While exploring the world of Niwel in Ori and the Will of the Wisps, you will happen to come across some mysterious seed. These collectibles can be used to complete the side mission of Tuley, who will use them to restore the clearing and bring it back to the beauties of the past. Along with the trading sequence side quest, this also requires different skills and access to different play areas.
Each harvested seed will sprout and create a passage to different areas of the clearings that were previously difficult to reach. After delivering all six of them, you will also receive an ancestral ability upgrade, which grants you a 25% permanent damage boost. Below we explain how to complete it smoothly.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps - Mystery Seeds guide
1) The quest begins in the Silent Woods. To the left of the portal closest to Kwolok Valley, you'll find an NPC complaining about the death of a spirit tree, handing you a branch.
Take him to Tuley in the Spring Glades, who will inform you that there is now nothing you can do to save him.
Bring the sad information back to the Silent Wood, to be rewarded with the first seed that you can give to Tuley.
2) From the portal in Baur's Peak, move left and then up. The seed is behind the icefall, so you'll need to have it unlocked the fire skill in order to recover it.
3) From the portal in the Rottenwood Depth, move down to the left. Cross the ditch and go right. Before recovering it you will have to necessarily eliminate the boss present in the area.
4) Once you reach the teleportation in the Source, move to the far right of the area, to get the fourth seed.
5) From the first teleport in Luma Lakes, go left. You will need to reach the room where the oxygen bubbles allow you to continue upwards. The seed is on a ledge to the left of the area.
6) In the Storm Ruins, reach the first ledge in the upper left of the portal, jumping over the first mound of sand.
Here is our guide that explains how to find the six Mysterious Seeds hidden in Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
► Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a Platform-Metroidvania-type game developed by Moon Studios and published by Microsoft Studios for PC and Xbox One, the video game was released on 11/03/2020
Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Ori and the Will of the Wisps