Review for Sakura Wars. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 28/04/2020
The long wait is over and, as promised, here it is our Sakura Wars review, currently PS4 exclusive. SEGA appeals to ours romantic and nostalgic side, fishing in memories and in the past. It was the 1997 when on SEGA Saturn, heir of the Master System 2, the first chapter of this saga arrived. Tracing the fashions of the time, where the comparison was with sacred monsters of the caliber of Final Fantasy VII and Chrono Trigger, Sakura Wars looked more like a sim-JRPG hybrid. Focusing a lot, already at the time, on relational dynamics among the characters, he managed to create his niche as a fan.
Over time the saga became almost a cross-media franchise. Not just video games, but also theater show, manga e anime they told the story of the Flower Division. These "deviations" served the initial saga for become aware of what it was and what it was becoming.
The legacy of this cross-media journey has become a treasure trove for SEGA, to be monetized with a reboot of the Sakura Wars saga. However, we must deal with the "historical moment" factor. Repeating the same formula of '97 sounds like an announced suicide. The times and forms of gaming are diametrically opposed to those of 20 years ago.
Following the trend of the moment, the Japanese giant throws himself into the action, keeping the general goal of the game intact. We are so sorry to see this many dialogues in Japanese with English subtitles: L 'absence of localization in Spanish it will weigh heavily on the general enjoyment of the game, also thanks to the vain illusion launched by SEGA (why insert a Spanish translation of the site if the game does not provide it?). The positive experience of Person 5 Royalunfortunately for us, it was not followed up.
A nice blast from the past
As we have already told you with our first impressions, almost like a trailer for this Sakura Wars review, knowing the past is important. You don't have to have played that '97 JRPG to understand this reboot.
SEGA has managed to fish out in those feelings and emotions of the past. Commitment toupdating behaviors and attitudes it was remarkable. Situations and dialogues are still the key part of the game but, not always, are passively suffered.
Relationships are managed "dynamically" through the system LIPS. The outcome of any dialogue does not remain an end in itself e affects gameplay in general. The alternation between played and animated sequences works perfectly. Definitely thanks to the likes of Tite Kubo (Bleach), BUNBUN (Sword Art Online) e Shigenori Soejima (Person).
Sakura Wars, as happens with Persona 5 Royal, is told following an episodic logic. The video game is divided into episodes with anime style intro and outro (complete with a trailer for the next episode). It works and is used, if you like, to organize game sessions (like "I play one episode a night"). Each "installment" of Sakura Wars introduces new topics and characters, with numerous twists (and chilling revelations).
The video game meta follows a similar trend between the various episodes. It begins with a first part in which dialogues and relational dynamics unfold, useful for the unfolding of the story. After this first part, comes the pure gameplay made up of fights and lots of healthy action. The turn based system is abandoned in favor of a fast and responsive fighting style.
Combo e special moves draw what we can call a ARPG matrix combat system. The trends of the moment have required a refresh that is perfectly suited to the game. See the mecha juggling, alternating anime sequences with a high emotional content, it's pure fun.
"A" as Action or as Anime?
We have already emphasized the importance of two words starting with the letter "A", Action and Anime. These represent two aspects on which SEGA has decided to focus a lot, coexisting and never bothering each other. Indeed, the exact opposite happens: there are situations where a gameplay sequence ends with a special move that unfolds its real potential in another anime-style.
This dualism works and is the result of positive experiences on the big and small screen. Movies, OAVs and animated series are part of the recent history of the Sakura Wars franchise. They are also the ones who have provided an acceleration towards the action of this new reboot, abandoning the slow rhythms of the original gameplay.
The anime sequences are accompanied by music that brings to mind the new reinterpretations of the classic "Japanese robots". Avoid the comparison, also because of some free inspiration, it's not easy.
Of course, this is not the only factor influencing SEGA in taking the lead in the action. As we anticipated, this Sakura Wars reboot comes at a historical moment when the demand for fast-paced action and gameplay is very high. Not even the remake of a sacred monster like Final Fantasy VII remained immune to the trend.
SEGA therefore decides to build a combat system based on combos and special moves, alternating with dodging and defensive movements. Each class mecha, which in the game are called Spiricle, has some peculiar characteristics that are reflected in the final move.
Dodging is essential as, if done with the right timing, it delivers a tactical advantage on enemies.
Be careful how you talk
Much of the overall Sakura Wars meta play revolves around the dialogue component. This represents the real point of contact with the original JRPG of '97. Fortunately, in this reboot of the saga, we don't have to put up with endless balloon sessions. Some dialogues are spoken and told with short films, others, however, are of real interactive sequences.
The system comes into play here LIPS (Live & Interactive Picture System), which allows the player to live dialogue and make choices that will have a reverberation in the story and in the game events. Our responses will trigger positive and negative reactions. In the first case the feeling with the character will increase, while in the second case the understanding will decrease.
Going along or not with a character has gods tangible reflexes during combat sessions. Depending on the chemistry, the chosen team will receive buffs or nerfs that will affect the outcome of the battle. Don't underestimate this aspect: when the Division tournament starts it will become of vital importance.
We titled this section "Beware of How You Talk" to highlight the funny side of this aspect of Sakura Wars meta and gameplay. The LIPS, and therefore the various choices that you will be asked to make, follow the story and the game events. But it's not just this. Each character has a particular character and disposition. Provide the right answers, even choosing the right tone with the Analog LIPS won't be very easy.
As commander of the Flower Division, you have to consider both the human aspect and the real potential on the field of its components. As in any team there are likes and dislikes. You cannot necessarily be friends with everyone.
Choose well with whom to bond bonds of friendship and watch your backs ...
The importance of a character
We want to conclude this Sakura Wars review by talking about the characters. Like in a movie, in a book or in an anime, even in a video game history lives through its protagonists. You will take on the role of Seijuro Kamiyama, as the new commander of the Flower Division. You will have to try to revive it, and then guide it in Combat Revue World Games.
In the role of boss, you have to be tough and not clearly show dubious sympathies. Resist the innocent charm of Sakura Amamiya it is not easy, also by virtue of the bond of friendship that binds you.
You will live in a world of women, In the true sense of the word. The female presences, even in rather important roles, make themselves felt. You will have to be very careful about their "being touchy", also because sulking is not good for team chemistry.
Very interesting is the figure of the anti-Sakura, Yaksha, the villain of the situation. Stuck on earth following the latest cataclysm, she craves revenge in the shadows and in the dark. You immediately realize that there is something strange between the two, as if they were attracted to each other.
These deductions, like so many others, are made possible thanks to the skilful construction of the characters and the plot of events by Sakura Wars. Nothing is left to chance but you have to be good at following game events and understand (and therefore translate) well the meaning of the various dialogues.
All that is said and everything that happens around you does not remain an end in itself. If you are looking for such an experience, Sakura Wars is the game for you.
Sakura Wars gives us a nice dive into the past, made of memories and nostalgia. A saga that has undergone various contaminations over time is today facing the challenge with the present. Riding on current trends, the combat system is tinged with action, with sequences made up of combos and special moves. The relational dynamics, although the LIPS makes them active, follow a slow and flowing trend, recalling the glories of the past. The story is well constructed and the characters are very well characterized. The anime sequences stand out above everything, also because of the quality. We are only sorry to note the absence of a localization in Spanish. Although the plot and the dialogues can still be understood, greater usability would have been welcome.
► Sakura Wars is a Simulation-JRPG game developed and published by Sega for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 28/04/2020