After defeating Ornstein e Smough and having arrived in the presence of Gwynevere, the Princess of the Sun, you will have a chance to hit her and unlock Dark Anor Londo and his secret boss, one of the coolest in Dark Souls, Gwyndolin. Alternatively, you can do it by equipping theRing of Black Magic at the statue of Lord Gwyn in a semi-hidden area of Anor Londo, shortly after the bonfire of the Tomb of the Darkmoon. By doing this second way you can talk to Gwyndolin near the fog and unlock his pact, the Blades of the Dark Moon (if you are interested in discovering all the Dark Souls deals, you will have to do it this way) By killing Gwynevere (you can hit her with an arrow), however, you will destroy the illusion of the Anor Londo you know, a spell of Gwyndolin, also making many enemies disappear and immediately making the latter hostile.
If you have never tried to face this boss, below we explain how to do it and also giving you some information on its beautiful history, anticipating that it will not be an excessively difficult battle.
Strategy and useful advice
As soon as you enter the long corridor, Gwyndolin will start attacking from a distance: avoid his attacks as you continue to advance. Get behind the columns for the arrows (which you can also parry, but consumes stamina which instead can be used to run towards him, roll in an emergency or attack him when you are close to him) and the small blue spheres while for the large magic sphere you will have to move out of its path. Once you get close to the boss attack him with all your strength, until he teleports away and then repeat the above, over and over again, until his death or at the end of the corridor. If he doesn't die before he reaches the end of the long corridor, know that he has no melee attacks, so he will use the ones he has always used, but they will be more complicated to contain, being you close to him (he has no particular physical resistance, so he will take a lot of damage and this possibility is therefore quite remote).
Once killed, you get his drop. Don't use ranged attacks of any kind, as Gwyndolin is much quicker than you at attacking with arrows or magic, and don't wear heavy armor or armor with a lot of physical stamina, as the only attack they would protect you against is also the easiest to attack. stem: in this battle you should be light, in order to be faster and consume less stamina.
- Rush of arrows - the boss will start shooting arrows: the attack is parable with the shield or dodge using one of the columns as cover
- Enchantment - Gwyndolin will charge his weapon and then launch small blue orbs, capable of causing very high damage: hide behind one of the columns or roll with the right timing
- Great sphere of the Dark Sun - the boss will load his weapon and then throw a large magic sphere: the shot is avoidable by moving out of its trajectory (not too complicated as it is quite slow) or blocking it with a shield; hiding behind one of the columns in this case is useless because the magic sphere passes through them and therefore hits you anyway
- Soul of Gwyndolin (with an arc +10 forms the Arc of the Dark Moon, with a catalyst forms the Catalyst in Tin Dark Moon)
- 40.000 anime
- Gwyndolin set, available for purchase at Domhnall of Zena
Gwyndolin is the youngest son of Lord Gwyn, born under the sign of the Moon. This led him to grow up as a woman and to be an outcast for a long time, due to his physical appearance and his extreme fragility. Endowed with extraordinary magical powers, he is the last divinity left in Anor Londo, the so-called "City of the Gods", and created the illusion of his sister, with whom you have the opportunity to interact once Ornstein and Smaugh are defeated, in so as to encourage those who came to Anor Londo to succeed Gwyn, sacrificing themselves to rekindle the flame. He also created the illusion that it is daytime in the city and that there are various guards, to protect himself from anyone who arrives, hiding from view, given the extreme fragility of his body. He is also the leader of the Blades of the Dark Moon pact and sees the destruction of the illusion he has built and the attempt to confront him, to go against his will as blasphemy. Given Gwyndolin's appearance, it is thought that Seath the Scaleless, a traitorous dragon who sided with Gwyn against her kind, may be involved in her birth.
► Dark Souls: Remastered is an Action-RPG type game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 25/05/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 19/10/2018
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