The latest effort by the guys from CD Projekt RED, Cyberpunk 2077, has several attributes: Body, Technical Ability, Reflexes, Cool and Intelligence. In addition to these attributes, there are skills. These are different from perks, as they behave more like sub-categories. The more a certain skill is used, the more it rises in level, up to level cap 7. To overcome this limit it is necessary to invest more points in the corresponding Attribute, in order to further advance the skill level.
Body attribute
Each attribute in Cyberpunk 2077 has three different skill types associated with it. The Body attribute has Athletics, Annihilation, and Street Brawler. These skills are enhanced by running, climbing, and killing enemies with machine guns, shotguns and melee weapons respectively. Level 7 Athletics will increase load capacity by 40, grant two more perk points, 5% more stamina and 10% more stamina regeneration. Level 9, on the other hand, provides another perk point and 5% health increase. As for Annihilation, once you get to level 7, you get 10% recoil reduction, 5% critical chance and 25% scatter reduction on rifle and machine gun rounds. In addition, two extra perk points are awarded. Level 9 will provide an additional 10% recoil reduction and an extra perk point.
Finally, if you manage to get to level 7 with the Street Brawler, you gain 10% block damage reduction, 10% reduction in stamina consumption, 10% increase in critical damage and 5% increase in attack speed with punches, blunt weapons and Gorilla Arms, plus two extra Perk points. Level 9 grants 2% more damage per second with melee weapons and one more Perk point.
Reflexes attribute
The next attribute of our character in Cyberpunk 2077 that we are going to examine is Reflections. His main skills are Handguns, Blades and Assaults. As it is easy to guess we will be able to level these skills using respectively guns, revolvers, blades, rifles and SMGs. Let's start looking at the benefits of leveling guns. At level 7, this skill will provide 20% ADS time reduction, 10% recoil reduction, 25% shot dispersion reduction, and 5% increased critical damage chance with pistols and revolvers. We will also get two extra perk points. If we manage to reach level 9 we will get another additional perk point and 10% reduced recoil for guns.
For Blades, level 7 will give us 10% attack speed increase, 10% stamina consumption reduction, 2% damage per second increase, 10% critical damage and 5% chance critical when using blades. An additional perk point will also be provided. Level 9 only grants two perk points. With Assaults, once we reach level 7 we will receive 20% ADS time reduction, 10% recoil reduction, 25% shot spread reduction, 5% increase in critical chance with rifles and SMGs and a colon perk. At level 9 we will instead get another perk point and 10% additional reduction in recoil on SMGs and rifles.
Technical Ability attribute
At this point we move on to examine a new attribute of Cyberpunk 2077, or Technical Ability, which has only two subclasses, namely: Craft and Engineering. We can level these subclasses through crafting and disassembly and with the use of technical weapons. For Crafts, reaching level 7 means having a 5% reduction in crafting costs, two additional perk points, a 5% increase in finding more materials when crafting, and new skills regarding the crafting of weapons and clothing. At level 9 you get other crafting specs and a perk point instead. In Engineering, level 7 will unlock 5% charge time reduction, 5% DPS increase and 6% armor increase when using tech weapons. Plus three perk points. At level 9 we will earn a perk point and a 5% chance of critical damage with tech weapons.
Cool attribute
The Attribute we're going to now examine is Cool. It has two subclasses, namely Cold Blood and Stealth. To level the Stealth class, you will obviously need sneak attacks and stealth overrun of enemies. For Cold Blood, however, the discourse is a little more complex. This subclass empowers itself with the leveling of other skills, regardless of the build chosen. For Stealth, getting to level 7 means that we will unlock 3% evasion, 10% reduced visibility to enemies, 10% increase in non-combat health regen, and three additional perk points. At level 9 instead we will gain 3% movement speed and 3% increased effective DPS.
For Cold Blood instead we will have a 10% increase in critical chance, 3% increase in armor, 10% increase in armor, 10% increase in health and 10% increase in resistance along with two points perk. All this at level 7. At level 9 all resistances have increased by 5% and we will also find another perk point.
Intelligence attribute
The last attribute that we can enhance in Cyberpunk 2077 and that we are going to examine is Intelligence. Here we find Breach Protocol and Quickhacking Skills as subclasses. These are leveled by violating enemy protocols and using quickhacking. It is the simplest attribute to level. Once we get to level 7 of Breach Protocol we will get a 15% increase in the protocol violation time, a 10% increase in acquired components and two perk points. At level 9 it increases the acquisition of components by an additional 10% and the RAM is increased by 1. Quickhacking for its part, at level 7 it provides an increased duration of the quickhack by 10%, decreases the cooldown by 5%, increases the RAM of 1 and gives two perk points. At level 9 instead we will find an additional 5% reduction in the cooldown along with an additional perk point.
Note that Skills can be leveled up to 20. As the levels progress we will be provided with additional bonuses to diversify our tactics and benefit certain builds. The advice we would like to give you is to choose your style of play, as this affects the development of our character's skills. Keep in mind, however, that once you have chosen the attribute it is no longer possible to reset them, so choose carefully.
The best Legendary and Iconic weapons featured in Cyberpunk 2077
Night City is filled with both melee and firearms that you can acquire. Once you manage to find a rare weapon, it may be Iconic. Iconic weapons provide some unique properties. That said, here are some of the best Legendary and Iconic weapons you can find.
- Comrade's Hammer - Initially an Epic weapon, but can be upgraded to Legendary and with four mod slots. It deals all types of damage and stands out because it has the Charged Shot ability that cuts through walls and floors. If built correctly, this tech weapon could be devastating.
- Overwatch - has incredible physical damage and critical hit chance. From his side this weapon also has a headshot damage multiplier and four mod slots. It is the best sniper rifle in the game and works particularly well in stealth builds thanks to its silencer.
- Malorian Arms 3516 - this gun is worth using besides because it is Johnny Silverhand's, but also because it has a good amount of damage on its side, especially thermal. It also has four mod slots.
- Widow Maker - it's a tech weapon whose charged shots deal a lot of damage as it expels two bullets. In addition to chemical damage, this weapon also has a 33% chance of poisoning the enemy.
- Kang Tao L-69 Zhuo - it is a smart rifle that can engage up to eight targets simultaneously. With its secondary fire mode it is possible to fire all its pellets to increase damage to a single target.
- DR-12 Quasar - has a very high DPS with three charged shots that deal 10% more damage. It has three mod slots available.
- Jinchu-maru - is perfect paired with Kerenzikov, also providing 100% chance of critical damage once active. This makes it effective against particularly tough opponents. The last hit of the combo deals double damage.
- Overture - deals an enormous amount of physical damage thanks to its projectiles capable of bouncing off surfaces. It has a high critical hit chance, critical hit damage, and a 2x headshot damage multiplier.
For more information in the article you will find some videos that will make you more clear on the Legendary and Iconic weapons present in Cyberpunk 2077. Here ends our guide on Iconic and Legendary skills and weapons at cyberpunk 2077.
► Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG-Adventure game developed by CD Projekt RED and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 10/12/2020
Cyberpunk 2077 is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 95%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Cyberpunk 2077 review