Disney Plus is a new streaming platform that brings together the most successful content from the Disney, Pixar, National Geografic, Marvel and Star Wars brands. We have selected for you the best movies to watch on Disney Plus.
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Best disney plus movies to see absolutely
These are the disney movies that we recommend you see on the platform.
Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old balloon salesman is about to fulfill his lifelong dream: to fly to South America with his own home. Accompanied on the journey by an 8-year-old boy scout, the two face monsters and villains of all kinds.
Avengers: Endgame
Adrift in space without food or water, Tony Stark sees his oxygen supply dwindling by the minute. Meanwhile, the remaining Avengers face an epic confrontation with Thanos.
On a planet Earth abandoned by humanity, the lonely and sensitive robot Wall-E falls madly in love with a drone that has landed in the landfill where he lives.
The Lion King
Following the death of his father, the lion cub Simba must fight the evil Uncle Scar who tries to steal the throne of king of the jungle from him. To help him there are two nice companions, Timon and Pumbaa.
Into the Woods
As a result of a witch's spell, a baker and his wife are unable to have children. Three days before the occurrence of the blue moon, the couple ventures into the forest to search for a series of ingredients capable of annihilating the spell: a milk-white cow, a blood-red cloak and a golden slipper.
Former Marine Jake Sully has been recruited for a mission to the planet Pandora with the aim of recovering dwindling natural resources on Earth. He unexpectedly finds himself wanting to protect the magical world to which he feels strangely connected.
Miguel, a very young aspiring musician, embarks on a journey to the land of his ancestors to discover the mysteries hidden behind the stories and traditions of the family.
Star Wars episode 7 - The Force Awakens
After the destruction of the second Death Star and the fall of the Empire, the sinister First Order was born from the ashes of the latter, led by the supreme leader Snoke and his right arm Kylo Ren. In addition to the Resistance, the number one danger of the First Order is the last of the Jedi Knights, Luke Skywalker, mysteriously long gone.
Fantasy fabric
A classic from Disney that takes us to the discovery of some masterpieces of classical music, played by the Philadelphia Orchestra under the direction of Leopold Stokowski.
The little Mermaid
Ariel is a rebellious little mermaid of only sixteen, fascinated by life on land and in love with a handsome prince.
A street villain with a noble heart, falling in love with a beautiful princess, manages to pass himself off as a noble suitor thanks to the help of a genius. The lies, however, emerge, and the boy must prove his true, great, value.
The beauty and the Beast
A love story that goes beyond appearances breaks a hard and long spell .. When Belle's father is captured by a horrible monster, the girl decides to give her life in exchange for the freedom of the parent.
The empire strikes again
Master Yoda prepares young Luke Skywalker to face the terrible tyrant Dart Vader, who is about to launch a devastating attack to crush the rebels.
Guardians of the galaxy
A space adventurer, Brash Peter Quill, falls prey to some bounty hunters after stealing a coveted sphere from the mighty Ronan. To escape death, the man teams up with four unlikely adventure companions.
Black Panther
Young Prince T'Challa returns home to the technologically advanced nation of Wakanda. But he is soon forced to enlist the help of CIA agent Everett K. Ross to defend the throne and avoid a civil war.
Inside Out
Riley is forced to leave her life in the Midwest when her father moves to San Francisco for work. Her little girl is guided by her emotions: Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness, which live in the Headquarters, the control center in the mind, from where they help her face everyday life.
Frozen the ice kingdom
A fearless young princess find her sister, whose icy powers have trapped their kingdom in an eternal winter. We follow the lyrics of the songs on the screen to sing along.
Lilli e il vagabondo
Lady and the Tramp is a 2019 direct-to-streaming film directed by Charlie Bean and written by Andrew Bujalski and Kari Granlun. The film is a live-action remake of the 1955 animated film of the same name, based on the story of Happy Dan's Cosmopolitan magazine, Ward Greene's the Cynical Dog.
Toy Story 4
Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the gang embark on a new adventure in the company of the newest addition to Bonnie's room: Forky. During the journey, old and new friends help create magical moments.
A wooden puppet gets the much-needed chance of becoming a real child.
Re-reading of Sleeping Beauty. The young Maleficent is a beautiful woman with a pure soul. She works to defend the kingdom from invaders but a betrayal turns her heart into a piece of ice.
The jungle book
Disney classic of 1967 in which it tells of an orphan raised in the jungle by wolves, bears and panthers who one day must decide whether to leave everything to reach the world of humans.
When a struggling circus owner discovers that a baby elephant with huge ears is incredibly talented, he begins to use the animal to rekindle the fortunes of his business.
X-Men days of a future past
Charles Xavier gathers the X-Men to fight a war against the Sentinels who threaten to destroy the mutants. To keep the conflict from starting, Logan is sent back in time to change the future.
Flynn Rider is a charming bandit who, thanks to his good looks, easy talking and a decent dose of luck, has always had an easy time. Rapunzel, on the other hand, is a beautiful and extravagant girl with splendid golden hair, over twenty meters long, who lives in seclusion in a very high tower. One day, while on the run from the authorities, Flynn finds shelter in the very tower where Rapunzel is confined.
An adventurous teenager embarks on an epic adventure across the ocean to save her people from a terrible curse.
Finding Nemo
Marlin, a clownfish, is on the hunt for his son Nemo, who was kidnapped by a fisherman on the reef. His desperate father is joined by a wild travel companion named Dory. Meanwhile, the little one plans how to escape from the aquarium in which he was locked up.