Review for Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 13/11/2018 The version for PC came out on 03/09/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 03/09/2019
And here we are with a new Trilogy. No, we are not talking about rings but about the return of the good "old" and beloved Spyro: the purple dragon became a Sony icon in the late 90s. Activision continues to strike while the iron is hot: just over a year after the release of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, the time has come for Spyro Reignited Trilogy which adopts more or less the same type of philosophy as its aim and method of development. This is neither a true remastered nor a revolutionary remake but a middle ground.
The first three adventures of Spyro, from the distant PlayStation era, have been rekindled - just to stay on the subject - by completely redesigning the technical sector but leaving the skeleton of the games unchanged.
I love you Spyro, ageless purple puppy
The return of Spyro in a new and updated guise is a very smart move by Activision: the target it aims at is not limited to a single category. The Reignited Trilogy focuses both on the nostalgia effect, attracting like a magnet those children who grew up holding a gray pad and a CRT TV, and on the fact that the first trilogy of the purple dragon is very playable and equally tantalizing even for the little ones. .
Anyone who starts the Reignited Trilogy can't help but have fun, regardless of age. Spyro continues to be a magnet, especially when it comes to his first three incarnations. The figure of the purple dragon has in fact been made to reappear several times on home screens but, although there is no mention of bankruptcy titles, Spyro's relaunches have not had the same luck and the same hold as his first extras. The mere gesture of opening the initial menu will be comparable to hugging a dear old friend.
Dovahkiin Spyro
As mentioned above, Spyro's gameplay, with all its strengths and weaknesses, has remained practically unchanged, faithful in all respects to the original. In any case, this choice remains an advantage: Toys for Bob proposes Spyro as it was, without altering anything. All levels and game worlds have remained the same as those of about 20 years ago, if not for the graphic renewal that brings them back to us in an aspect that still remains faithful to the original, in a certain way. Even the skill points, which can be earned by performing particular actions within certain levels, have remained unchanged, to the delight of many (except for the underwater levels, who doesn't hate the underwater levels?)
From this point of view, the only flaws we found during our game only affected some animation. Sometimes it happened to us that after roasting our enemies, the animation of the blow received took a while to start. In short, there are some small flaws but it does not undermine the gaming experience that much. In fact, this runs smoothly, without frame drops or problems of any kind.
What will probably turn your nose upside down will be the size of the title, especially if purchased in digital version: the Spyro Reignited Trilogy will weigh 67 gigs. We are not talking about a featherweight, so make your considerations well before deciding on the format with which you will buy it.
The dragon's heart is rekindled
The design of the first three chapters has not been exactly revolutionized or rethought: graphically, the title is somewhat faithful to the original transpositions but still manages to renew them. The style, the soul of the levels or the characters are not changed, in fact they are enriched, perfected, detailed. As it should be, in short. The colors are alive, bright and make the return to the dragon lands even more beautiful. The Unreal Engine 4 does its job admirably, giving us a Spyro and its clique like never before.. There was also time and space to add some small gems: for example, if we use the fiery breath near the turf this will be burned.
The sound sector has also been renewed but not revolutionized: the soundtrack has been rearranged in a modern key, without being distorted. The result is excellent, as well as captivating: you will find yourself humming the tunes in your head for hours and hours, after turning off the console. If you really can't do without the old tracks, you can select them to replace the ones in the Reignited version. The dubbing is entirely in Spanish and the level is more than sufficient and enjoyable, although not excellent. It is true that the dialogues of the trilogy are not so complex or articulate but in our opinion the bar could be raised a little. However, it is worth noting the effort made in selecting the items that are very close to the original ones.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy is proof that the little purple dragon has aged very well, at least in terms of gameplay. All three titles are very playable and do not show at all the age they are. It is certain that the trilogy will be able to win over fans of all ages: it is perfect for attracting young people thanks to its simple but very fun gameplay, as well as older gamers, who will be able to return to tread the worlds of the Kingdom of Dragons. and of Avalar, resurrected in a new old garment. It's time to rekindle the flame, to rekindle the little adventurer in you: Spyro is back in better shape than ever!
► Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a platform-type game developed by Toys For Bob and published by Activision for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 13/11/2018 The version for PC came out on 03/09/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 03/09/2019