During your adventure in Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition, you will come across numerous boss fights. Much of the storyline contains a secret mission to complete during the battle itself. To complete them sometimes you will have to perform certain actions, other times use to your advantage some element present in the battlefield, or simply use a specific object. Each secret mission corresponds to a bronze trophy, so if you are aiming for platinum this guide will be very useful. Finally, by completing the secret mission, you will receive an extra 10.00 ranks at the end of the battle and an extra rare item from the boss. Before starting, we warn you that in the guide there will be spoilers regarding the enemies you will face. Vigilante warned, half saved!
- Zagi
This first mission is extremely easy and you will complete it without problems. Midway through the battle, Estelle will come out to support Yuri as she struggles with Zagi. Your goal is to prevent Estelle from taking too much damage from Zagi. Easy, because you just need to continuously target Zagi and the latter will consequently focus his attacks on Yuri. If you have any difficulties, use the strategy commands to set Estelle to keep her distance from the enemy. - Golia
The Goliath of the ruins of Shaikos does not offer such an easy challenge, but not impossible either. The goal is to block him as he attempts to use the Buster X technique. First, you'll understand that Goliath is about to use this move when he stops chasing someone from the party and crosses his giant arms towards you. At that moment you will have to hit it on its hind limbs (you will notice that they emit a blue light) until it falls. You can rely on Beyond the Limit followed by a Blue Blade spam with Yuri, or better still the Destructive Field art, if you have already learned it. Note: for this kind of secret missions, you will understand that you have completed it before you have even finished the battle, as a small scene will start during the battle itself and a golden writing "Fantastic!" to witness your deeds. Always keep this in mind. - Gattuso
He growls too, but he is not the former Milan player. If you've been paying close attention to Karol's information during the dungeon in question, you will know that the red plants give off a staggering dust when hit. Well, in the battlefield there will be 4 of the above and your aim will be to stun Gattuso and then hit him while he is in "Stun" state. To accomplish this mission with ease, first get rid of her puppies so you don't risk being interrupted. Unfortunately, Gattuso tends to change target easily, so try to hit him until he decides to target your character and sprint (use free run with R2) towards the nearest plant. When Gattuso reaches you, hit the plant and run away to prevent it from stunning you too. If this happens, pause and command another party member who is close to the boss. To use this function, you will need the key object "Lunar Selector", obtainable through the "Summary" function in any bazaar in the villages. Hit (even from a distance is fine) Gattuso while he is stunned and that's it. - Zagi - Second battle
A bit tough mission: you'll have to throw Zagi off the ship and fly him into the water. It seems impossible, but it isn't. If you don't want too many complications, rely on the Beyond Limit, activating it once Zagi is on board the ship and possibly in the air. You can wait for Zagi to use one of the arts by which he attacks in mid-air, or you can take care of it by ordering Rita to cast the "Tractor Beam" art. When Zagi is in the air, activate the Beyond Limit to knock him off the ship. Remember that you cannot throw any bosses if they already have their Over Limit active. - Scary Giant
Very easy, wait for the boss to position himself to support himself with only his hind limbs, activate the Beyond Limit with Yuri and spam "Beast", "Destructive Field" or "Blue Blade" as much as possible to knock him out. - Gigalarva
If below 50% of max HP, this boss is able to heal himself via terrain. For this mission you will have to take command with Raven and use the Basic Art "Snake" to place a trap in the ground where Gigalarva is healing. You will complete the mission and at the same time the boss will never be able to heal himself again. Two birds with one stone. - Barbos
This mission is also quite simple. If you switch targets by holding L1, you will notice that besides Barbos and his henchmen there are 4 devices in some corners of the arena. Destroy them before Barbos uses these contraptions to call in additional reinforcements and you are done with the mission. - Damned Wanderer
Not difficult at all, just a little timing. You'll have to knock out the boss in question while he reloads his firearm. The Skeleton will reload ammo immediately after using the "Alpha Severed Fate" or "Alpha Trigger Chain" art. Always stay close to him and defend yourself when he uses you against such limbs, otherwise you will be stunned. After parrying the art, knock him down with Destruction Field or a combo-capable art such as Dragon Swarm. - Zagi - Third battle
Yuri's # 1 fan is back to take new blows. For this mission, just let Zagi absorb too much Blastia after several uses of the "Blastia Aspiration" art. To entice him to spam this art, keep your distance and target him with Rita's Magical Arts. - Pteroptus / Boss Bat
