Il servizio PlayStation Plus of June gives to subscribers Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, containing Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and especially Borderlands 2!
So let's see how to get all the trophies in this last title, just to keep us busy until the highly anticipated release Borderlands 3, scheduled for next September 13th.
- The first spin is free
Complete the mission "My First Weapon" - Dragon Slayer
Complete the mission "The best minion ever" - A little traveled road
Complete the mission "The Road to Sanctuary" - New arrival
Complete the "Plan B" mission - An old flame
Complete the mission "Hunting for a Fire Eagle" - Nobody is left behind
Complete the mission "An Unstoppable Rescue" - Wilhelm screamed
Complete the mission "A Train to Catch" - The limit is the sky
Complete the "Rising Action" mission - I can see my house from here
Complete the "Twinkling Lights, Flying City" mission - Goodbye, old sport
Complete the "Safeguarding Wildlife" mission - Put the band back together
Complete the mission "The Slab of the past and the future" - Furto d'identità
Complete the mission "The Man Who Wanted to Be Jack" - Wish for an angel
Complete the mission "Where Angels Dare Not Go" - Bombs out!
Complete the "Labor and Labor" mission - Knowledge is half battle
Complete the "Data Search" mission - Good story, man!
Defeat Jack - Challenge accepted
Complete level 1 of all challenges not tied to a level with a single character - Goliath, this is David
Allow a Goliath to level up 4 times before killing him
The Goliaths of Borderlands 2 are those enemies with the gigantic body and the tiny head. To get the trophy you will have to blow Goliath's helmet, making him enter the rage. Once enraged, the energetic will begin to attack his companions as well. Make sure he kills enough to go up to level 4. Once this is done, you can safely proceed with the elimination of the Goliath.
- Five rounds
Complete the 5th round of any Circle of Slaughter - Not quite dead
Reach level 5 - Better than before
Reach level 10 - Always better
Reach level 25 - At most… For now.
Reach level 50 - Arctic explorer
Discover all the locations of Three Horns, Tundra Express and Frostburn Canyon - Urban explorer
Discover all the places in Sanctuary, Opportunity and Lynchwood - Highland explorer
Discover all the places in the Highlands, Thousand Cuts and the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve - Ruin Explorer
Discover all the locations of Eridium Blight, Arid Nexus and Sawtooth Cauldron - Globetrotter
Discover all the places that have names in Borderlands 2.
For convenience, we have listed below the complete list of locations (only for the base game without the DLC zones, which however do not count towards the trophy):
Three Horns Divide
-Fishguts Outpost
-Windbreak Camp
-The Drydocks
-Thirty Below
-Snowbound Crossroads
Three Horns Valley
-The Frontsprings
-Split Skull Bay
-Shock Fossil Cavern
-Happy Pig Motel
-Bloodshot Slums
Tundra Express
-Varkid Ranch
-Skittering Mound
-Varkid Ranch Observatory
-Buzzard Academy
-Tiny Tina's Workshop
-Ripoff Station
-Meltwater Crossing
-Mount Molehill Mine
-Old Man Johnson's Farm
Frostburn Canyon
-Frozen Ant Lake
-Blacktoe Cavern
-Ashworth Camp
-Blisterpus Camp
-Incinerator Camp
-Firehawk Lair
- Crimson Raiders HQ
--Marcus Munitions
-Dr. Zeds 24/7 Clinic
-MoXXXi's Bar
-The Pits
-Residential Quarter
-Orbital Delivery Zone
-Waterfront District
-Opportunity Square
-Living Legend Plaza
-Hyperion Office Complex
-The Grinders
-Death Row Refinery
-The Old Mine
-Main Street
-Gunslinger's Corner
The Highlands
-Mercury Induction Station
-Isotope Reclaimation Center
-Lake Shining Horizons
-Frothing Creek Mill
- Aggregate Acquisition
-Whispering Riverbed
-Blake Bridge
-Hunter's Bane
-Old Cranky's Pond
Thousand Cuts
-Central Core Supply Dock
-Control Core Loading Dock
-Competitor Deferrence Field
-No Man's Land
-Bloody Knuckle Point
-Slab Town
-Broke Face Bridge
-Buzzard Factory
Wildlife Exploitation Preserve
-House of Mordecai
-Preserve Dockyard
-Observation Wing
-Specimen Maintenance
-Bloodwing's Enclosure
Eridium Blight
-Human Dwelling Place
-Bruiseboulder Quarry
-Eridium Extraction Plant
-Infused Grotto
-The Slag Scar
-Grandma's House
-Stagma Vapor Extraction
-Slagma Refinery
-Mount Hellsfront
-Lover's Leap
Arid Nexus Bonyard
-Eridium Pump Station 1, 2 & 3
-Hyperion Truth Network
-Loader Maintenance Depot
-Transmix Regulator Station
Arid Nexus Badlands
-TK Baha's House
-Hyperion Info Stockyard
Sawtooth Cauldron
-Main Street Reservoir
-Avie's Camp
-Cramfist's Foundry
-The Buzzard Nest
-Scalding Remnants
--Sawtooth Stilts
-Smoking Guano Grotto
- Daddy
Tip Moxxi $ 10.000. Join Mad Moxxi in the Shrine and tip him $ 10.000 in the glass jar on the counter in front of her. - Classy clothing
Equip a Rare or higher item in each Slot. - Master Saber
Kill 100 enemies using Saber Turrets. - Confused and happy
Phase-block 100 enemies using the Siren. - How much blood!
Gunzerka for 90 consecutive seconds using the Gunzerker. - Cute booty
Kill a fat enemy - Honor to the Vault Hunter
Obtain an item from Michael Mamaril. Once in Sanctuary, you can find this curious character in some of the city's landmarks such as: Zed Clinic, Rader Crimson General Quertier, News Stand, Claptrap Corner and other random places. Each time you meet him he will offer you an item. Collect one to get the trophy. - An Italian plumber
Kill Donkey Mong. - Spectacular pitcher
Kill a flying enemy by throwing a Tediore weapon - Token dance
Redeem 25 Tokens - What does it mean
Go to the Highlands and look for the double rainbow that tends to disappear and reappear randomly in the sky. - Invisible predator
- Stay for 10 consecutive seconds in Deception mode
- Breaker builders
Kill a builder before he can build another robot - Child's play
Complete the mission "Shoot this Guy in the Face" - How am i doing?
Unlock 10 customization items - Thresher sliced
Defeat Terramorphous the Invincible - Friendship is important
- Revive a companion while in "Fight for Life!" Obtainable only in co-op, you just need to revive your partner when he is in Fight for Life mode.
- Better than money
Buy 5 items from the black market - Five up, five down
High-five Claptrap - Bounty Hunter
Complete 20 side missions - Completist
Complete all side missions - Like the first time
Open the cashier at the Fyrestone bus stop.
By following these indications, you can say that you have finished the basic game 100%! Are you ready to go back to Pandora?
► Borderlands 2 is a Shooter-RPG type game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games Aspyr Media for Linux, PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac, Android, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 18/09/2012 The version for PC came out on 21/09/2012 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 27/03/2015