Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon contain many additions to their base versions, including Pokémon, legendary missions and characters. Among the many innovations, dominant stickers appear. As the word itself recalls, these stickers deal with the dominant versions of Pokémon that you may have already met in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon as you completed your tour of the Alola Islands.
There are 100 dominant stickers scattered throughout Alola, and the places to find them are sometimes the most unthinkable. Sometimes you may find them on city walls, or in the most unthinkable corners of offices or structures. These stickers were stuck for the islands by Team Skull and will be Liam, during the tour in the first island, to entrust you with the task of finding them. As you deliver the recovered stickers to Liam, he will reward you with dominant Pokémon which, as already seen in Sun and Moon, have larger dimensions and a unique special ability.
You will receive a Pokémon for each set amount of stickers delivered, and the creature in question will differ depending on which version of Pokémon you are playing. To claim your prize, pay a visit to Professor Oak at Kantai Beach in the Melemele Islands. We report below the list of Pokémon obtainable through this mission:
- Dominant Gumshoos - Ultra Sun Pokémon 20
- Raticate dominant - Ultraluna 20
- Dominant Marowak - Ultra Sun 40
- Dominant Araquanid - Ultraluna 40
- Lurantis dominant - Ultra Sun 50
- Dominant salazzle - Ultraluna 50
- Dominant Vikavolt - Ultra Sun 70
- Dominant Togedemaru - Ultraluna 70
- Dominant Mimikyu - Both 80
- Dominant Ribombee - Ultra Sun 100
- Dominant Kommo-o - Pokémon Ultra Moon 100
Finally, we leave you with a video that will accurately show you the places where you can find the 100 stickers scattered around the various places in Alola.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon are available exclusively for Nintendo 3DS. Find our review in this article.
► Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is a JRPG type game developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo for Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 17/11/2017
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