In the remake of the first Pokémon Mystery Dungeon for Nintendo Switch, i Shiny (or Shiny) Pokémon, very rare creatures that are distinguished by their different color than normal. They were introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver, and have since become a credit to collectors.
It's clear how tempting the thought of adding these unique Pokémon to our rescue team is and that's why we've drafted this guide that will help you find them and how to recruit them.
The shiny Pokémon, or the supernemics of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX
Absent in Red Team and Blue Team, shiny Pokémon feature in the form of supernemics, another new mechanic of the remake. These supernemics are marked on the dungeon list with a yellow triangle upside down with a black crown in the center and are much stronger Pokémon than normal, giving more experience and having the possibility of being shiny. They can appear on all floors of the dungeon but their appearance is not guaranteed. The supernemic, indicated by the yellow triangle on the map, will behave exactly like a normal Pokémon, with the difference that it will give more trouble.
Not all Pokémon have their shiny counterparts: The total number of shiny Pokémon that can be obtained in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX is 27, how many are the supernemics.
Here is the list of all Pokémon that can be Shiny or Shiny in alphabetical order, along with the name of the dungeon in which they can appear. To unlock most of them you will need to finish the main adventure and talk to Whiscash or check the bulletin board.
- Aipom: Solar Grotto
- Altana: Tight Fantasy
- Ambipom: Majestic Canyon
- Ampharos: Dark Forest
- Azumarill: Monte Vampa
- Butterfree: Forest Howling
- Corsola: Lost Sea
- Ditto: Buried Ruin
- Dragonite: Monte Tuono
- Electrode: Remote Mount
- Espeon: Desolate Island
- Exeggcute: Dragon Hill
- Exeggutor: Voragine Valley
- Gyarados: Pond Waterfall
- Hoothoot: Tenebrosa Cave
- Lickilicky: Monte Surgelo
- Magikarp: Sea Wonder
- Metagross: Silent Abyss
- Ninetales: Nordic Range
- Noctowl: Turchina Cave
- Rapidash: Monte Steel
- Shuckle: South Cave
- Spinda: Glacial Forest
- Starmie: Great Sea
- Sudowoodo: Arid Region
- Wobbuffet (Female): Ruin Buianotte
- Zangoose: Ponente cave
Increase the odds
The chances of recruiting a supernemic, a shiny one, are very slim. Before setting out on the hunt for a golden Azumarill, a green Espeon or a red Gyarados, we recommend that you read theanother guide dedicated to how they recruit Pokémon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX before or after this, because the rules are the same.
In the same guide we also write about how increase the chances to recruit a Pokémon: the general advice, however, is to wait for the end of the main adventure and get an item called Friend Ribbon, present in dungeons such as the Solar Cave and others.
Celebi shiny or chromatic
Celebi is a very famous Pokémon in Mystery Dungeon DX as it will automatically join the group once you reach the 99F floor of the Purity Forest, considered the hardest dungeon in the game. Once the Pokémon Timovia joins the rescue team, the ability to recruit another one will be unlocked Mysterious House, with the substantial difference that it could be shiny. To enter a Mysterious House, you must purchase an Invitation from the Kecleon shops and hope it will appear in the dungeons.
With Celebi, the guide dedicated to shiny or chromatic Pokémon ends in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. Hoping you found it useful, we wish you the best of success in convincing these greedy creatures to join your team.
► Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is a RPG-Adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 06/03/2020
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 80%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Review: Rescue Team DX