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Here is the complete solution of Resident Evil 4, which will guide you step by step to the finale of one of the most beautiful titles of recent years.
The opening movie will introduce you to the game by telling you the story of the previous chapters of the Resident Evil saga. As soon as the game starts, head to the town and kill the three crows you find on the road in case you want to earn some money, even if in the course of the game you will have much more profitable opportunities than this. You will see a video where someone is watching you and, afterwards, you will be contacted by Hunnigan via radio. Go inside and talk to the farmer by showing him the picture of Ashley, your goal of the entire mission. The man will lash out at you and you will have no choice but to kill him. You will see a new cutscene and you will hear the screams of your companions coming from the bridge. Go upstairs and explore the entire environment, then you will receive a call from Hunnigan. Proceed until you find a small shack with some crates in it: break them with the knife, collect the items and save the game at the nearby typewriter. Follow the road and take out the crows. You will find a dog along the way, save him from certain death. Go ahead, pick the plant and pay attention to the threads attached to the trees; shoot the boxes that emit a red glow to blow up the explosives and clear your way. Kill the farmer and continue to the next building. Collect all the objects inside and move away towards the bridge killing all the enemies present. Enter the shack that is located in front of the entrance to the town and then enter the welcoming town.
Approach the tree and you will see a video in which you will come to know, or rather you will be able to see with your own eyes, that your companions did not have a fate in their favor. Go towards the enemies and take them all out paying attention to the man with the chainsaw (he is lethal, he can kill you with one hit). Once they have retreated to the church, explore the place to find items and even a shotgun on the second floor of a house nearby. Proceed to the farm to find a new save point on the left. Head to the next settings, also trying to collect the treasures present along the way. Get to the narrow rock tunnel and avoid the large boulder by repeatedly pressing the buttons the game prompts you to find yourself in a tunnel. Go forward to the house and enter paying attention to the traps (you can neutralize them with the knife). You will hear someone enter. Save with the typewriter you see nearby and go to the library. Move it and go to the closet. You will meet Louis, the main character of this story, and also Bitores Mendez, the village chief. Despite Leon's attempt, you will not be able to neutralize him and will be stunned. End chapter 1 - 1
Chapter 1 - 2
The first section of this chapter will open with Leon, our protagonist, who undergoes an injection of the virus that has infected the entire local population. As soon as the filmed sequence is over, a zombie will try to kill you: press the required buttons and eliminate the zombie. You will see a hooded man who invites you to follow him to the back of a house: he is an arms dealer and from now on he will also be your most trusted companion, as long as you have the necessary money to buy his wares. Head near the gate of this district, but before walking towards the bridge that you see ahead, take the shotgun and try to eliminate as many zombies as possible. Continue along the bridge and stop at the fork. Go left and enter the neighboring house. Use the ladder inside to go up to the second floor, take out the zombie and get the first part of the stone emblem. Now go back to the crossroads, but continue in the other direction eliminating all possible zombies and recover the other half of the emblem placed at the end of the hostile path. Go back down and shoot down the enemies you meet, explore the house on the left at the end of the path and climb the turret to retrieve some objects. Next, open the door and continue along the street until you reach the point where you have to enter a house through the windows. Once you've smashed the glass into pieces, immediately turn left and take out the enemies by crouching behind the bags, firing when the time comes. You can also hit nearby dynamite to blow up all the undead without too much trouble. Don't rush to jump over the sacks as there will be several leghold traps that you will have to snap using your knife. Go ahead and remember to break the wooden planks along the corridor to access the room with the treasure. Continue the path and throw a grenade into the small lake you see to catch some fish, one of which can be sold for 2300 coins! Climb the ladders and watch out for the dynamite wire. Arrive at the house and solve the puzzle with the combination Down, Left, Up x 2. Enter the house of the village chief, take the key in the trunk and the file to finish this section of the chapter. End chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 1 - 3
After watching the introductory movie of the second part of the chapter, go down the stairs to get to the bathroom where you have to kill a farmer. After doing so, collect all the items and continue your adventure by going outside and eliminating all the enemies that you will face until you reach a shack. Get rid of the crates and throw a grenade to eliminate all enemies in no time and without risking losing energy. Remove the axis of the door and return to the town which, as usual, will be full of enemies to be eliminated. Watch out for those on the rooftops, and defend yourself as best you can and then return to the door with the emblem. You will find a typewriter. Take all the objects and then reach the basement through the trap door. Advance along the tunnel remembering to shoot the lamp above the puddle to find some items. You will also meet the arms dealer; deal with him if you need it and go outside, shoot the nest you see at the top of the trees outside and get to the cemetery. Eliminate all the enemies that appear and then head to the right side of the church to see the twin tombstones of twins. Then head to the back of the building to solve a simple puzzle that will allow you to get a gem that will make your treasures more precious: the solution is 3-4-4-4-4-4-3-3-3. Go back, and continue along the panoramic road to be contacted by radio. Continue along the established path, enter the shack you will find and continue until you reach a door. Enter the building and eliminate the crows, collect all the objects you will find nearby and go down the stairs to the right to find your merchant friend. Save and go back up, enter the door on the right and dodge the boulder that will try to crush you. Explore the entire area until you reach a series of houses on the water. This environment is not very large, but it turns out to be quite dangerous if not approached with due attention. Remember that the enemies, at least initially, will come out from all directions, including the one you come from. Always keep your eyes open and collect the treasures that are in the area and all the objects that you will be able to find from the houses and monsters. Continue the path until you reach a large lake. Go to the nearby shack first and collect everything. Save and take the boat for a pleasant tour of the lake.
Not the right place to fish ...
As soon as you get on the boat, you will find yourself in front of the first boss of the game. Eliminating it will not be difficult: avoid all obstacles with the boat and throw the harpoon at the monster's tail until it plunges into the water. Once this is done, wait for it to emerge in front of you and try to hit it with at least one harpoon. If you come up from the depths of the lake and try to throw yourself off the boat, avoid the monster's attacks by moving or pressing the required buttons repeatedly to avoid falling into the sea and dying.
Once the boss is killed, enjoy the movie and free yourself from the traps you will find along the way to finish this part of the story as well. End chapter 1 - 3