As in any title of the Nintendo pocket monsters, also in Pokémon Quest, evolving the pokémon will be important to strengthen our team. So here is a guide to better manage evolutions in the game.
To evolve the pokémon it is necessary to make them reach a certain level. Accumulating the necessary experience to do this is possible both by making pokémon participate in Shipping, or otherwise by having them train in the Sparring.
Through this feature, accessible from the menu, you can train your pokémon with others present at the base. To get the most experience points it is good to train them with other pokémon of the same type. And to streamline the process even more, don't forget to equip the base with the Bulbasaur Flag and the Fearow Weather Vane.
Keep in mind that once you reach the right level, your pokémon will automatically evolve. Basically it is always advisable to let them evolve, but if for personal reasons you prefer to leave them as they are you can block the evolution by giving them a Pietrastante via the menu, by selecting the option in the box at the top right. If you change your mind later, you can always remove the option, and let the pokémon evolve at the next level up.
Below we present in alphabetical order the list of levels to be reached for the evolution for each pokémon.
- Abra -> Kadabra: Lv 16
- Bellsprout -> Weepinbell: Lv 21
- Bulbasaur -> Ivysaur: Lv 16
- Caterpie -> Metapod: Lv 7
- Charmander -> Charmeleon: Lv 16
- Charmeleon -> Charizard: Lv 36
- Clefairy -> Clefable: Lv 36
- Cubone -> Marowak Lv: 28
- Diglett -> Dugtrio: Lv 26
- Doduo -> Dodrio: Lv 31
- Dratini -> Dragonair: Lv 30
- Dragonair -> Dragonite: Lv 55
- Drowzee -> Hypno: Lv 26
- Eevee -> Vaporeon - Jolteon - Flareon: Lv 36
- Ekans -> Arbok: Lv 22
- Gastly -> Haunter: Lv 25
- Geodude -> Graveler: Lv 25
- Gloom -> Vileplume: Lv 36
- Goldeen -> Seaking: Lv 33
- Graveler -> Golem: Lv 36
- Grimer -> Muk: Lv 38
- Growlithe -> Arcanine: Lv 36
- Haunter -> Gengar: Lv 36
- Horsea -> Seadra: Lv 32
- Ivysaur -> Venusaur: Lv 32
- Jigglypuff - >> Wigglytuff: Lv 36
- Kabuto - >> Kabutops: Lv 40
- Kadabra - >> Alakazam: Lv 36
- Kakuna - >> Beedrill: Lv 10
- Koffing - >> Weezing: Lv 35
- Krabby - >> Kingler: Lv 28
- Machop - >> Machoke: Lv 28
- Machoke -> Machamp: Lv 36
- Magnemite -> Magneton: Lv 30
- Magikarp -> Gyarados: Lv 20
- Mankey -> Primeape: Lv 28
- Meowth -> Persian: Lv 28
- Metapod -> Butterfree: Lv 10
- Nidoran -> Nidorina - Nidorino: Lv 16
- Nidorina - Nidorino -> Nidoqueen - Nidoking: Lv 36
- Oddish -> Gloom: Lv 21
- Omanyte -> Omastar: Lv 40
- Paras -> Parasect: Lv 24
- Pidgey -> Pidgeotto: Lv 18
- Pidgeotto -> Pidgeot: Lv 36
- Pikachu -> Raichu: Lv 22
- Poliwag -> Poliwhirl: Lv 25
- Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath: Lv 36
- Ponyta -> Rapidash: Lv 40
- Psyduck -> Golduck: Lv 33
- Rattata -> Raticate: Lv 20
- Rhyhorn -> Rhydon: Lv 42
- Sandshrew -> Sandslash: Lv 22
- Seel -> Dewgong: Lv 34
- Shellder -> Cloyster: Lv 36
- Slowpoke -> Slowbro: Lv 37
- Squirtle -> Wartortle: Lv 16
- Spearow -> Fearow: Lv 20
- Staryu -> Starmie: Lv 36
- Tentacool -> Tentacruel: Lv 30
- Venonat -> Venomoth: Lv 31
- Voltorb -> Electrode: Lv 30
- Vulpix -> Ninetails: Lv 36
- Wartortle -> Blastoise: Lv 36
- Weedle -> Kakuna: Lv 7
- Weepinbell -> Victreebel: Lv 36
- Zubat -> Golbat: Lv 22
► Pokémon Quest is an Adventure-Strategy game developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo for Android, iOS and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 29/05/2018