One of the most fascinating Pokémon of all has always been Porygon, "Virtual" Pokémon that over the generations has gained two more evolutions compared to the basic form that appeared for the first time in Pokémon Red and Blue. Here, therefore, Epic Videogames Guide offers you today the guide on how to defeat the Raid Boss alone Porygon in the Pokémon Go mobile game.
The app from Nintendo, Niantic and The Pokémon Company is experiencing a second youth thanks to Raid Bosses, seasonal events and the introduction of the third generation. However, Porygon remains one of the rarest monsters to be encountered by chance and therefore Raid Boss battles are the perfect opportunity to catch one with good stats.
As with the Raid Boss Ninetales Individual Battle, also in this case it is good to know some information before facing the fight.
Minimum Player Level: 25
Minimum pokémon level: 25
Weaknesses: fight
Time available: 180 seconds
Recommended team:
Machamp: Counter & Dynamipugno
Hariyama: Counter & Dynamipugno
Mewtwo: Confusion & Focalcolpo
Dragonite: Codadrago & Outrage
Blaziken: Counter & Focus Shot
Breloom: : Counter & Dynamipugno
Heracross: Counter & Scuffle
The team needed to defeat Porygon is quite homogeneous: fighting Pokémon are in fact the best choice to complete the battle in the best possible way. We also remember that Porygon evolves into Porygon2 starting from the second generation and into Porygon-Z starting from the fourth.
If you are interested in other guides related to the world of Pokémon Go you can consult:
Guide to the Raid Boss Kyogre
MewTwo Exclusive Raid Boss Guide
Guide to the new Weather System