Review for Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 12/02/2021
From father to son, from cabinets to home consoles: Mario it has always been an important element of generational link for gamers, a tale handed down videogames for 35 years which, however, even today, does not give up over time, proving not only always current but also capable of reinventing itself when necessary. The last iteration is Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, which wants to combine one of the best games of Wii U in a single cartridge, introducing Mario in an (almost) completely new context.
After a 2020 full of difficulties, can this be the right point to restart in the new year of Nintendo Switch?
As already told in our preview, the structure of Super Mario 3D World is what we have already seen not only in 2013, but also in many other chapters of the series: the 8 worlds that make up the main part of the adventure offer Mario & Co. an incredible variety of challenges and situations, during which enhance the unique abilities of the characters and their bizarre power-ups, which they take from the classics of the series. Dozens of paragraphs would not be enough to express exhaustively brilliant ideas set up by a splendid level design: those who have already tried the original know what will be in front of them, while those who have not had the opportunity to experience Super Mario 3D World on Wii U will remain, we are sure, in awe over and over again.
If Super Mario 3D Land has shown the way, 3D World has been able to go even further, offering the best of Mario's decade-long history of platforming. Scrolling levels, more open sections and racing against the clock - nothing is really missing. All this is combined with a remarkable longevity, which as per tradition increases dramatically if the players decide to embark on the arduous task of completing everything 100% (a result capable of guaranteeing a much more tangible reward than simple satisfaction).
If Super Mario 3D World is extremely fun solo, it's with the multiplayer that the ideas of the platform explode, giving life to a game that completely changes the cards on the table. Whether you decide to collaborate or instead turn to a more heated competition, the experience lived in company shows a game with a different and extremely surprising face. Time, as we know, has brought us to the sad sunset of local multiplayer, a luxury now reserved for a few users. For this reason, the step forward made by Nintendo is extremely useful, which, compared to the original, adds the original in this version multiplayer online: connection permitting, the structure of the game is also solid online, allowing you to create a room or join an existing one together with up to 3 other users.
In Super Mario 3D World up to 4 players can therefore share the same screen: especially when compared with two-dimensional titles such as New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, the additional dimension and the enlarged room provide ample room for maneuver. The screen always continues to follow the most advanced player: while it is easier to coordinate when playing on the same console, it can instead be difficult to proceed simultaneously when playing with other users online, especially if you do not have the possibility to communicate vocally.
It is thanks to all these possibilities that Super Mario 3D World manages to change and offer many different ideas. There have been not a few times in which we have found ourselves replaying the same levels for the simple pleasure of doing it, perhaps to try new strategies and alternative power-ups in trying to conclude them as quickly as possible, or simply to enjoy them in company, in challenges to the last mushroom to get the highest score or by cooperating to collect a hard to reach stamp. All elements that make Super Mario 3D World perfect for any occasion, whether you play alone or in company: few things can rival the winning combination of a few minutes of free time and Super Mario 3D World on Nintendo Switch.
A small gem - and a very pleasant quote - is the presence of a bonus mini-game which is unlocked once the main storyline is completed: it is Luigi Bros., which is a version of the classic arcade Mario Bros. from 1983, a spin-off of the famous Donkey Kong in which the Italian plumber has to deal with a primordial version of the Koopas, hitting them to make them flip and then collecting them to accumulate points.
From Mario Galaxy comes the additional character of Super Mario 3D World, unlockable during the last stages of the adventure: we are obviously talking about Rosalinda, which joins the initial roster of Mario, Luigi, Toad and Peach. Like all of them, Rosalinda also has a unique feature, an iconic move imported directly from Galaxy: the pirouette, useful for hitting nearby enemies or for getting an extra push up when jumping. Lady Sfavillotto therefore still varies an already large moveset like that of 3D World, immediate in use and simple to master, able to give a lot of satisfaction if used properly.
All this show enhances not only the fingers but also the eyes, with a splendid style and excellent rendering, whether you decide to play in docked (1080p), or in portable mode (720p), with a granite 60 fps that does not show signs of abating even in the most excited situations.
Bowser's fury is the second content of the work, which can be selected directly from the main menu from the beginning: abandoned talking hats and plump Sfavillotti, we can for the first time see Mario grappling with a, albeit contained to scale, openworld. A combination of words that, some time ago, would have been considered a red pen error if approached to the icon of the Nintendo platformers: reality is very different and, above all, the final result is a fresh and fully successful product, which imports different aspects of 3D World and at the same time deviates very clearly.
