Even as The Walking Dead: The Final Season is nearing its end, there will still be a lot to discover regarding the fate of its characters and storyline.
Considering in this case only the gameplay, especially for players who crave to discover every detail of the game when it comes to having to earn trophies (PlayStation 4) or achievements (Xbox One), we thought to a guide to be able to collect all the collectibles present in the last chapter of The Walking Dead: The Final Season.
As always, the collectible items in question are hidden in the game map and must be collected to earn trophies or achievements. Below we will indicate the position of all these tools in order of appearance in the game; remember that it is important to fully explore all areas before to initiate any dialogues, to avoid advancing the story.
Towards the beginning of the chapter, after entering the basement to be able to question the prisoner, Abel, you will come across a red flag bearing the words 'Ericson Academy'. The flag in question, namely the 'school pennant' it will be right in front of you on the left just after entering the cell.
On a shelf exactly next to the boiler, always inside the basement in question not too far from the flag, you can find the magic blackboard.
While searching for friends and patrolling the bandit area, you'll find yourself in front of a fallen tree trunk, in the exact opposite direction to Violet's. Head to this tree and explore around there to be able to recover the horseshoe.
Just after you have recovered the horseshoe, proceed towards Willy's direction. Without talking to him, search the grassy area behind him to find the rabbit's paw.
The moment you meet James near the barn door, before talking to him, turn left to find a pile of hay. Exactly behind this you can recover the mask.
To retrieve the last collectible, always before talking to James to advance the story, this time turn right to collect the harp on a wall with vines.
At this point, after having collected all six of these items, you will finally unlock the trophy / achievement "Slayer". Finally, to unlock the second objective linked to collectibles, namely "Feel at home", go back to Clementine's room in Aj and place them inside.
► The Walking Dead: The Final Season is an Adventure-Point & Click game developed and published by Telltale Games for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 14/08/2018
The Walking Dead: The Final Season is a great game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 82%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of The Walking Dead: The Final Season