Let's face it: lately, finding a driving game within the vast videogame market that is totally arcade and that at the same time manages to be very varied is not as simple as it seems. In a sense, Grand Theft Auto V was succeeding through a multiplayer consisting of its way of being constantly exaggerated, together with creation tools used by its numerous users to create unimaginable race tracks.
However, it is clear that for the title just mentioned, driving cars in online games has never been the main character, in addition to the fact that many times playing a race inevitably includes suffering a high waste of time due to the organization or research of the itself. This time it is not so, because in this article we will talk about a very small pearl placed within a wide choice of video games of its kind.
TrackMania Nations Remake is an online racing video game, consisting of a very strong arcade-type gameplay. It was developed and published by Ubisoft on July 2020, XNUMX for PC, and can be purchased on the well-known online video game sales platforms Epic Games Store and Uplay. Among the various languages available.
Rather than being well optimized, the graphic sector is very simple and the presence of details or environmental details is almost zero. It follows that TrackMania Nations Remake does not employ excessive use of resources, thus making it so light to the point that it can also be run on medium-low performance computers.
Interesting is how the developers have used the game engine to manage the colors, which are all extremely clear and strong. Despite the clear cuts between one color and another, it is still possible to create a harmonious vision of the scenario that the eye always looks at with pleasure.
Speed is not just one aspect of the compact Formula 1 racing car being driven, but also of the game itself. In fact it is possible to create or join a game very easily and in a few seconds.
It doesn't stop there, because the lack of a tutorial and storyline throws the player who tries it for the first time straight into the action. It is however possible to practice with your vehicle in the twenty-five maps present in the training mode, in complete calm, without any pressure due to competition, and above all with no one who sees funny or comically embarrassing crashes.
Furthermore, on the screen there is the total absence of HUD, as the only information needed - i.e. speed and player information - is displayed in plain text on the car. It is not just an aesthetic choice, because one could safely say that the intent is to make the player concentrate one hundred percent on the track and on the spectacularity of the race.
TrackMania Nations Remake presents a level editor with which it is possible to give rise to incredible races, perhaps built in such a way as to generate spins, giant jumps and other race tricks of the kind.
While you whiz at high speed on the endless tracks of the title you are talking about, you are always accompanied by one of the many background tracks. Each of these is cheerful and lively, and emphasizes the sense of dynamism that the game wants to offer to its users.
The way in which the game sells itself to the public is quite unusual. The starter access allows you to discover the basic functions of the game, the standard access is a one-year pass that allows you to participate in clubs and campaigns, finally, the club access is a one or three-year pass that gives the complete experience to the user leaving the possibility to create content with the tools offered by TrackMania Nations Remake.
If you are looking for an arcade driving game that is well made and yet varied in its simplicity, TrackMania Nations Remake is definitely the perfect game for you. With this video game it is also possible to give vent to one's creativity in many different ways, to then be able to test the products created both in company and with players around the world. It is obvious to say that this is a title that should not be taken seriously, but it is precisely for this reason that it manages to entertain and excite.