There is no peace for Big Boss: in the previous mission he had to drive out invaders from the headquarters led by a former fellow soldier, convinced that it was Big Boss who orchestrated the destruction of the historical base, which took place in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. And now he is called to take a certain White Mamba, a white boy who commands child soldiers settled in Bwala ya Masa.
Enjoy the reading!

The game map of mission 23. The center of the action is Bwala ya Masa.
Main objectives of the mission:
- White Mamba extraction.
Secondary objectives:
- Extraction of the prisoner in Bwala ya Masa;
- Extraction of White Mamba without resistance;
- Collect rough diamonds in Bwala ya Masa;
- Extraction of 20 child soldiers.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Mission 23, "White Mamba", will reveal (as Voices, which we covered in the last guide) among the fundamental missions of the game, affecting the "Chapter 2 ″ of the plot basted by Hideo Kojima. This time we will be forced to deal with a bunch of child soldiers, with no filters whatsoever. They will take up weapons and if alerted they will start firing without moral second thoughts. To put a stop to this horror it is enough to capture their leader, a boy with a different skin than theirs who, despite having recently arrived and in mysterious circumstances, has immediately established himself as a guide.
The approach to the mission:
Let's tackle the thorniest problem right away: no, child soldiers cannot be killed or injured in any way, consequently the automatic failure of the mission. Those who complained about this choice of gameplay - Metal Gear Solid being a saga that takes into account many real factors - had to deal with a bitter truth: if there had been the possibility, the game would have been thwarted and banned very quickly, with consequent monetary and image losses.
Child soldiers can only be stunned or asleep. They cannot be questioned and taken from behind. This also applies to the White Mamba who, despite the different behavior, the game calculates as a child soldier. We can avoid the small soldiers altogether and confront their leader directly, stealth permitting and The ideal companion for this mission is D-Dog, silent and distracting when needed. Quiet would make the work faster, but it would alert the whole of Bwala ya Masa. Being one stealth mission, it is advisable to undertake it in the evening with a sneaking suit, or wearing a uniform that reflects the swampy pattern of the village.

The village is a rare source of female soldiers in Metal Gear Solid V.
The equipment:
Firearms are useless on this mission. Therefore, our equipment must be as non-lethal as possible (NL). We have several choices, depending on the progress of the R&D team and our explorations. Discarding anything that is not silent, the ideal secondary weapon is there Riot SMG, a submachine that fires rubber bullets suitable for stun (project in side mission # 5), while as a primary weapon a RENOV-ICKX tranquilizer with silencer - is the first sniper rifle of this type that can be unlocked. The sleep version of the Renov has no silencer, but you can add it through the weapon customization, unlocked by recruiting the legendary gunsmith to your ranks (side missions # 107, # 108, # 109), as long as you already have a silencer for assault or sniper rifles (they are interchangeable).
The contribution of the expert gunsmith is invaluable (a game changer, in jargon): the advice is to recover it as soon as possible. Leave hand grenades, C-4 and all the pyrotechnic ambaradan at home, bringing with you the bare essentials such as the inevitable smoke grenades. Stun grenades need too much investment to be effective, ditto the soporific ones, good on paper but not in practice. The rocket arm, if piloted well, can be devastating: a rocket punch on the nose is always as effective as it is sadistic. Let's go, Pequod!
The mission:
Pequod leaves us not too far from Bwala ya Masa. To get to the village we will have to pass a roadblock and later a house with two child soldiers. The first checkpoint is the most dangerous, being a concentrated area for many small soldiers. It can be easily bypassed by deciding to avoid it altogether and walk through the vegetation on the left, but let's see what they are capable of: From a technical point of view of artificial intelligence, child soldiers behave like normal adult soldiers, order assault rifle and helmet on his head. obviously they do not have radios and electronic devices available to call for reinforcements. On the other hand - if possible - they are more ferocious than their adult counterparts.
They have no qualms about shooting and helping each other. Plus, they seem to have one different reaction to statuses, shorter than normal (lightheaded and sleepy).

