Review for Yokai Watch 2. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 10/07/2014
Almost a year has now passed since the arrival on our local shelves of Yo-Kai Watch, Level-5 RPG for Nintendo 3DS. The first chapter of Yo-Kai Watch took us back, like a bolt from the blue, to those days when games took months, if not years, to pass from Japan, to America, and finally to Europe. Now for almost all games this problem no longer exists, almost all video games come out on the same date around the world or a few days away from one region to another, but apparently this does not apply to Level titles -5 who, between Inazuma Eleven and Yo-Kai Watch, enjoy making us wait.
And so it is that, 3 years after its release in Japan in 2014, it reaches us on April 7, 2017 Yo-Kai Watch 2, divided into two versions just as the Pokémon saga teaches, with the names of Spirits e Pulpants. Today, September 29, the version comes out Psychospectri, the third version which, compared to the third versions of Pokémon, unfortunately does not combine all the Yo-Kai found in the other two but instead has its own exclusive monsters, expanding however the post-game with many bosses and missions that were missing in Spirossi and Pulpanime . Let's see together the news of the second chapter compared to the previous iteration, and the differences between the versions.
Between amnesia and time travel
In Japan, the first Yo-Kai Watch was born exclusively as a video game, at least originally. Only after that the anime was created, and after this, thanks to the popularity acquired by the brand, it came out Yo-Kai Watch 2. Level 5 realized that there were not many users who would have recovered the first chapter of the game, and therefore decided to use a very unoriginal expedient for the realization of the second chapter.
In Yo-Kai Watch 2 in fact, Keita (Nathan in the West) is robbed of his Yo-Kai Watch and his memories, and finds himself forced to retrace, a good half of the story, the events that occurred during the first chapter. The two stories obviously have their differences, and Keita with her friends Whisper and Jibanyan will often find themselves victims of deja-vu and aware that they have already experienced certain situations. If we also put time travel in the middle, the cliché fair is complete.
No new good new
The gameplay of Yo-Kai Watch 2 remains virtually identical to its predecessor. Without going to explain mechanisms that would be out of place for those who have already played the original title and to avoid being verbose, we invite all those who are virgins about the saga to go and read our review of Yo-Kai Watch. For better or for worse, Yo-Kai Watch 2 it carries all its pros and cons, but does not spare itself in inserting some small news that we have been able to appreciate in particular.
First of all, finally, Keita himself (or rather the player himself) has an active part during the fight rather than simply watching the fight and activating the EnergiMax moves: now, thanks to the Poke command, we can go and tease enemies with the stylus. annoying them to help our teammates, and in the case of some bosses we can also look for their particular weaknesses. In addition to this, the Poke can also be used in support mode, going to "spank" our laziest Yo-Kai who fall asleep or don't want to fight.
Another new mechanic is the M-Skill, a special move particularly useful in desperate situations, thanks to which we will be able to greatly enhance our EnergiMax moves at the price of the energy of the 3 Yo-Kai active at that moment. It goes without saying that this practice is extremely risky but can lead to a total reversal of the fight.
The story itself is extremely easy, sometimes embarrassing, sometimes just interspersed with some particularly tough bosses. If we want to look for the difficulty in Yo-Kai Watch 2 we will have to do it by going to challenge the terrifying optional bosses, who will give us a hard time rewarding us with their friendship and their inclusion in the party. However, it must be said that, regarding the recruitment issue, the negative side of the first chapter has not been resolved in a totally random way the possible friendship between Keita and the defeated Yo-Kai, making life impossible for those who intended. "Catch them all".
Considering that almost 2 new monsters have been added in Yo-Kai Watch 200, the problem only gets worse, however the situation is mitigated by the much requested Trade mode. In fact, players will be able to exchange Yo-Kai medals as well as Pokémon, making it much more fun and above all socially useful. The multiplayer, however, does not stop there: if in the story mode everything will be very simple and we will not have to puzzle too much in the composition of the team, the same cannot be said for the brand new Versus Mode which puts us having to fight against other players. In this case, choosing the right Yo-Kai, with the right skills and the right character traits becomes practically essential.
However what changes between the version Spirits e Pulpants? Having tried both versions we were able to ascertain that the story does not change in the slightest: the difference lies on some exclusive Yo-Kai between one version and another as on Pokémon, and on some side-quests aimed at capturing them. So for the purchase do not make yourself too many problems because it is a completely aesthetic difference and you just have to choose the game in which there are the Yo-Kai you like best. To help in the choice, here is the list of Yo-Kai present exclusively in the Pulpanime and Spirossi versions. As for the Psicospettri version, as we said we have a real third version with other exclusive Yo-Kai, however if you haven't played either of the previous two versions, Psicospettri is undoubtedly the most full of content.
In Japan with Euros
Among the downsides and utterly incomprehensible that the series has been dragging on since the first chapter, the most absurd is its completely incoherent and meaningless Western adaptation. Although it is clear that we are in Japan (also due to completely obvious references to names and creatures with an oriental spirit, first of all the name Yo-Kai but also the Kappa, the Kyubi and many others), we have characters with some names Americans and some Italians (Nate and Sandrone) and the currency of money in Euros. We are therefore left with a soup of random adaptations, which although they will not turn up their noses at a young person, will annoy the players with a few more years on their shoulders, as well as the purists of the original version.
The technical sector, including music, graphics, and anime-style movies, is completely identical to the predecessor, so it is useless to go and decant the praises and infamies here. Longevity is what has definitely improved, thanks to tons of new Yo-kai, side quests, multiplayer, and the over 20 hours it takes to complete the main story.
Yo-Kai Watch 2 remains the same game seen a year ago with some very welcome additions, but that doesn't change the formula. If you have not loved the first chapter you will certainly not love this one either, however if you have enjoyed Yo-Kai Watch, this second chapter could annoy you in its continuous tracing the plot already seen in the past, at least for the first half. As absurd as it may seem, the players who will be most fascinated by Yo-Kai Watch 2 are those who approach this video game for the first time, probably landing on these shores thanks to the airing of the anime here in Italy and the merchandise which has now taken hold everywhere.
► Yokai Watch 2 is a Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 10/07/2014