Review for Rocket League. Game for Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Network, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/07/2015 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 14/11/2017 The version for Xbox One came out on 17/02/2016
Rocket League is undoubtedly one of the best games of recent years. An important statement, but certainly shared by almost all of those who have downloaded it since the beginning in the list of free titles with PlayStation Plus now more than two years ago, or have dedicated time to it in the other fantastic releases on PC and Xbox One. A phantasmagoric and adrenaline-pumping mix of racing game and football that we do not struggle to define as "the Pringles of the videogame world", that is the title that imposes itself as a drug in our life, to the rattle of "one more game, one more ...".
The Psyonix guys now try to surprise us again, in collaboration with Panic Button (the studio already responsible for the recent good porting of DOOM), bringing their eSports phenomenon to Nintendo Switch, debuting on Nintendo consoles and, above all, in portability. The result is still a very good title, but in a version that has numerous compromises and, consequently, the least recommended of the lot.
He is finally among us
Rocket League therefore arrives on the console of the moment, with the same functions and options as its fixed console counterparts, so a nice confirmation and satisfaction. Clearly 90% of the time you will spend on online football, whether in a ranked match or not. However, it's nice to know that if you want to break the rhythm every now and then with one of the other modes that have come over the years, you will have the possibility also in this version.
Rocket League and its phenomenal gameplay haven't changed one iota and fit right in with Joy-Con, despite the - feared on the eve - absence of analog triggers. Sure, with a Pro Controller in the long run you will gain in precision and (above all) relief for your fingertips, but the feeling of this fantastic game is still there, as valid today as at launch. This version also adds the local multiplayer with a single Joy-Con, a real godsend when there is a friend at home, with the only sacrifice of camera control with the second analog, obviously missing in this case.
Acceleration and braking
Attached to a TV, in docked mode, Rocket League on Switch also behaves on the technical side more than worthily, with performance in terms of fluidity and frame-rate at 60 fps practically fixed, a godsend for the competitive nature and eSports that is the foundation of the title.
Different speech - very different - when you detach the tablet from its base. Panic Button has in fact adopted, to keep the frame-rate as close as possible to its target in all situations, a classic dynamic resolution system of these times, which varies from arena to arena, depending on the complexity of the aforementioned. In fact, in some playing fields, although in sub-HD everything is more than enjoyable, on other tracks, on the other hand, it drops to barely acceptable levels.
This, for example, is a screenshot of one of our games: we don't think (unfortunately) comments are needed ...
And it's not just something that can annoy a new Xbox One X buyer, rather a real problem in some moments of the game, when the elements in the background are reduced to a cluster of pixels, making it difficult to follow the ball or opponents.
Portable Pocket League
Rocket League on Switch, however, can make use of an important weapon: portability. Sure, portability, super cool, but for an online only game (or almost), some of its advantages are lacking a bit due to the hardware in which it resides: more difficult to connect for a game just anywhere, even from the park or the train, partly due to lack of 3G support, partly due to a certain idiosyncrasy that the console shows towards public hot-spots. Sure, it's not something that can be blamed on Psyonix, however when we boarded the plane confident, only to realize we couldn't make the most of Rocket League, we sadly returned (so to speak) to Super Mario Odyssey.
Also, we found quite a bit annoying the constant disconnection from Wi-Fi of the game when the Switch goes to sleep. Even if you only answer the phone for 5 minutes, when you return it will take a few minutes and maybe even a software reset to get back online, something that has broken the pace of many of our gaming sessions.
Small things, yes, in a positive work, however, which are not compensated by the bonuses dedicated to Nintendo, despite the Metroid car is objectively gorgeous.
Rocket League on Switch is a good attempt, but as with Skyrim or DOOM lately, it is recommended without hesitation only to those who have not already played it on other consoles. Also, for an online only game the portability factor doesn't matter that much. However, it's still as great as you remember it - amazing playing it while sitting on the toilet.
► Rocket League is a Sport type game developed and published by Psyonix Studios for Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Network, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/07/2015 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 14/11/2017 The version for Xbox One came out on 17/02/2016