Today we will explain in a simple and visual way what do the double blue ticks that WhatsApp inserts in your messages mean when you send them. It is a series of indicators that WhatsApp inserts in each of the messages you send and with which you can know if the message was sent, received or read by the person to whom you sent it.
To make everything clearer, we will show an image in which we say what the meaning of each of the WhatsApp message status icons is, then we will briefly explain the meaning of each of them. We will also explain what Whatsapp double blue ticks are for audio messages and we will finish by explaining why with some users they will never see the double blue tick.
What do the blue WhatsApp ticks mean
Meaning of Whatsapp symbols
There are five main icons with which WhatsApp informs you of the status of your sent message. First you have an hourglass that tells you when a message is still being sent, then you have a series of symbols ✓ called "ticks" or "seen" with which the status of the text message is marked, and two more for the microphones that tell you how to send voice messages. Here is the meaning of the symbols of Whatsapp:
- Clock, sending a message: this symbol means that you have already sent the message, but that your mobile phone has not yet left the network. This icon usually only appears for a few seconds, so if you see it for too long there may be a problem with your connection that is preventing you from sending the message correctly.
- Gray tick ✓, message sent: The message has already left your mobile and is now surfing the Internet on its way to the mobile of the person you sent it to. However, until it connects to WhatsApp, the message will not arrive.
- Double tick in gray ✓ ✓, message received: The message has already arrived to the person you sent it to, that is, they will have received a notification that they have a new message. This Whatsapp tick will remain gray until the other user reads the message.
- Double blue check mark ✓ ✓, message read: The person you sent the message to has already read your message. Which means that he has opened WhatsApp and your conversation, so what you wrote to him has already appeared on his screen, double blue check Whatsapp.
- Gray microphone, audio message: The voice message has already been sent to the person to whom it was sent, but they have not yet heard it. You can know if he has seen it in your conversation depending on whether you see two gray ticks or two Whatsapp ticks in the voice message
- Blue microphone, voice message overheard: the user to whom it was sent has already listened to your voice message.
How do you disable the double blue check Whatsapp?
If the double blue check mark doesn't appear when your contact receives a message, it could be for three reasons: because they haven't actually read it, because they have done so from notifications so that it doesn't appear as read, or because they have disabled the double check Whatsapp. The latter is an option that WhatsApp offers to protect your privacy a little more by not informing the person when you read or stop reading the messages they send you.
If you don't want to send or receive read receipts, turning them off is a simple process.
- First, open the WhatsApp app and tap on the three vertical dots in the top right corner.
- Select Settings, then Accounts and finally tap Privacy.
- This window will then offer you several privacy options including deactivating the “Last Accessed” status, changing your profile photo, status and location in real time, and finally reading receipts.
- Tap to uncheck the ticked box and you have successfully disabled read receipts.
- However, if you turn off read receipts, you won't be able to see other people's read receipts.
Simply the double blue ticks will no longer be visible on your Whatsapp application.
Further Reading:
- How to listen to Whatsapp voice messages without viewing and without opening the app
- Because sometimes Whatsapp doesn't send photos
- How to share WhatsApp status as a story on Facebook
- How to make WhatsApp calls using the Google Assistant
- How to enable WhatsApp two-factor authentication for Android