After ours review we offer you the complete list of objectives for Xbox One di Ori and the Will of the Wisps, the beautiful adventure Moon Studios. In the game there are a total of 37 objectives, 12 of which are secret and unlockable based on the approach to the game that you choose to adopt.
- Tools of the Trade: Unlock all skills - 20 G
- Mad Skills: Improve all skills - 60 G
- Fully Slotted: Upgrade all Shard Slots - 15G
- Shard Hunter: Unlock all Shards - 30 G.
- Shard Specialist: Upgrade all Shards - 75 G
- Healthy: Fill the life bar to the max - 15 G
- Powerful: Fill the energy bar to the maximum - 15 G
- Cartographer's Protégé: Buy all maps from Wolf - 20 G.
- Shrine Bright: Complete all Sanctuaries of the Spirit - 30 G.
- Lost and Found: Find all collectibles - 50 G.
- Mark of the Trader: Complete the trading sequence quest - 20 G.
- Completionist: Complete all side missions - 30 G.
- Fixer Upper: Complete all Wellspring Glades Projects - 30 G.
- Speed Demon: Complete all Trials of the Spirit - 50 G.
- Juggling Act: Juggle 3 or more bullets in the air for more than 5 seconds - 15G
- Bring It On: Defeat 5 enemies without touching the ground - 15 G.
- High and Dry: Don't Touch the Corrupted Waters - 10G
- Damage Spike: Defeat 3 enemies with a single spike - 10 G.
- Did I Do That ?: Defeat 10 enemies using environmental hazards - 10 G.
- Shardless: Complete the game without equipping a Shard - 20 G.
- Lightless: Complete the game without equipping Spirit Lights - 40 G.
- Destiny: Complete the game - 50 G
- Hardcore Fan: Complete the game on Hard difficulty - 100 G.
- Look at the Time: Complete the game in under 4 hours - 40G
- Immortal: Complete the game without dying - 50 G
Ori and the Will of the Wisps' objective list continues with i 12 secret goals:
- Close Call - 5 G
- Take the Bug by the Horn - 10 G
- Laser Brain - 5 G
- Home Sweet Home - 15 G
- Let the Waters Flow - 15 G
- Icy Escape - 15 G
- Dark Triumph - 20 G
- Guardian's Rest - 20 G
- Quick sand - 15 G
- Stone Cold - 20 G
- Untouchable - 20 G
- Timely Demise - 20 G
We remind you that Ori and the Will of the Wisps is available for download for all holders of the subscription Xbox Game Pass for both PC and Xbox One and a version of the game for Nintendo Switch, however, not yet officially confirmed by Microsoft, seems to be expected.
► Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a Platform-Metroidvania-type game developed by Moon Studios and published by Microsoft Studios for PC and Xbox One, the video game was released on 11/03/2020
Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Ori and the Will of the Wisps