Review for Shining Resonance Chorus. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 29/03/2018 The version for PC came out on 10/07/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 10/07/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 10/07/2018
Among the series that fail to cross over to the West, one of the most regretted by JRPG lovers is Shining, born in the 90s with a first dungeon crawler chapter on Mega Drive. While counting a very long list of titles on the most disparate consoles, none of the most recent have been localized, not even the highly acclaimed Shining Resonance released in 2014 on PlayStation 3. None, until Shining Resonance Refrain.
We are not talking about a real new chapter in the series, but a remastered version of the original on PlayStation 3, with the presence of the Refrain mode that adds new content (including the "what if" version of the story) and two characters to the party. Developed by Media.Vision and published by Sega, Shining Resonance Refrain arrives on PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One (first time in the series on Microsoft consoles) with great expectations from fans of the genre. Will he respect them all?
Dragons dancing
We are in the land of Alfheim, where the now extinct eternal dragons once lived, whose souls remain in crystal form scattered throughout the world. Our protagonist, Yuma, human shell of the eternal Shining Dragon, one of the ancients, was captured by the Empire of Lombardy and locked up in a maximum security prison, where inhuman experiments are conducted. However, he is found and saved by Sonia Blanche, swordswoman and princess of Astoria, a kingdom in eternal struggle with the Empire. Yuma must therefore, thanks to the help of all his teammates, learn to accept and control his enormous hidden power in order to be able to end a war that has lasted too long.
Shining Resonance Refrain shows itself as a classic JRPG Action, which apparently stands next to the Tales Of vein, but which develops a vast and really very fun fighting system. Normal attacks consume AP, whose bar is always visible under the controlled character, while other types of skills can be activated that, instead, consume MP. Learning to alternate the two types is essential both to establish a combo and to win the most difficult fights, which will be so many going on.
Yuma will also be able to transform into the Shining Dragon during fights, consuming MP. We will have to be careful when using this very powerful form, because as the MPs clear up, Yuma will get closer and closer to the Berserk until we lose control of it. To overcome this unpleasant (and often fatal) inconvenience, we can use the BAND, a skill that allows the team to dance and sing a song (cringe) that will guarantee numerous positive effects, including the inability for Yuma to go crazy.
To ensure greater depth of gameplay will also be the s with all teammates, girls and boys who are, which will allow the development of increasingly stronger bonds and additional skills during the fights thanks to Resonance. In short, a varied and solid gameplay, of which we let you discover further facets on your own and which allows an excellent strategy also thanks to the fact that the menu is always recalled during the fights, which allows you to use objects and change skills in the middle of a fight. It is also worth pointing out that each party member has his own fighting style, with physical and magical abilities completely different from the others, a factor that further expands the possibilities of customization.
Dragons dancing in HD
Shining Resonance Refrain was literally polished in the remastering of the already wonderful (at the time) PlayStation 3 version. The colorful game world and stunning 3D character models are even more pleasing to watch in 1080p. The latter, thanks to a better definition, are much more similar to the sprites we see during the dialogues made by the very skilled character designer Tony Taka.
Too bad for the frequent FPS drops during the most intense fights or in situations where multiple target and camera spells are used: it is almost always perfect, but sometimes it enchants behind a blind corner. The animations are what is expected from a PlayStation 3 title, so certainly not in step with the times, but appreciable and not annoying
Equally pleasant is the whole sound sector, from the background music that accompanies us both in the city of Marga, the central hub of the game, and in the exploration of the various areas, to the different songs of the BAND, catchy and all very different from each other, unlockable both in the continuation of the plot both through the various secondary missions assigned by the NPCs. The excellent English dubbing is also available in the Refrain version, which can be changed at any time with the Japanese one.
The development of the plot will be for most of the time rather phoned and taken for granted, but it is not so much the spectacularity that Shining Resonance Refrain aims at, as the with the various characters. All distinguished by aesthetics and character, we will often find ourselves spending time increasing the with each single teammate rather than continuing with the story. Appointments, optional scenes and new side missions will increase an already considerable longevity for the main story alone. Despite this, as per Japanese tradition, we will be surrounded by classic stereotypes (starting with the terrible protagonist) and clichés that, in the long run, will leave that extreme and well-known feeling of cringe in our hearts.
Shining Resonance Refrain is a good way for the SEGA series to be rediscovered in the West. Despite the rather obvious plot development and characters that will leave that extreme cringe feeling behind in the long run, the title turns out to be a lot of fun due to the captivating and complete gameplay. However, it is a simple remastering of a PlayStation 3 title, which retains much of the technical characteristics of the times, adding frequent drops in fps rather annoying in combat. Recommended for all lovers of the genre, dragons and cute girls. Or some cute girls on dragons. Mischievous.
► Shining Resonance Refrain is a JRPG-Action-type game developed by Media.Vision and published by Sega for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 29/03/2018 The version for PC came out on 10/07/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 10/07/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 10/07/2018