This is a simple guide to easily overcome the mysteries and intertwining that surround the game Time Hollow: a small revolution in the themes of video games, where, we will discover that even the smallest change in the past can cause terrible events in the present. and create countless parallel worlds!
Our protagonist, Ethan, wakes up with a hand full of scratches made by his cat due to a difference of opinion regarding the cleaning of the feline.
As soon as you take control of Ethan, you will start a little tutorial on the main controls of the game, so follow the orders and examine all the parts of the room (including the garbage can), until you hear your mother calling you for dinner. At this point, use the icon at the top right to exit the room and find yourself in the dining room with your father and mother.
Here is another little tutorial on conversations (a very important part of the game), keep following orders and keep talking to your parents until Timothy, Ethan's father, leaves the room. You too go out to go back to the bedroom.
Close the window in your room and Pamela, your mother, will call you downstairs for tea; we will meet another very important character, Uncle Derek, a journalist with no money who will fight with your father because of the lack of money. After the quarrel, we will talk about Ethan's seventeenth birthday who, after being ignored, returns to his room and replies badly to his mother.
Back in the room you will start yet another tutorial, the one on the menu, pay attention and then click on the Sox cat and then on the bed to go to sleep.
After a night disturbed by nightmares, we will wake up in a sweat; the room is no longer the same, mostly due to a black hole next to the bed! We examine the bed and the floor, take the Hollow Pen from Sox's collar and see Ethan touch the small black hole with his new pen, which will disappear instantly! This is all weird, but it's not over yet! Closed the black hole (which turns out to be a time passage) Ethan will have Flashbacks (be prepared that during the game you will have plenty), not upset enough, at some point he will see Uncle Derek appear in front of him and tell him that his parents disappeared 12 years ago ...
At which one might ask something about the mysterious situation that has arisen. Since the appearance of a black hole in your room, and the suppression of it with a pen taken from the cat, certainly are not normal occurrences! To unravel the skein of this still unknown intertwining it will be necessary to continue and investigate.
After the chat with Uncle Derek, there will be the penultimate tutorial, the one on Flashbacks, let's follow it and then go down to the dining room for breakfast.
After breakfast we will meet at school, where 2 students are talking about a clock found near the school incinerator (will it be the same seen in the Flashback?) And finally we will meet our friends: Ashley and Emily who will give us a table clock for the our birthday and Vin confirming the disappearance of our parents 12 years ago. We talk to all 3 again and we will find ourselves in the city map, which we will use often and willingly to move from one place to another.
I will report what to do, places not mentioned can be avoided:
- Station: You will meet Morris and Ben, 2 other friends of yours, who will confirm the story of your parents.
- Chronos: You will meet Emily again and have a quick exchange of words
Perform these 2 actions, then go home and arrived in the room we will display our beautiful birthday present!
Exposed the watch and reviewed some scenes from the night before, we will notice that Sox has a piece of paper in his collar, let's take it and see that Timothy sends it !!! We will finally know what the Hollow Pen is for and that we have to go near the school's incinerator to create a Hole in Time.
Go down to the dining room and talk to Uncle Derek, then head to the school and enter the courtyard and go right towards the incinerator. Once we have arrived, we look at the Flashback of the incinerator from the menu and confirm it, once we leave the menu, the last tutorial on how to create Holes in Time will start. Did you learn well? Perfect, it's time to create your first Time Hole, do it more or less in the middle of the mountain of garbage bags, where you see that red square, an animated scene will start and you can see the contents of the box: the wristwatch that you wished for your birthday and a letter from your father in which he warns you about the Time Holes with sibylline phrases!
Finally Ethan will also remember to close the Forum and you will see new Flashbacks (none important) that you will have to remember to confirm from the menu.
End of Introduction