Obviously, there is no question of a revolution on a par with that of Super Mario 64, of a magic like that of the Galaxy or of the genius of Odyssey, yet even here Mario is totally at ease, as if he was always ready for this type of transition. , becoming the protagonist in a world whose limits are solely constituted by that black mud of Sunshinian memory that covers the setting - Sgattaiolago - and by the gloomy central nest where Bowser Furioso is hidden, a reinterpretation of the classic opponent ready to hinder the Italian plumber emerging from the pitch repeatedly, only to subside after a few minutes, returning to hole up in its shell: a loop structure, which makes adventure and exploration less static.
In addition to the new version of Bowser, it was undoubtedly what ignited the web the new kaijū form of Super Mario cat, which by collecting a Gigacampana he can transform and face the fiery-throated enemy hard-nosed. Prerequisite for obtaining this new power-up, however, is the collection of a certain number of Solegatti, or the main collectibles of Bowser's Fury. Each of them requires you to overcome obstacles, deal with some mini-bosses, reach secret areas and much more, testing the player's skills and providing him with a huge playground in which to dabble: in essence, Bowser's Fury's proposal is to a classic Super Mario, aggregated within a single open environment in which linear structures then open up, places of adventures (and misfortunes) full of surprises, in a map that opens up as Solegatti is obtained, adding new archipelagos and unprecedented challenges in those already visited.
Facing the mammoth opponent turns out to be a curious surprise: no particular tool, this time the one of the two enemies is a full-blown 1 vs 1, in which the whole map turns into the arena of the clash. You can choose whether to attack the enemy - trying to scratch him - or to wait for him to expose his weak belly, then hit him with a crash to the ground. The duel will not be single, and we will have to exhaust Bowser in several battles to be able to free the peaceful coasts of Sneaky Lake from the storms generated by the monster and its destructive fury. In the event that the number of Solegatti is not yet sufficient to unlock the Gigacampane (the required quantity will increase from time to time), the only solution will be that of escape, trying to avoid the ubiquitous flaming columns emitted by the jaws of black. opponent, perhaps helping himself by riding Plessie, aquatic dinosaur that performs the dual role of means of transport and resource through which it is possible to catch even Solegatti located in remote areas.
Whether to complete the main storyline of Bowser's Fury takes no more than 3-4 hours, go ahead in trying to capture all the Solegatti scattered around Sgattaiolago duplicating longevity, with fairly demanding challenges which, however, never reach extreme peaks, also thanks to the abundance of power-ups obtainable in the game, which can be recalled at will through the push of a button. Although there is no possibility to select the difficulty level, the slider present among the options - relative to help modality of the unprecedented companion Bowser Junior - transform the experience into something suitable for any type of player. For our part, the configuration we preferred for the miniature Bowser is the one that totally limits its freedom to act autonomously (on the other hand Sunshine teaches what it can do if armed with a brush and left free), postponing its work only to specific player commands, given via pointer or simply by touching the console's touch screen.
The two-player mode of Bowser's Fury is based on the little Bowser Jr., armed with a brush, which entrusts the second user with the control of the little prince Koopa through Joy-Con arranged horizontally (or other types of controllers). On board the Clown Car you can enjoy a fair amount of freedom, being able to move the camera, attack enemies, collect objects and obviously flit freely around.
To accompany Mario's raids he provides an exceptional soundtrack, with interesting original songs. The mood always fits perfectly with the atmosphere, with lighthearted music that makes the exploration of Sgattaiolago a pleasant walk by the sea, then interspersed with the appearance of the pooper Bowser and the darker notes that accompany the escape and provide the energy for comparison. with the cataclysmatic rival; apex of the whole is finally the beautiful song for the credits.
If Super Mario's magic never ceases to amuse, some uncertainties appear on the technical side in Bowser's Fury: the exceptional cleanliness of Super Mario 3D World is lacking here, especially as regards the frame rate, which often struggles to stay anchored to 60 frames per second in docked and 30 in laptop. To all this must be added some pop-up phenomenon, which however does not change our opinion on Bowser's Fury which, despite not reaching the pivotal excellence of Nintendo products on this aspect, is a very pleasant experience, capable to also offer various ideas for what may be, in the future, an even larger project of this type.
At the end of the 35 years Super Mario leaves us even younger than in the past: what we have in front of us is a product that is classified as much more than a simple porting. A splendid version of Super Mario 3D World, featuring pleasant new features, goes hand in hand with the many new ideas of Bowser's Fury, the first step towards unexplored horizons for the Nintendo icon. On the other hand, if these years with Mario have taught us anything, it is that under that red hat and that thick black mustache there is a great desire to run without fear towards new adventures: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a title that we want recommend to all video game fans and that shows, in its essence, why we love Super Mario so much and why we will continue to look forward to each new chapter, ready to be amazed again, and again, and again ...
► Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a Platform-Adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 12/02/2021