In this guide we show you the locations of all the golden Bolts present in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.
In Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (here our review) there are a total of 25 Gold Bolts. These are located on all nine planets in the game and are often not so easy to find. None of them are essential to continuing the game and you can get them even after finishing the main story.
- Bolt # 1: after you meet Ms. Zurkon in the market area, go right and go up a hidden magnetic ramp and follow the path to reach the factory entrance. Once inside the factory, look ahead and head to the assembly line where a roller will advance boxes that you can climb onto. In bolt is positioned at the top of the room, on the right as you enter.
- Bolt # 2: during the chase with Phantom you will find a rift to exploit to reach the hidden Bolt.
- Bolt # 3: after obtaining the ghost dodge and the ability to cling to certain walls, return to the beginning of the planet. Now you can grab the panels on the wall and get the Bolt.
- Bolt # 1: in the area where you get the drop ship, go behind the structure towards the edge of the map. Reach the portal you will notice there to find the Bolt.
- Bolt # 2: after repairing the bridge and fighting the Grunthor, the Bolt is located behind a green silo in the area where you defeated the second boss.
- Bolt # 3: after completing the third planet return to Sargasso, a new secondary mission will be available here. You will be required to find items, once you have all 30 as a reward you will be given a flying mount. Now that you can fly over the map go southeast from where you unlocked the mount, one air there will be rings where one of the last Bolt will be located.
- Bolt # 1: near where you land there is a golden Bolt floating, just launch and glide over it.
- Bolt # 2: complete the fourth arena challenge and you will be rewarded with the Bolt.
- Bolt # 3: obtained after completing the silver challenges, these are unlocked after completing 7 planets.
- Bolt # 1: you will find it on a small mountain west of the planet.
- Bolt # 2: in the southeast corner of Savali there is a flying platform behind a wall, when you get close it will start to escape: if you manage to climb it you will get the reward.
- Bolt # 3: this Bolt will only be reachable after finishing Ardolis. History will therefore take you back to Savali but the environment will change. Follow the story until you go underground to access the catacombs. Before continuing by unlocking the platform with a bolt, turn around in that same room to find a Glitch terminal. Complete it to get the reward.
- Bolt # 1: in the lava area, take the left side path and follow it to the end.
- Bolt # 2: reach the center of the map and hit the Blizon crystals to move to the other dimension. Once here, use the magnetic boots to cross the bridges and pick up the Bolt.
- Bolt # 3: find the chef Tulio indicated with the marker of the secondary mission. On the way to him you will find a Blizon Crystal and once hit, follow the path to the Golden Bolt.
- Bolt # 1: At the beginning of the planet take the path on the right and go up the ramp at full speed, follow the path and you will find the Golden Bolt.
- Bolt # 2: following the story you will be forced to run along the rails, cling to a dimensional rift on the left to get to the Golden Bolt.
- Bolt # 1: after hitting the first crystal and entering a snowy dimension, go to the platform where you defeated the enemies earlier. Jump to the platform to the east with a Blizon Crystal, hit it and the Bolt will appear.
- Bolt # 2: after the first elevator ride you will enter an underground tunnel, the first room on the left contains the Bolt.
- Bolt # 3: in the underwater section at the only fork go right and at the top you will find the Bolt.
- Bolt # 1: once you reach the northwestern part of the map, you will have to face the pirate trials. In the second room is a Grunthor skeleton, on its left side is a Glitch challenge, complete it to get the bolt.
- Bolt # 2: complete all the main objectives to get back in front of your ship, if you turn around you will see a portal that will take you to Mrs. Zurkon in the center of the map. Take the path to the right and land on a floating pirate ship. On the left side of this pirate ship there is an elevator, at the top there are two more holds. After landing you will see on the right an island to reach to find the Bolt.
- Bolt # 1: after meeting Mrs. Zurkon, follow the path to the right and use the ghost dash through the checkpoints. In the far right area is a gold bolt.
- Bolt # 2: after saving Clank go to the next outer area, in the upper right corner you will find the Bolt.
- Bolt n ° 3: when you reach the caretaker's office the window will be broken and you will have to go through it. Shortly thereafter you will reach a cell block with an ongoing riot. Check the cells to the left where you entered to get the last Bolt.
Our guide ends here and we hope it will have been useful to you during your hunt for the Golden Bolts featured in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. Finally we leave you here at the top our review of the exclusive PlayStation 5 by Insomniac Games.
► Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is an Adventure-Platform game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 11/06/2021
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 95%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
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