That Superhot VR is not a game intended for the pure of heart is clear from the beginning: the overwhelming amount of blasphemies capable of escaping from the jaws of any cogitating being, careless gamer of the creation signed by Superhot Team, would in fact destabilize even the most devoted of men. Were sacrilegious moments triggered by a level of difficulty so high as to make a quantum mechanics problem seem easy, we could also punctuate this review with slobbering hatreds to the courage shown by the developers in packaging a difficult and extremely complicated product to dethrone.
It so happens, however, that the insults fluttering in the air are almost entirely dedicated to the limping implementation of a potentially very entertaining game idea.
As well as outlined in our review dedicated to the "smooth" version of Superhot, this wacky "game" combines the frenzy of the first person shooter with the most relaxed mechanics of a puzzle. The mission of homo ludens remains that of slicing up each enemy, on pain of immediate death in the Kingdom of Heaven. The passage of time, and consequently the spatial distance that separates the retinas of the gamer from the reddish behinds of the felons hosted by the binary code of the game, however, is regulated by the movements of the stinking limbs of the sweaty player.
Here the donkey falls: the tracking system of the quartet consisting of headsets, two PlayStation Moves and PS Camera, on more than a few occasions has proven to be as reliable as any product sold by Wanna Marchi. The gameplay is based on three basic actions, basically: pick up weapons, shoot fearlessly towards the enemy scum and dodge the adverse blows. Too bad that, in the absence of adequate motion tracking, the first of the steps already goes to be blessed.
Rather than slavishly reproducing the movements of the heated gamer, Superhot VR translates some movements in a way that is decidedly not suited to the playful tension, especially when the offensive tools that can be taken from the environments are positioned on the ground or in any case in the lower portion of the screen. It is in those moments, when the tracking loses the compass and the virtual hands of the gamer assume positions that not even the hairy legs of the giant crustacean of Genji 2 could replicate, that the user takes the calendar and begins to disturb the rest of each individual saint known.
Too bad, because Superhot VR could have been configured as a real killer app for the Sony virtual reality set, characterized as it is by a series of short-lived missions, perfect for a hit and run experience of this type. Thanks also to a peculiar and distinctive cosmetic appearance, In fact, Superhot VR offers truly different sensations from the usual shooters, copulating with the brains of the disenchanted gamer until he thinks he is Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. In these guises, however, the production falls into the category of those trinkets to keep on your binary desk, to be dusted off once in a while, without exaggerating.
Superhot VR is not a simple FPS: detaching itself from similar productions, introducing a cogito-ergo-shooting game system, the binary creation of Superhot Team aims to shape the mind of the average gamer, projecting him into a thoughtful dimension in which the shooter does not win. first. The virtues related to the need to carefully plan every move collide with a sometimes downright unfortunate tracking system, which prevents Superhot VR from shining through the large array of PlayStation VR titles currently available.