Review for Super Mario Maker 2. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 28/06/2019
What Super Mario Maker 2 represents, for longtime Nintendo gamers, it is the marriage of what has been, what is and what will be the series starring the most famous Italian plumber in the world. Play to believe, believe to play. On the other hand, the dogma, when you grab the console and there is a plump plumber with a mustache on the screen, is only one: be captivated by an unparalleled, inspired and inspiring game design, in which emotions are transmitted by the frenzied pressure of the keys on the controllers that have accompanied us since the days of the first Super Mario Bros. on NES. This time, however, the opportunity provided is incredible and the cards on the table are reversed: we the players manage and create the design of each level, constantly producing new Super Mario levels.
Super Mario Maker 2 it does not revolutionize anything: the formula of the previous chapter is expanded, partially revised, and made much more varied. The news does not change the underlying spirit of the title, firmly anchored to what was the first Super Mario Maker. We know that when we talk about Mario, however, we always feel at home, and so too new musical compositions for some levels signed by the famous Koji Kondo they help to create that atmosphere of familiarity that only productions of this type can convey, with a title in which the gamer is the master and creator free from any kind of constraint.
On the sequel landed on Nintendo Switch, the developers immediately deliver the keys in hand to the player: the ability to create what you want and the numerous additions to the editor phase will help provide that touch of panache that, in a few weeks, will translate into exceptional first creations (with something particularly brilliant already glimpsed now). Precisely for this reason it is possible immediately to extricate yourself in the creation mode, alone or with a friend using the console's Joy-Con pair. In this case we found the creation mode perfectly suited for a single player and the possibility of working simultaneously at the same level seemed to us a feature that was not particularly successful or very comfortable. The additions are many and you can work in creating your own custom level as you prefer, both with the console in docked and in handled mode.
As usual, the possibilities are varied and, in addition to the classic four styles of the first Super Mario Maker, there is also the beautiful innovation of the 3D World: this type of scenarios differs a little from the previous ones, above all because it has unique elements of its kind taken directly from the work for Wii U such as the intermittent blocks, the Koopa Cars (cars to drive along the scenery), floating platforms, without forgetting the iconic super bell of the title, which transforms our character in a cat able to climb without fear on very high trees and very steep walls. It will also be possible play each level as Mario, Luigi, Toad and Toadette.
For this freedom, on the creative side, becomes immense: scenarios come to life with ease, fun and speed; the choice is as wide as ever and it is possible to test the creations of other players right away: levels underwater, in the sky, in the desert and in the snow, ... there are many innovations proposed by this iteration of the good Mario. As if that were not enough, in every scenario it will be possible also choose an alternative "night" mode selecting the moon among the props: the night will bring - in addition to the change of atmosphere - also gameplay differentiations based on the chosen scenario. There is no lack of opportunities and, in principle, the player has everything he needs to build what he wants.
As already stated, however, the possibilities provided by Super Mario Maker 2 are not limited only to the creation of custom levels, but also to use of the creations of other users: in the game, fans of Super Mario titles will have at their disposal a continuous dispenser of levels capable of surprising, engaging, raising the level of challenge in a very high way and, in some cases, even intriguing for the brilliant ideas. Important note is the need, of course, to possess an online Nintendo Switch subscription, to be able to take advantage of all the game features in a complete way. On top of that, Super Mario Maker 2 allows players to download their favorite levels, so that you can play it even offline when you don't have a network connection available.
From the game menu it will be possible, in addition to the classic search option for the various levels - which can be ordered according to a very large number of criteria - to consult three different rankings that will position the players according to the points obtained as authors of levels, as players and as opponents. And one of the novelties of Super Mario Maker 2 lies precisely in the challenge with other opponents: through the multiplayer game modes it will be possible to challenge other people in the competition mode, in which you will fight each other to complete the level first, or you can go to collaborate in the cooperation mode, in which you will have to join forces to overcome rather difficult levels and designed to be faced in a group.
The possibility, present in this chapter, of giving is interesting labels that help to understand in advance the type of level who will play it. Furthermore, if desired, it is also possible to attach a brief description to your level that introduces the creation to users who will try it.
Among the other ways in which to spend your time in the company of the game, the “Infinite challenge”, which will see us face levels created by other users one after the other trying to get as far as possible before we lose all the lives at our disposal. Precisely this mode is the most interesting to automatically take advantage of new levels and adapts, as did the 100 Mario challenge, also to the needs of those looking for a higher challenge from the Nintendo title.
We close with the story mode, which will see Mario engaged in the arduous task of rebuilding Peach's famous castle: To help the Toads rebuild the princess's fortress, Mario will have to earn tokens by beating the tasks that the various characters on stage will provide. These assignments are nothing more than levels designed by the development team, aimed at making the player familiar with some of the new objects available, also giving some interesting ideas and food for thought that can then be repeated in personal creations with success. Cleverly, one of the novelties of the game is also shown, that is the ability to impose certain conditions on the player to finish the level: thanks to this, which could seem a trivial diversification of the already established formula, you can indulge yourself in the most incredible ways, perhaps forcing Mario to reach the final finish line by transporting a very heavy block of stone that will limit the jumps, or without suffering damage or , for the baddest, without even making a leap. Sometimes the levels will not be so simple and will test even the most experienced players: in that case you can take advantage of the help of Luigi, who will allow us to change the level in the editor mode, making us free to implement any kind of facilitation.
From a technical point of view, Super Mario Maker 2 does not betray expectations and lets itself be enjoyed in an excellent way in both modes: the touch screen of the console, in portable mode, is very comfortable - despite the size - and immediate, leaving an extremely positive feedback, which we imagine can be even greater by using the special Mario Maker stylus present in the limited edition of the title.
Landed on the Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Maker 2 is the sequel we all expected: it does not upset the winning formula of its predecessor and adds pleasant innovations that help refine the tools of all aspiring Super Mario level crafters, providing endless possibilities. for those who want to dare or simply test the creations of others. Although the proposed formula is always the same, the introductions from the point of view of objects, themes, methods, must be discovered little by little and appreciated in what becomes an interactive editor in which creation and play come together in one. paradigm, capable of giving birth to a final result that will satisfy those who already loved the first Super Mario Maker.
► Super Mario Maker 2 is a Platform-type game developed and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 28/06/2019