In Resident Evil 7 there are numerous collectibles scattered throughout the game. Some of these objects in question are the Mr. Everywhere, bobbleheads puppets (with the dangling head, so to speak): finding them and destroying them all will bring home a trophy.
Here where to find all 20 Mr. Everywhere:
1) Number 1 is located on the first floor of the Main House, in the first area where you wake up after the “dinner with the family”. Remember the door with the ox figurine that you have to open to reach the main entrance? Remember the door with the Ox Statuette that you have to open to reach the Main Hall? The figurine is located right in a corridor near the door, in a dead end above some stacked furniture.
2) Number 2 is located in the laundry room on the first floor, which doubles as a rescue room. This is the first area to explore inside the house. The save point is on a table and Mr. Everywhere is just below the save point on a lower shelf on the same table.
3) The third Mr. Everywhere is located in the Main Hall always on the first floor, that is, in the room where you enter after passing through the door with the statue of the Ox: the room with the statue holding the rifle, a telephone and other such things. Find the figurine immediately on your left after entering, above a sideboard. He even wrote on it "Break me!": Guess what you have to do.
4) The fourth Mr. Everywhere is located on the second floor, inside the recreation room. Let's talk about the room where Mia's VHS is located, as well as the pool table. The figure is located before the entrance to the grandmother's room, to the left of the door, on a small basket.
5) The fifth little guy is back on the first floor. You can grab it after solving the shadow puzzle and crawling to the new area. When you are in the room with the deer, some refrigerators go to the door with the crow, the figurine is immediately to his right.
6) Number six is in the basement, in the processing area. Looking at the map you will see that there is the door with a snake. On one side of this door is our little man, on the right, among the garbage in front of the door. It is between a block of ash and some buckets.
7) The seventh Mr. Everywhere is located outside the house, in the courtyard. You will notice a trailer, the puppet is right next to the steps to enter it.
8) Go to the old house until you reach the save point inside. The figurine is located next to the box of objects inside it, next to a painting, on a small shelf.
9) Also in the old house there is a hole, inside which we can, indeed we will have to, crawl in order to get to a side room where we can glimpse a couple of important characters and find a key element for a shadow puzzle. There is a corridor here, Mr. Everywhere # 9 is hidden between a wooden palette and the wall of this narrow corridor.
10 ) If you've seen the Mia tape before, you'll remember the crawl space on the opposite side of the old house. Mr. Everywhere is right on a nearby shelf, not far from where the crank is located that we will have to collect to continue the story.
11 ) The XNUMXth Mr. Everywhere is located on the second floor of the old house, near the door for the balancing mechanism, where the lantern is needed. The figurine is on a table outdoors.
12 ) The twelfth puppet is located in the main house, on the second floor, when we have the snake key. As part of the main story a children's room will open which is located in the attic. When you go up the ladder you will find the figure just behind you.
13 ) The thirteenth doll is a bit tricky to find. It's near the cargo bay trap, near the barn. When you reach the stable there is an upper level with a save room. Grab the gun and look at the beams above you, shoot it and destroy it.
14 ) After completing the "Happy Birthday" section, a path will open for the Test Area with monitoring cameras, microphones and the like. Above the door in this area is the 14th Mr. Everywhere, right inside an alcove.
15 ) When you head out of the Test Area, towards the docks, take a look at the shed to the east. Under the fishing nets you will find the puppet you are looking for.
From here on there will be spoilers regarding the locations, so be careful!
16 ) The sixteenth Mr. Everywhere is found on the wrecked ship, on the 4th floor. For the record, all of this happens in the present, not the big flashback. Look towards the western scale. As you go up, the puppet will be on the right, just after the railing. He hides pretty well with the rusted ship, look for him carefully.
17 ) Mr. Everywhere # 17 is also on the ship - in the pit with no exit on the second floor. You will find yourself in the north of the area, which is at the opposite end of the hall to the stairwell. You will have to climb a staircase that will take you to the third floor: the statue is in this small area.
18 ) Get out of the ship. You will find yourself in an area full of dead fish, in the swamp and in front of you you will find the save room. When you leave the room you will find the puppet on your left, near the window.
19 ) The penultimate figure is in the salt mine. Keep an eye on the map until you are in the area that linearly leads to the areas marked as storage and grow room. There will be stairs to the right as well as a walkway over the mine cart tracks. Follow it and look up, in front of the barrels.
20 ) Number 20 is located in the guest house on floor B1, you will get there after breaking through the wall to go back inside the house. Only a small part of this area can be explored. Look to the opposite side of the sofa and look for the shelves - Mr. Everywhere is there waiting for you.
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