After defeating Ornstein and Smaugh and taking possession of the Vessel of Lords, in Dark Souls it's time to take on four new enemies. THE Four Lords they can be dealt with in the order you prefer, and we will now tell you about the Four Kings. They reside in Petite Londo and to enter the bossfight you will need to have already beaten Sif the Great Gray Wolf since the ring Pact of Artorias it will be essential for you to access theAbyss.
Strategy and useful advice
Before we begin, we would like to tell you that it is a fight to be faced in the most aggressive way possible, since, after a certain amount of time, other bosses will arrive and accumulate in the arena, making the fight much more difficult. Know that the Four Kings are sensitive to fire and electricity, and use this weakness to do them as much damage as possible. Always before starting, you will have to choose between two approaches: one that will involve taking some of their attacks to attack them as much as possible and another, more difficult, which will involve trying to dodge almost all of them (one practically cannot be dodged). Remember to never remove the Artorias Pact ring, otherwise you will die.
We would like to simply tell you one thing: pay attention to their movements, so as to foresee attacks, and do not be greedy. Also remember another thing: always have a full life because some attacks are very harmful, as well as not very easy to avoid. Arm yourself with patience and start the fight. When the boss executes the slashes, roll, choosing the direction based on the type of slash, when instead he accumulates energy, move away. Try to keep up with him and attack him when he is stationary or while swinging. If you choose to take some attacks, though, attack him even when he makes the magic blast and vertical slash and parry the horizontal one. Proceeding in one of the two ways outlined above, the Four Kings should die with relative ease.
- Sword Strike - Sword strike; is parable or dodged with relative ease, simply by rolling in the direction of the boss
- Vertical Sword Strike - attack made by moving the sword vertically, easily avoided by rolling sideways
- Dark Blade - if you are far from one of the bosses, he will throw a dark blade spell at you, almost impossible to dodge: parry it, to reduce the damage taken
- Magic missiles - if you are far away from one of them, he could launch a series of small magical missiles; these are dodged by rolling
- Magical Explosion - when one of the bosses accumulates energy, it means that he is about to make this attack; it is an extremely harmful attack but can be curbed simply by moving away
- Life Drain - when about to die, one of the bosses may try to grab you to take away a large amount of life and a Humanity; the attack is avoidable by locating it and rolling sideways or moving away
- 60.000 anime
- 4 Humanity
- Soul of the Lord fragmented
- If you haven't talked to Frampt after obtaining the Vessel of Kings, Kaathe, the other primal serpent, will appear behind the bonfire, allowing you to enter the Darkwraith covenant.
The Four Kings are among the most fascinating creatures in the entire lore of the first, majestic, chapter of the Dark Souls trilogy. It is said that in the past they were the rulers of the thriving city of Petite Londo, one of the most beautiful and full of life in the whole kingdom of Lordran. Their thirst for power, however, ended up consuming them from within: they wanted at all costs to overcome the gods, majestic rulers of the splendid Anor Londo and, to do so, they ended up yielding their souls to the darkness of the Abyss, making so that the whole city was literally enveloped by the looming darkness. The great sorcerers, led by Ingward, therefore decided to seal Petite Londo, to stop the advance of the Abyss. We will find the Four Kings waiting for us, in the form of ghosts, right in the depths of the Abyss and killing them definitively will be the only possibility that remains.
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