This is Zack and Wiki's solution. This aims to help you in the course of the game for solving puzzles: although free from spoilers, I recommend that you avoid reading it unless in parallel with the progress of the adventure.
The journey begins!
The adventure begins with Zack, Wiki and Johnny Style flying a second-hand plane. After a short chat between the protagonists, Wiki will begin to teach you various gameplay rules. It will tell you to point the cursor in front of the screen, and point it at Johnny Style. The latter will tell you to examine the plane, but soon after you will be attacked by something and the alarm will go off. Take a look around with "B", then Wiki will ask you to move the cursor over the camera icon to observe the plane from the outside. Immediately after, an airship will emerge from the clouds, precisely of a band of pirates, the "Rose Rock", and you will come to know their captain, Rose. These will attack the plane destroying it, and Johnny takes the opportunity to escape. Examine the room and, with the cursor, go to the lever and activate it. In addition to getting 5000 points, the rear hatch will also open. Jump out of this to escape the plane. Since you are falling, and only Wiki can fly, move the camera to the northwest, you will find a box with an umbrella inside, take it because you will need it to cushion the fall. Go to the object icon to examine it, then go back. Open the umbrella by placing it to the north, and press button "2". Wiki will teach you how to remove the object in use by simply removing the icon above it. Now you will find yourself in front of a waterfall, Zack, after the fall, got caught on a branch of a tree. Shake the Wiimote to make it fall. Wiki will notice that on the other side, beyond the tree, there is a chest, and the nose of the previous airplane is about to fall from the waterfall. Go to the tree, move it, and a giant centipede will come out. Kill him with the Wiki bell by shaking the Wiimote from left to right. Grab the Centi-saw, which you got, and go in front of the tree. With the object you will cut the tree in order to pass to the other bank. A spirit guards the treasure, kill it and open the chest.
Tragic abyss
Head upstairs, where the column is. By examining it, you can see a red key, but for now it will not be possible to take it. Examine that jar which is to the east. A snake will come out, eliminate it and take the object it left behind: "The snake's hand". Go and examine the tower again. With the new tool it will be possible to take the key of the ruins clinging to the tower. Head in front of the red door, and open it with the ruins key. Point the cursor on the jar, where Johnny Style will come out and tell you to be on the alert and to check the area where you are now. Go back upstairs, retrieve the serpent's hand, and return to the ruins. Be careful not to walk on the wooden slabs! Lower, with the object taken from the reptile, that iron hook on the ceiling, and immediately afterwards some rocks will fall that will cover the obstacle that previously did not allow you to continue towards the chest. Kill the spirit and open the chest. You will get the "Elend's Bracelet", another piece of Barbaros's body.
Goblin's Flute
Head north and operate the funicular, but beware, only move when the goblins are bent down so you don't get caught. Go south, and go near a palm tree, shake it and a coconut will fall. Collect it and take the funicular again, then go back. Lift and break that boulder near the mushrooms, throw the coconut into the hole to make the snake angry. Now you can go down, as the cook, after seeing the reptile, ran away from fear. Take a dormant mushroom, and add it to the pot. Now kill the snake to get "The Hand of the Snake". Collect the steel spoon with this new object, which you will need to call the goblins through the giant plate. The creatures will eat the soup and fall dormant to the ground. Grab the flute, and head to the chest column. Play the melody depicted on the nameplate near the column, and the fire surrounding the chest will vanish. Kill the spirit and open the chest. You will get "Neid's Anchor", another piece of Barbaros' body.
The three giants
If you notice above there is a statuette identical to the 3 pieces; so to assemble it, take a cue from it, if you need it, and then turn everything upside down to put them in the required order. Once this is done you will get a crank, you will need it to start a mechanism. There are 2 keys in the item you just picked up, so if it doesn't fit in a lock, turn it and try the other key. Before inserting the key and turning the previous object in the lock to the left. Put the totem head on the button first, so as not to get hit by the giant ball. Kill the spirit and open the chest. You will get the "Chalice of Grauen", another piece of Barbaros's body.
Guardian of the fountain
Climb on the vine, and select the slide with the cursor. A frog will come out, kill it with the bell and you will get a frog bomb. Be careful, 10 seconds and the item from before will explode, so pick it up and quickly throw it down the slope to pop it in the goblin's face, causing him to momentarily pass out. Go down the vine again, break the two rocks there to find a worm. Collect it and go near the slide to go down. Select the fishing rod, insert the worm in the hook, and throw the line into the water to catch the fish. Soon after, go to the left slide, and you will immediately find yourself in the water. Go underwater, and turn up the spring cap. Climb up the grassy column and head left. Go down the stairs and collect the key to the ruins. Go back, put the cap back on the source, and continue entering the stream of water on the left. Open the door with the key, kill the spirit and open the chest. You will get the "Abscheu Binoculars", another piece of Barbaros' body.
King of the jungle
Kill the centipede on the left and pick up the centi-saw. Head east, the way to the cave is blocked by two wooden clubs, cut them with the previous item. Go up the stairs, and pick up the jar of scales. Get off and head near the snake statue. Turn the jar upside down, and place it over the reptile's head. Now take a piece of wood, light it with fire to turn it into a torch, and enter the cave. Go down the stairs, and head left. Put the torch in the crevice of the statue. Now solve the riddle of shapes, it is very easy, just enter them in the appropriate empty spaces. The water will invade the passage on the right, to allow you to swim and get to the other side. Kill a bat to get the umbrella. Go back, create another torch, and climb the temple to make the ape escape. Take the previous item and go east, you will find a column, turn the rain cover on the side of the handle, and grab the rope going down the other side. Take the object attached to the rope and shake the bell. Now you will fall and turn the water guard and open it with "2". Kill the spirit and open the chest.