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Psycho Pass: Mandatory Happiness is a visual novel released on PlayStation 4, Playstation Vita, Xbox One and PC inspired by the anime of the same name (consisting of two seasons and a film) located approximately in the first episodes of the first season.
Obtaining platinum is not particularly complex, following the guide that we propose, nor quite long if you will ski the parts you have already read and with the use of multiple saves (always indicated in this guide).
The plot can be played from two different points of view, that of Nadeshiko Kugatachi (the Inspector) and that of Takuma Tsurugi (the Enforcer).
To get the platinum it is necessary to play it several times with both characters, but, as already mentioned, using multiple saves and the skip at the right times, it will not be difficult.
Below is the list of trophies and, further down, the description of the various walkthroughs. Get ready, it will be a long guide.
- Demon's Whiper: You have reached the "Demon's Whisper" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - Every Color: You have reached the "Every Color" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - Light and Shadow: You have reached the "Light and Shadow" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - Violet Flower: You have reached the "Violet Flower" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - Lady Talk: You have reached the "Lady Talk" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - Resting Leadership: You have reached the "Resting Leadership" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 2 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - An Angel's Smile: You have reached the "An Angel's Smile" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 2 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - The Burdened: You have reached the "The Burdened" route (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playthrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi - Summoning of Mephistopheles: You have reached the "Summoning of Mephistopheles" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 3 Takuma Tsurugi - Toy-Box Brothers: You have reached the "Toy-Box Brothers" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 2 Takuma Tsurugi - Man of Stone: You have reached the "Man of Stone" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 1 Takuma Tsurugi - Duel on Table: You have reached the "Duel on Table" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 3 Takuma Tsurugi - Bedtime Stories: You have reached the "Bedtime Stories" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 2 Takuma Tsurugi - The One Who Seeks Chaos: You have reached the "The One Who Seeks Chaos" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 1 Takuma Tsurugi - Surprise Weekend: You have reached the "Surprise Weekend" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 1 Takuma Tsurugi - The Grapplers: You have reached the "The Grapplers" route (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playthrough 1 Takuma Tsurugi
- Happy Family: You have reached the "Happy Family" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Childhood's End: You have reached the "Childhood's End" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Goddess of Guidance: You have reached the "Goddess of Guidance" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 2 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Eternal Cradle: You have reached the "Eternal Cradle" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 2 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Answer Revealed: You have reached the "Answer Revealed" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - When The Time Comes: You have reached the "When The Time Comes" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 1 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Thus, Fate has Proclaimed the End: You have reached the "Thus, Fate has Proclaimed the End" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 2 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Guardian of Life: You have reached the "Guardian of Life" ending (Nadeshiko Kugatachi)
See Playtrough 2 Nadeshiko Kugatachi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Magical Song: You have reached the “Magical Song” ending (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playtrough 3 Takuma Tsurugi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Symbol of Faith: You have reached the "Symbol of Faith" ending (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playtrough 2 Takuma Tsurugi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - A Night to Kill: You have reached the "A Night to Kill" ending (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playtrough 2 Takuma Tsurugi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Those Capable: You have reached the "Those Capable" ending (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playtrough 1 Takuma Tsurugi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Floating Ark: You have reached the "Floating Ark" ending (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playtrough 3 Takuma Tsurugi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Return of The Masked Princess: You have reached the “Return of The Masked Princess” ending (Takuma Tsurugi)
See Playtrough 3 Takuma Tsurugi. The trophy will unlock after the credits. - Achieved 100.000 Points: You have collected 100.000 points from the minigame.
From the main menu, under “Extras”, you can access the Psycho Pass: Mandatory Happiness minigame. It is a simple puzzle game, identical to 2048 (who remembers it?), In which, by assembling the various numbered blocks, placed a 4 × 4 grid, blocks of increasing value will be obtained. For example, by assembling two blocks of 2 you will get one of 4, assembling two of 4 you will get one of 8 and so on.
My advice is to play the story levels as much as possible, because, in addition to the points determined by the score, you will get bonus points that will go up exponentially according to the level of the story.
However, if you are unable to finish the story levels on the first attempt, the advice is to play the Free Mode and train there, and then return to the Story Mode.
A tip from an avid player of 2048, however, is to always place the block with the highest value at the bottom right (or bottom left, in any case in a corner of the grid).
Getting 100.000 points won't be particularly difficult, the problem arises for the two gold trophies PICTURE Complete e VOICE Complete, for which you will need to get around 605.000 points.
Get yourself a good movie or open Spotify, good grinding.
- PICTURE Complete: You have unlocked all PICTURE content.
You can find the PICTURE item always under the Extra item of the main menu, sub-item "Content Viewer". It will take more than 300.000 points to unlock all the photos, more than 600.000 as already mentioned to get the trophy as well VOICE Complete. My advice in this case is to save before buying the images, get the trophy and then reload to get the VOICE files. Unless you're big 2048 lovers like me. - SCENE Complete: You have unlocked all SCENE content.
The SCENES are all the images and "cartoons" that you will see during the story in the third person. Fortunately in this case you will not have to buy them with the points of the minigame, but you will unlock them by playing as you go. Attention, some are only obtainable through Bad Ending.
Open the SCENE item in the Extras menu to get the trophy. - TIPS Complete: You have unlocked all TIPS content.
TIPS are a kind of glossary that anyone who plays Visual Novel knows. As you play, you will often see a window appear at the top of the screen at the top of the screen indicating that a certain word has been added to the TIPS. You will get this trophy as the game progresses. - VOICE Complete: You have unlocked all VOICE content.
Each character's VOICE files cost 55.000 coins each. You will therefore need more than 600.000 coins to purchase them all. I remind you that, if you don't want to grind too much, the advice is always the same: buy all the PICTURE contents, get the trophy and then reload a previous save to buy the VOICE files.
- Trophy Complete: You have obtained all trophies.
Congratulations on Platinum!
Well, as you have noticed, most of the trophies will be obtained by unlocking particular Routes or Finals. In the following pages I will report the various Playthroughs for each character, with all the choices to make and the crucial moments in which to create the various saves. Enjoy the reading.