After removing about half of the maximum HP from Pteoptus, it will split itself into a swarm of 8 bats. One of these is the Bat Boss and to complete the mission you will have to target and defeat him to prevent the flock from regrouping to revive Pteroptus. It will be enough to fill it with lots of blows with Yuri, but be careful: aYou will still have 7 other enemies in the field ready to hinder you. If you're unsure of what you're doing, activate Over Limit while playing as Rita to dramatically reduce spell casting time and, from a distance, target him with the strongest magical arts in your possession. - Franginotte
To make the trek in the desert more difficult is this cute boss with a secret mission that is not easy at all. Below half the HP, Franginotte is able to reverse day and night and recover energy. Before using this technique, you will notice that its core will come out of its mouth and place itself at the height of its forehead. You have to hit the core repeatedly until it breaks. This is easier said than done, because the times in which the core is outside his body are significantly restricted. You can rely on Dragon Swarm with Yuri, or more generally on Judith, who is great for mid-air combat. If you want to make the game easier, set Rita to use only Tractor Beam among her techniques (you can do this during the battle itself, via the Arts menu). - Belius
At some point in the battle, Belius will blow out the 4 candles on the map and make a copy of herself appear. To complete the mission (and greatly facilitate this arduous battle) you'll have to re-light the candles to make the second Belius disappear. You can target the candles with a fire attribute magic art with Rita, or (much easier) reach the candles one by one with Yuri and hit them with "Destructive Field" (Physical base art, but with fire attribute, will work) . - Nan and Tison
Both Bosses have a technique whose use forces them to keep the weapon stuck on the ground for a couple of seconds. They will do this with completely random timing, so target them in turn with arts that trigger multiple combos. Remember that to unlock the trophy you will have to land both Bosses, for a total of 2 "Fantastico" in the same fight. - Schwann
Before starting the battle, make sure that Yuri and Judith have the “Recovery” ability active, thanks to which you can regain control of the character while he is thrown into the air. Take a Mystical Art from Schwann and press the guard button while in the air to do a somersault and avoid falling to the ground and losing precious seconds. After using the Mystical Art, Schwann will stand still while holding his hands tight to his heart. Hit him with a pair of Blue Storm with Yuri or Moonbeam with Judith to knock him out to complete the mission. - Zagi - Fourth battle
Zagi is still not tired of taking them and because of that he has also become more spattered than before. During the battle he will poison himself to "make the fight more electrifying". Spoil the party while you're in Karol's shoes and hit him with "Healthy Smash" to cure him of poison and make him despair even more. Mission accomplished! - Baijotoh
Note: obviously you do not try in vain to complete the mission while you are forced to fight only with Karol, wait for the party to reunite. To accomplish this mission you will have to hit Baijoth's dorsal fin 3 times while the monster is immersed in the ice and before you use the “Frost Blade” technique. Wait for him to dive and for his fin to come to the surface, then target him with Yuri's Blue Storm and you will have met the requirement for this mission. - Estelle
It is the easiest mission, but at the same time you may end up failing to complete it. You will need to use the "Mother's Memory" item with Yuri as you fight Estelle. Unfortunately, to get the item in question you will have to sleep at the Mantaic Inn repeatedly until you unlock an event where you will receive the item. Note: You will no longer be able to unlock the event once you reach the city of Myorzo for the first time. - Yeager
Perhaps the most difficult mission. About halfway through the fight, Yeager will reveal the corpus blastia injected into his heart. Well, you'll have to hit him right there with Raven's arrows after breaking his guard. Therefore, first make sure that Raven has learned the ability to "alter" some Arts. You will need the moon selector once again. The aim is to hit the heart with the art "Rain" or (altered version) "Rain of arrows". To break Yeager's guard, wait until he has used his Beyond Bounds first, so he can't use it anytime soon and give you precious time, otherwise you won't be able to break his guard. Finally, make sure you have at least 2 Over Limit bars and use only one bar with Yuri and spam Yeager's Destructive Field until you break his guard (you can help by pressing pause every time you hit Yeager to see if his guard is still active or not). To conclude, check Raven, immediately activate Beyond the Limit with him as well and spam "Rain" or "Rain of arrows" (apparently, the latter is more suitable) and after a couple of limbs you should finally be able to complete this mission. Make sure you have a couple of "Limit Bottles" and Yuri and Raven's TPs at most, so you don't risk having to stop while performing the arts to use Orange Jellies. - Alexei
Make sure you have the "Recovery" skill activated with the character you intend to use. To accomplish this mission you will have to undergo a Mystical Art from Alexei, make a recovery in mid-air and land him. The process is always the same: Beyond the Limit followed by a spam of limbs capable of breaking guard and knocking the enemy to the ground, such as Beast, Destructive Field and (if you have unlocked it) Violent Attack. Following the Mystical Art of Alexei, the latter will remain stationary for a couple of seconds to recover, that is the time frame in which you will have to act. - Gusios
