Our men are dying. Affected by a parasite that attacks the vocal cords, also the result of the experiments that Big Boss witnessed in mission 20, Voices, the Diamond Dogs are falling in increasing numbers into the spiral of death. There is only one man capable of stopping the barely contained epidemic, the same parasitologist who helped Skull Face in the development of these tiny enemies: his name is Code Talker. and it is our job to recover it as soon as possible.
Enjoy the reading!

The mission map.
Main objectives of Metal Gear Solid V - Mission 28:
- Get in touch with Code Talker.
Metal Gear Solid V secondary objectives - Mission 28:
- Extraction of Code Talker;
- Extraction of Code Talker without suffering damage;
- Eliminate the Skulls
- Extraction of Skulls;
- Armored vehicle extraction in Lufwa Valley.
Mission 28 of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is one where many of the kinks come to a head. There is something that people who get sick have in common, but research has been in vain. To develop an antidote, if there is one, the only man capable of helping is also he gave rise to everything, an old Navajo used forcibly by the American forces while a hatred of the dominant English language was born in him. Code Talker ended up working on Skull Face, who employed his skills as a biologist for a plan so nefarious it would make many video game baddies pale.
The approach to Metal Gear Solid V - Mission 28:
Our job is to extract Code Talker and convince it to be among the "good guys" by developing an antidote before it's too late. The area of action this time is Lufwa Valley, a nice change of scenery compared to the Afghan and African terrain from which we have been accustomed, in the depths of the forest the old man is imprisoned in a villa patrolled by dozens of soldiers in the service of Skull Face . A tip is to reach the starting point by helicopter: since Lufwa Valley is located in the extreme part of the map it is quite far to reach.
Mission 28 is divided into three phases: the first is circumventable, but difficult, the second is fixed while the third has two possible escape routes. At first we will find ourselves in a dense forest, while when we find ourselves in the villa the space will be more restricted and we must proceed with caution. Like any mission of this kind, it's best done in the evening.

Don't forget to pet D-Dog from time to time.
The equipment:
Like any self-respecting stealth mission the ideal companion is D-Dog. The big dog warns us in advance of changes in the surrounding environment by barking and can distract enemy soldiers, although doing so puts his life at risk and is called back to headquarters early, even extracting them all (if you have taken the first aid kit in mission 23).
It is good to say in advance that Metal Gear Solid V - Mission 28 “Code Talker” gives us his personal welcome with four Skulls about 600 meters from where Pequod leaves us. This time, however, the Skulls are women and have a different approach, less aggressive than their male counterparts: they are in fact snipers and we must return fire with fire: this means battle between snipers!

The recommended setup for the mission.
Let's arm ourselves with the best sniper rifle we have available to tackle this mission. Whether or not it's lethal doesn't really matter, although at this point in the game, putting the Skulls to sleep is more of a divertissement than anything else. An M-2000D is slightly more powerful than a RENOV-ICKX, but the important thing is to have one with which to counter the blows of the female Skulls and especially with the silencer (in the previous guide we strongly advise you to take the legendary gunsmith).
Let's also bring a tranquilizer gun and assault rifle as a modified UN-ARC (always with the help of the gunsmith) if things go wrong, along with regular grenades for the same reason and smoke grenades that act as a distraction. (and not only). As a camouflage suit we opt for one that mixes with the forest, therefore tending to green, or a sneaking suit to camouflage our steps when you are inside the house. We'll also need a night vision device. Let's go, Pequod!
Metal Gear Solid V mission 28:
The Diamond Dogs honorary rider leaves us and the big dog - or the horse, if we want another valid alternative - about 1100 meters away from the villa. After less than half the area will be shrouded in fog and what will come out will not be so pleasant: four Skulls never seen before genetically modified for long-range combat using a sniper rifle that "create" from their hands.

These Skulls are made of another pasta than the ones we have dealt with so far.
The glaring difference with the others who have crossed Snake's path so far is that they are women… and indeed Kojima does not hesitate to remind us with a tactical shot of the lower back and breasts. The real battle can begin ... or if for this reason also skipped altogether, going with great caution beyond the "Teschie" and leaving them behind: the fog will clear, but it is easier to write than to do and above all, why never skip them on foot? We have always liked long sniper battles. True, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater?

The women are well equipped and relentless.
Once the cut-scene is over, let's get down and don't even think about getting up until we have defeated the Skulls. D-Dog should do the dirty work for us by locating the Skulls on the heights of the map. If not, there are several things we can do: their sniper rifles have a laser aiming system that no matter how accurate the shot is, it discovers them in a dramatic way. Just follow the laser after being protected behind a rock or tree to find their nests. With a night viewer it will be even easier: depending on the degree of our viewer, the Skulls will stand out in a different color than the bright green of the device. We take up the sniper rifle and try to hit them in the head.
This way it takes about four hits each to kill a Skull. After hitting them they will move, but it could happen that they get close to us trying to hit us with the machete. Once the blow has landed, we remain alert for a few seconds and, if the Skull decides to approach, let's get ready to press the button on the CQC to give them tit for tat. So!

