When in 2016 Square Enix decided to celebrate 30 years of the Final Fantasy series with the release of “World of Final Fantasy”, the reception of the public was not the best. Everyone expected a much more substantial program to celebrate an important anniversary like that of 2016, instead Square Enix has decided to focus on a simpler approach: create a video game with strong fanservice towards the titles of the Final Fantasy series. World of Final Fantasy then started in an awkward position, having to prove that it could conquer the public, and apparently it succeeded. The sales of the title satisfied Square Enix who decided to expand the universe of World of Final Fantasy through a mobile game and an expansion: World of Final Fantasy Maxima.
To accompany the release of the expansion on PlayStation 4 and PC there was also a port (including all the dlc) of the title on Xbox One and Switch. In this review we will consider both the value of the game, including dlc, on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One, and the value of the Maxima expansion for those who have already purchased the title on PS4 or PC.
World of Final Fantasy Maxima is a title that, from the moment you start it, immediately places a heavy condition to be appreciated. The graphic style is very colorful and pleasant, but combines an excellent use of the color palette with a particular art design. Let's talk about the "super-deformed" style which consists of drawing all the characters in a "chibi" style, reminiscent of the much loved Pop figures. This artistic choice was probably also dictated by budget and console limits, which we will talk about later, and the game is presented in a state where either you appreciate this style or hate it. Also in general World of Final Fantasy also has a problem of originality in art design. When he wants to be a citationist and re-propose settings from old titles, such as the castle of Figaro for example, World of Final Fantasy manages to be very faithful and interesting to explore.
The problem in art design comes when the title has to propose original settings or monsters. World of Final Fantasy lacks its own artistic identity that goes beyond the characters' chibi style. Fortunately, this problem does not arise when it comes to narrative and gameplay. The narrative of World of Final Fantasy is very interesting for how it is handled from the beginning, although it presents some pacing problems typical of the first half of many Final Fantasy. The characters of the series that the game honors are inserted into the narrative with ups and downs, some are relegated to simple random cameos while others have very nice skits that mention known events of the old Final Fantasy or that allow characters from different universes to interact with dynamics sometimes very nice. The main problem of the main narrative component is probably the two protagonists, who will continue in series of hideous jokes that can annoy or even ruin the atmosphere in some sections of the game.
If both the narration and the artistic sector have lights and shadows, the task of giving a game such solidity as to make it attractive falls on the gameplay. Fortunately for World of Final Fantasy the classic formula from JRPG blends perfectly with the system of control and capture of monsters typical of Pokémon; as good old Atlus teaches us with the Shin Megami Tensei Saga. The gameplay has remained almost unchanged compared to the first release, with some small additions in terms of capturing mirages that allow you to find the desired build more easily. For a more precise description of the game system, we refer you to the original World of Final Fantasy review found here.
Porting to Switch brings with it some problems; World of Final Fantasy was already visibly limited by the development based on the Playstation Vita, and on Nintendo Switch this element is further highlighted by the animated cutscenes. Playing in portable mode there are no problems whatsoever, but playing in docked mode you will very often see animated cutscenes with resolution problems, showing how the game was not initially intended to be played on large screens.
As the final version, World of Final Fantasy Maxima is more than worthy of a purchase, and is presented as a superior version of the original released on ps4 and pc. Yet the additions brought by the Maxima expansion cannot totally justify their price for those who have already started their journey with the "base" game. The additional content is limited to extra challenges, a few more missions and a new gameplay mechanics, elements that are well integrated into the game and that improve it, but the launch price of 16 euros does not justify the content that Maxima offers.
World of Final Fantasy started with few supporters but brought an overall excellent experience, with an interesting story and many funny banthers between characters from different Final Fantasy. The problems in terms of art design and narrative pacing remain in this “final mix” version, but the additions of the Maxima version are good for those who have to discover the title on One and Switch. Different speech for those who already own the basic version of the game, having maybe even played it once. Maxima is a good expansion, but it offers little to justify a price of 16 euros at launch.
Verdict: Recommended only for true enthusiasts