First, you will have to repeatedly hit Gusios from behind, targeting his tail in this case. After taking a couple of hits, Gusios will pull his tail back and often use an attack where he stands on his hind legs. Hit him repeatedly in the legs to make him fall to the ground. Once again, Beyond Limits and Storm Blue will be great allies. - Khroma
You will probably complete this mission without even wanting to. Basically, Khroma must be intercepted and dropped to the ground while in flight. You can rely on Rita's magical arts or more simply on Judith, perhaps activating a Mystical Art following a combo in mid-air. In case you don't know how to use the Mystical Arts, you need a weapon that grants the "Special" ability to the character in question, finally activate Over Limit (at least at Level 3) during the battle and hold X after a Altered or Arcane art. - Damned Wanderer - Second Battle
This time, compared to the first battle against the aforementioned Boss, the mission will be very simple. At the start of the battle, use the "Maris Stella" key item obtained in Zaude during the plot. Easy Breezy. - Flynn
The most exciting clash of Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition offers a not bad challenge not only for difficulty, but also for the mission in question. You will need to get Flynn to use at least once all its Basic Arts, Arcane Arts, Magical Arts and even its Mystical Art. The arts in question, which you can read at the top of the screen, are: Demonic Fang
Sonic lunge
Tiger Blade
Demonic Circle
Infernal Blade
Hawk Rising
Sparkling Hawk
Swarm of the Dragon
Glittering Scythe (magical)
Spear of Light (magical)
First Aid (magical, let me heal, it is necessary to complete the mission)
Defensive Blanket (as above)
Shining Dragon's Claw (Mystical Art)Before starting the battle, it is advisable to advise you to have huge supplies of items: 15 Apple, Orange, Lemon and Pineapple Jellies are a must. If you have any Special or Miraculous Jelly, even better. The fight will go on for a long time, because you will have to dodge many attacks but you will inevitably be hit during such a long fight. Also, you'll have to let Flynn heal at least once with the ER and Camp. Finally, to trigger his Mystical Art, you'll have to perform one with Yuri. Unfortunately, your Mystical Art will be interrupted by Flynn's, throwing an Over Limit and 3 Bars of the aforementioned indicator. Try to modify your equipment in order to have at least 4000 HP, 700 Physical Defense and 400 Magical Defense if you don't want to be killed instantly as a result of the Mystical Art. If you survive, use a Lemon Jelly immediately.
- Zagi - Last battle
The time has come to get Zagi out of the way once and for all. The mission related to this trophy is slightly tougher than the previous ones in which Zagi is your opponent, but nothing impossible. It is recommended to set the 3 characters you do not intend to use for this mission to "Manual" from the Arts menu. This way no one will attack Zagi except you. The goal is to let Zagi use the Blastia Charge to absorb the Aer around him. At the end of the charge you will notice a black blanket around his arm. You will have to hit him repeatedly and break the guard. If you are in Over Limit and spamming Violent Attack with Yuri, it will be quite easy. Note: You must necessarily wait for Zagi to finish absorbing the Aer, so it is preferable not to have allies attacking him during this time. - Duke
The final battle, the last mission. Breathe a sigh of relief because this is not something complicated. You will face Duke in 2 consecutive battles. The aim is to finish the second battle by giving Duke the final blow with a mystical art. At the start of the second battle use a Magic Lens, so you can constantly track Duke's HP each time you hit L1. Stock a lot of Limit Bottles, because a single Mystical Art requires 3 bars of Over Limit, and there isn't too much room for error. If you haven't been grinding too much during your Playthrough, a Mystical Art with Yuri should raise between 8.000 and 12.000 HP, depending on your weapons and skills set. If you don't want to risk too much, when Duke drops below 15.000 open the menu and set the other 3 party members to Manual. Then it will be up to you to decide the right moment to trigger the Mystical Art, without risking killing Duke first. We remind you that the prerequisites of a Mystical Art are to have the “Special” ability, to have it activated and to have 3 Beyond Limit Bars. To execute it, activate the Beyond Limit LV3, hit the enemy with an Arcane art and hold down the "Circle" key at the end of the execution.
That's all. Do not despair if you fail in any of the secret missions on the first try, it is more than normal. You can always load the last save. Finally, we remind you that the save points before a Boss are distinguished from the normal ones because they have a blue aura around the book and you will notice that they load all your HP and TP.
► Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is an RPG-type game developed and published by Bandai Namco for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 11/01/2019
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 87%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition