Review for Musynx. Game for PC, iOS, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 06/07/2015 The version for PC came out on 05/12/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 21/06/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 21/06/2018
When we talk about music the first thing we think about is the feeling that binds us to it, but when we talk about Rhythm games, what is it that comes to mind as a first thought?
I think that music contains a freedom, more than any other art, by not limiting itself only to the exact reproduction of nature, but to the mysterious links between nature and the imagination.
Claude Debussy
Music, epilepsy, alien Koreans and lots of fun. What's better when a single product manages to unite our greatest passions? MUSYNX is this, but also much more!
Developed by I-Inferno, MUSYNX is a Rhythm Game with a very classic gameplay but able to easily compete with the greatest titles of its kind… if only Osu did not exist. Available as early as June 19 for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita and Android, the game is varied both from a graphic point of view and on the range of musical genres proposed: we pass from darker atmospheres with low notes music, to a climate definitely kawaii with very cheerful and soothing Chinese songs: in short, the genres are all there for any taste. And by all I mean, everyone, even you can find 8-bit beatmaps of music.
Graphics are one of the strong points of MUSYNX. In the menu there is no real subdivision of genres, for this reason the developers have decided to assign different graphics depending on the musical genre. In the kawaii genre (whose frame is marked with a moon) we have a pastel-colored beatmap, clouds with happy expressions and a bright green lawn as a background. Conversely, if we choose more Techno genres or epic hues, the beatmap will have a mix of dark colors, such as a black that stands out loud, a bright red and a vivid silver. The position of the map is instead, unlike Osu, tilted exactly as it was also that of Guitar Hero; personally, I prefer a more immediate and straightforward beatmap.
MUSYNX offers the player the possibility to play the beatmaps in 2 difficulties: Easy and Hard, but unfortunately it has not made a tutorial available for those who are beginners with this videogame genre. The beatmaps are arranged on levels, the complexity starts from grade 1 to 10, but there is a further difficulty (the most difficult) which is marked with a question mark.
In addition to Hard and Easy Mode, the game also offers 2 game modes: 4k and 6k (i.e. the 4 key and the 6 key). In 4k the player will have 4 keys at his disposal to complete the song, while in 6k, of course, there will be 6 keys; a little bit poor if we want to compare it with the excellent Osu Rhythm, which can easily reach 9k.
For the moment MUSYNX offers a wide range of songs and musical genres, but the expansion of the title is completely absent. There is a shop in the Play Store, which however is currently empty; we hope that in the near future the developers will make available to players some purchasable packages with new beatmaps to complete or the game may already consider closing its doors, not only for this reason. Another flaw, in fact, is the complete lack of competition; what drives you to play and improve in this videogame genre is the presence of a Leaderboard or for example of unlockable content with certain beatmap rankings.
MUSYNX instead offers the gamer all of his beatmaps but no type of competition. Combined with the fact that it does not have, at least for now, an expansion through the purchase of new songs, many of which are very similar to each other, it is penalized and it makes a decidedly short-lived title with monotonous features. However, if we take into account that the publisher is PMStudios, it is very likely that new beatmaps will be added, but unfortunately nothing has been officially announced yet.
MUSYNX is a worthy rival to many Rhythm games. The wide graphic range for the beatmaps, the ever-changing musical genres and the customization of the controls make it a captivating and fun video game. Unfortunately, due to the defects mentioned above, it is in a decidedly disadvantaged position from the point of view of continuity, risking being able to end up in the list of forgotten games very soon. The general impression, however, is that the beatmaps, although pleasant, have a very low difficulty level even at high difficulty compared to other Rhythms such as Osu. It is certainly a valid alternative for all fans of the genre.
► Musynx is a Music type game for PC, iOS, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 06/07/2015 The version for PC came out on 05/12/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 21/06/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 21/06/2018