Review for Windjammers. Game for PlayStation Network, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/01/1994 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 23/10/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 29/08/2017
The first half of the 90s was certainly a golden age for video games, a period of coexistence between home consoles and coin-op cabinets, even before their crisis began to accelerate in the following years. While the various Super Nintendo and Mega Drive took place in front of the home televisions, in the arcades (or in the corner of the busiest bars, perhaps in some holiday resort) was the brand Neo Geo to be the master. Among the various Fatal Fury, Pulstar, Puzzle Bobble, Samurai Showdown etc. it was possible to find Windjammers, a title not well known but which became an authentic cult thanks to its original formula and fast and enthralling gameplay.
More than 20 years after its release, DotEmu re-proposes on Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita this little big pearl of the past, ready to be discovered by younger players and to collect tears of nostalgic joy from the most experienced players.
The particular sport practiced in Windjammers is basically an evolution of Pong with some fighting elements. Two contenders play in what resembles a tennis court, but instead of a ball they have to throw a Frisbee into the opponent's court, trying to get past the opponent's defense and score "goals" in the wall behind him. The side rails can be used to bounce the Frisbee, and the fields can be of various sizes, as well as have obstacles between the two halves.
We will be able to choose from a shortlist of six characters representing as many nations, each with a different balance of speed and power. To defeat the opponent on duty we can try to confuse him with effect throws and high throws, choose when to make direct throws or play on the bank, but above all knowing how to position ourselves in our half field to defend ourselves from his attacks. Unlike tennis, we will be able to hold the Frisbee for a few moments before throwing it, but the sooner we throw it back, the faster the shot will be, while if we hold it too much the launch will be slow and easily intercepted.
Remaining in place at the moment of reception, you can make a "parade" that will make the disc rotate upwards, giving us time to load a special shot, different for each character, with effects as unlikely as they are devastating.
With a few rules and only two buttons to manage, Windjammers is an accessible game, as addicting as few and damn fun. While in the arcade the limit of games was dictated by the coins we had in our pockets, being able to replay without that limit is certainly rewarding, especially against another human player.
However, if you were expecting a remake of the game you will be disappointed. The version for Sony consoles is basically a ported up to fit today's standards. The appearance of the two-dimensional sprites is therefore always the same, but it is possible to modify some graphic parameters such as setting the view to 16: 9, customize the background, or apply some filters including one that reproduces the effect of the cathode ray tube screen, for the most nostalgic.
The single player is unfortunately limited to the classic Arcade mode, which we will be able to face at three different difficulties, as well as being able to play the two interlude mini-games freely. The real fun is obviously packed into the multi-player, and in addition to being able to challenge a friend locally, it is now possible to search for opponents online. Too bad that, in addition to a not exactly brilliant netcode, DotEmu has not included options to customize the search for opponents, which means that you could find yourself playing with players on the other side of the world and / or with a poor connection, with all the resulting lag effects. Other simple options that would have been appreciated, such as customizing the time limit or the number of sets needed to win the match, were also not received.
In short, although Windjammers is a playability title that speaks for itself, it is equally true that for this “revival” DotEmu has operated an all too faithful porting without any really noteworthy additions. Without necessarily bringing into play the introduction of new characters, it would have been enough to add a 2 vs 2 mode in special larger arenas to greatly increase the value of the porting and skyrocket the multiplayer playability. Really a shame.
After more than 20 years Windjammers continues to offer an enviable quality of gamelay, to which is added the possibility of playing it with friends or online without the limits of coin-op. Too bad for the imperfection of the netcode and the lazy fidelity of the conversion that give the feeling of a missed opportunity to raise it to even higher levels. Despite this, it is still a valid title that will drag you game after game in a spiral of pure arcade fun.
► Windjammers is a Sport-type game developed by SNK Playmore and published by Sony for PlayStation Network, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/01/1994 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 23/10/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 29/08/2017