There are two ways to grab easy money in Watch Dogs 2: one by hacking Pablo The Skinner's phone and the other by submitting. Let's go into detail.
The first method consists in carrying out the main missions up to the one called "Eye for an Eye". Once you get to this mission you should unlock a secondary one, called "A Real Dog Fight". Starting the latter we will have to use, at some point, a big lift that will take us to a room with a double door. Near the latter there should be a camera, hacking it we will have to be able to see a group of men and women. Just one couple, among these, will be engaged in a discussion and the man should be called Pablo. By pointing the camera at him, we can hack his smartphone to steal around $ 18.000 from his account. By reloading from the last checkpoint every time we will be able to repeat the trick as many times as we want to dramatically increase our money. The only flaw is that this trick has been tested on unpatched versions of the game and may therefore no longer be available, to remedy this we will have to not patch the game or downgrade it.
If you don't like it, just follow the second method: complete the taxi driver missions via the app on Marcus' phone. In fact, these assignments will yield a nice booty from time to time, perhaps to be completed between one mission and another so as not to be too boring.