The first roadblock. Goodnight little flowers.
One of the secondary objectives of the mission is to extract at least 20 child soldiers. Yet, at the moment when the mission is undertaken, it is impossible to extract them via fulton: there is a need for a special upgrade that it will be possible to develop only later in history. Taken by a moment of heroism, however, we tried to go against the rules with a 'ploy: If you just can't wait, make sure you have some cars and have them delivered to you via the support team. Up to three child soldiers can be loaded onto the car and the fulton cargo 2 can be used to extract the car, including children. Having to extract twenty of them means having more cars available or waiting for the automatic saving and recalling the same car. It is quite a cumbersome method, but we sacrificed ourselves to be able to tell you: it is possible. Do not imitate us and wait for the legitimate way, although a specific enhancement for the "category" children can be a bit indigestible given the specificity.
Not being able (for now) to extract minors, facing them loses its value, which is why it is doubly advisable to avoid them. In the central tent of the small camp, however, there are diamonds worth 100.000 GMP, so the choice is yours. Wait for the child soldiers to position themselves, perhaps using D-Dog to recall them or throwing some old magazine and land them with the CQC, or put them to bed with a soporific dart. Try not to get noticed, because Snake can't return fire with fire this time.
Let's move to the center of the action: Bwala ya Masa. The first place on the African continent that Snake faces has remained immaculate, with the difference that child soldiers have taken possession of it. D-Dog will help you to mark how many "enemies" there are and prepare a battle plan. Among the various red markers, a blue one should also be ticked: a prisoner. Or rather, a prisoner. She is one of the few female soldiers - which you can use as a playable character - and may be controlled on sight by one or two small soldiers. After releasing her, focus on the beached ship in the village - the White Mamba is there.

The White Mamba is found on the rusty and beached ship.
Before heading to the ship, we recommend that you do one small detour and go in search of a key object, the "first aid manual", which will allow D-Dog to extract via fulton in an unlimited and above all free way. It is located in the complex of blue houses where the bow of the ship points (look at the map).
Let's head to our goal: there should be four small patrol soldiers split in two pairs around the ship. If you have a sniper rifle, position yourself in a strategic point (perhaps high up) and fall asleep, otherwise you will have to sneak up behind them and land them via CQC. The way "recommended" by the game to get from White Mamba is the front one, that is to say climbing the stairs on the stern of the boat. A cut-scene will start showing the blond-haired boy sitting on a plastic chair that has become a throne and then the fight will begin.

The haughty leader of the child soldiers on his throne.
Alerted to him, all the child soldiers you have left conscious will rush to protect their leader, but by then you will be too busy with him to worry about others. Know this: i child soldiers will never board the ship and once the White Mamba has landed they will flee the village.
Before facing the actual confrontation, we warn you that there is also the possibility to go up the wooden gangway and go up, through a rise, from the bow of the ship, thus finding yourself behind the White Mamba. It is possible to surprise him and put him to sleep with a blow to the head, but it is difficult to do so since the little boy has very acute senses. This is made more difficult by the room he is in, which allows you to hit him from a distance only from the side openings, exposing you - in case he hasn't noticed anything and is still sitting on his throne.
It is very likely that the first encounter will be done in the manner intended by the game, namely one one-on-one generational clash. The kid is a devil, nimble enough to turn the big Big Boss' head. He wields a machete that he will use without remorse: use the CQC and quick time events to take the sharp weapon out of his hands. You will often find yourself chasing him, and in response he will throw Molotov cocktails at you. It takes time to land him with the CQC, so don't be shy and unload the stun magazines at him. The White Mamba has uncommon stamina and slips away like an eel, but at the end of a very worthy fight it will collapse, stunned or asleep. At that point you can call Pequod, who will arrive at the center of the now cleared village.

Once the white boy is knocked out, the child soldiers will run away from the village.
The White Mamba - whose real name will later be discovered, Eli - it can also be approached with different behaviors: some of these involve, for example, that he comes out of his "throne room", on a perfect occasion to hit him with a tranquilizer dart, or to falling asleep around midnight, showing that the Metal Gear Solid characters have also developed a biological clock.
Snake will try to get Eli up with his good hands, extending his hand, but the latter will be very reluctant, nor will he accept it when the two arrive at headquarters. On the contrary, Eli will attempt another attack from behind, but Big Boss is not called that by accident, and will disarm him in a couple of moves, dislocating (and relocating) his arm.

An almost fatherly advice.
Anyone here can use a knife or a gun. What you're going to learn is how to use your head.
Eli has a fierce grudge against Big Boss ... or maybe we should call him Snake, as the White Mamba does in perfect English during the fight at Bwala ya Masa? There is a reason for the kid's behavior (a genetic reason, to be more specific) but for the moment… Welcome to Outer Heaven.
Appointment with the next atypical guide and the next mission, in which we will have to save a man who can decide the life or death of our companions: Code Talker (# 28).
► Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a Shooter-Tactical-Adventure type game published by Konami for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 01/09/2015 The version for PC came out on 15/09/2015