Unreleased in the Monster Hunter universe, we are witnessing the debut of the Rampino Artiglio, a very versatile double-edged sword that can be used at any time. With this grappling hook, the hunter can launch himself on the back of a monster whenever he feels the need and will have two options: take advantage of the opportunity of a combo on the back, which varies depending on the weapon, or try to hijack the I show towards a wall or other type of obstacle in order to make it totter.
The Claw Grapple also allows you to relentlessly chase a monster that attempts to escape, although there is a risk of being thrown off, resulting in a loss of both health and stamina.
The number of executable combos are also expanded with some weapons, but also the gadgets of the Felyne, whose Level Cap has been increased. Once again the Felynes will be indispensable companions, thanks to their new tools. A nice innovation is the Observation Kit, a tool that allows you to take snapshots during hunting sessions, also useful for concluding some optional tasks.
A new hunter settlement will also be established in the Underworld: Seliana. A new village that fulfills the task of being the "branch" of Astera, also including spas and new NPCs that enrich the cast.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is not an expansion, but Capcom's answer to fans of the series - but also to newbies - who craved even more from a title that already from its release marked a considerable success for a saga that did not boast of an undisputed notoriety. Thanks to the Master Degree and the innovations introduced, we can very well conclude our review by stating that the hunts are not over at all and for a title like Monster Hunter - which boasts a decent enjoyment in terms of post-game entertainment - Iceborne is simply the icing on the cake that was missing. Few words to the wise!
► Monster Hunter: World Iceborne is an Adventure-RPG game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 26/01/2018 The version for PC came out on 09/08/2018