The fearsome minigame Tiger Tiger has caused quite a few problems for the players of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, who are "forced" to overcome the various levels to obtain materials with which to upgrade the artificial Poppi Blade. If our excellent Poppi components guide will explain how the Blade works, here we will briefly show you what you can unlock by playing Tiger Tiger.
Well yes, in addition to obtaining useful materials, the minigame presents a series of medals, obtainable after having met some requirements, and a series of exclusive mods.
The medals in question are the following:
- No Kills Medal - Don't kill any enemies.
- Crystals Medal - Collect all Aether Crystals.
- Damage Medal - Don't take damage.
- Treasure Medal - Get all treasures without losing them.
- Perfect Medal - Collect all Aether crystals and all treasures without taking damage.
And that's not all: as stated, in Level 5 of the minigame you can find bigger chests than normal which, upon completing the level, will reward you with one of the following things:
- Light core;
- Master Ether mod;
- Master Evasion mod;
- Master Luck mod;
- Master Muscle mod;
- Master Strike mod;
- Master Tank mod.
A little, further advice? These rewards can also be found on Easy difficulty, the important thing is to play Level 5.
► Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an Adventure-JRPG game developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 01/12/2017
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 93%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Review