What a gratification.
The skull woman of in question will take the hit and then walk away. Let's get down quickly and continue like this, having in mind that Snake can take one hit but not two: it's just a matter of time and the artificial intelligence doesn't make them very dangerous. Smoke grenades are used to make them lose our tracks or even launch them in a tactical way, to then wear the night vision device and hit the Skull that points us beyond the cloud.
If spotted, the Skulls will fire about two seconds after aiming at us. We take advantage of this window of time to run towards a shelter or dodge by throwing ourselves to the ground, take refuge and observe the disposition of the women well. Having overcome this last threat, we proceed past the thickest forest (devoid of soldiers). We will come out at the right distance from the villa for a healthy reconnaissance with binoculars.

The villa, inside which is our man.
To continue with the mission, the simplest path to take is to skirt the left, aiming at the soldier who moves the lighthouse, interrogate him from behind to find out where Code Talker is and then dispose of him as you see fit. Ironically, among the many entrances to the villa, Code Talker is located closer to the main access, what we would have faced if we had come from the other side of Lufwa Valley.
After taking care of the soldier we continue to go to the left of the map to position ourselves near the desired entrance. It is patrolled by two soldiers. Entering the mansion, Code Talker is immediately on the left with no guards to protect him.

The main entrance. As you enter, on the left, there is the dungeon that leads to the mystical Code Talker.
Before heading towards him and starting the third phase of the mission, we explore the mansion upstairs until we get to the library to retrieve the BRENNAN project, a sniper rifle with high penetration and one of the most devastating in the game. It is placed on the small desk near the other entrance to the library.
Now it's time to go back and get to know the infamous Mr. Code Talker. We go down the stairs of the pseudo-cellar. Behind the only door in the area is our (presumed) savior. A long cut-scene awaits us.

Code Talker.
I was waiting for you, tł'iish (snake). Or should I call you bidee 'hólóni (the one who has a horn *)?
* Actually the Navajo expression bidee 'hólóni is more difficult to translate, because “hólóni” means “that once existed (and now no longer)” and not properly that it has a horn (the shrapnel). A more accurate explanation would touch the epilogue of The Phantom Pain.
It is clear from the first moment that we set our eyes on the old man who possesses supernatural abilities. He invites us not to speak, on pain of death. This because the parasites that are killing our men from within attack the vocal cords, mating with a specific sound devouring the lungs of the infected ... the language they dare to pronounce. We (Snake) could also be infected.
Code Talker is yet another in a long list of scientists exploited and forced to turn their passion into a weapon of mass destruction in the Metal Gear Solid saga. Not anymore.
If my “children” have disturbed the hózhǫǫ (beauty, balance) of the world, it is up to me to remedy it.
With a willing Code Talker on your back, all that's left to do is take him away. Unfortunately, the death of the Skulls reached the ears of Skull Face, who sent reinforcements to the mansion. We go up to the main entrance and put Code Talker in a safe place: two soldiers patrol the entrance first and then enter the villa. Let's get rid of them with a silent weapon and go out. The goal is to get to a safe spot and call the helicopter.

It is recommended to take the street on the right from the main exit.
We can choose between two paths: the forest, where we came from, or the area in front of us. We tried both and the forest proved more complicated to cross, mainly due to a helicopter unfriendly. In the other way we will have to deal with a tank, no doubt more within our reach. This time we have to drive along the right, paying close attention to the various soldiers on patrol (you can count on D-Dog), temporarily abandoning Code Talker to take care of them or waiting for the right moments to continue moving forward. If we behave well during this step, the tank will not have moved and we can easily retrieve it from behind with the Fulton Cargo 2 (KO the nearby soldier), otherwise we would endanger the life of the elderly Navajo, otherwise we will fail. of the mission.
In flight, Code Talker explains that he plans to implant in the infected a microbe that transforms the male parasites into females, preventing reproduction and therefore the advance of death.. The contagion can be stopped, but the host will be altered for life. Sterility.

To be continued…
Then ends our guide of Metal Gear Solid V - Mission 28: a brown cloud envelops the helicopter. "Are they". Appointment with the next mission in this series of guides, the number 29, which sees the Skulls make one last, great assault: Metallic Archaea.
► Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a Shooter-Tactical-Adventure type game published by Konami for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 01/09/2015 The version for PC came out on 15/09/2015