Since the global COVID-19 pandemic has deprived us of E3 2020, which is the most awaited annual event by gamers around the world, Devolver Digital with a brilliant move has decided to release a mini game set as FPS for free on Steam Devolverland Expo, set in an abandoned Los Angeles location, and that features several trailers and collectibles as well as hiding three hidden titles.
In this Devolverland Expo guide we discover where to get access to the 3 hidden titles between game cabinets, lasers and flying robots. However, let's not expect too many details: we will find objects capable of unlocking a special screen at the end of the game that suggests the presence of three hidden titles not officially announced by Devolver.
To find these objects you will need to use the fuse box at the entrance to gain access to the pavilion. Once inside it will be necessary to follow the wall on the left until we reach the stand with the Devolver merchandise in which we will have to collect the gun.
It will therefore be necessary to shoot the red security bollard through the access window, in this way we will be able to access the security room where we can retrieve the pass to access the South Hall. Here we will find the first collectible, to the left near the Nvidia stand: it is a book on the desk, to be collected to unlock the first Devolverland Expo collectible dedicated to the three hidden titles.
Then we will go to the Carrion stand, we will go up the stairs to the right of the big screen e we will find a tea cup on one of the PC stations, collecting it we will unlock the collectible for the second of the three hidden titles.
Leaving the Carrion stando we will turn left and we will follow the path until we find the Weird West pavilion: as soon as we enter the area we will find a plastic bag on the floor, by collecting it we will get the collectible for the third hidden title, there is also a second item that can be found in the general store on the left.
Leaving the area we will find a forklift with cherries, it will be necessary to climb on it and interact with the panel to go up and find another collectible (on top of the boxes, once you reach the upper floor). We will then crouch (using the CTLR key) through the laser zone until we reach the last grid, on the left we will see another red bollard at which we can shoot to deactivate it and then be able to pass over. Once in a conference room with a screen in which there will be titles in rotation we can collect another object on the table. Then we will leave the room where it will be possible to interact with the panel near the fan: to stop it we will press the switches 2-0-2-0 (there is a small clue next to the panel).
In the ventilation duct there will be a book to be collected located at the intersection of two areas, while to escape the suck it will be enough to shoot at the grid overlooking the center of the pavilion and go down to reach the Blightbound and Olija areas. Inside the Olija stand we will see a plastic bag, at the tip of the spear, which we can collect while at Blightbound there will be a book on the edge of the desk. With the Olija stand in front, we turn right to reach the area dedicated to Serious Sam 4 e pick up a plastic bag near a pile of bricks.
In the next room we will shoot the floating robot and once we climb the Fall Guys exhibit we will enter the new area. Right of the screen there will be a flight of stairs from which we will reach another object to collect. Finally we access the Shadow Warrior 3 area where it will be located the last collectible, a golden plastic bag located to the left of the statue. Entering the exhibition area we then collect the glove that will allow us to access the VIP area where we will fight the Boss of the expo: it will not be particularly difficult if we use the glove to throw chairs and boxes at him, in addition to the bullets. At this point of Devolverland Expo we will be able to continue towards the exit on the back where, having collected all the collectibles, we will be redirected to a web page that indicates the discovery of three new hidden titles: unfortunately it is not revealed what they will be and when it will be possible to have confirmation, however it is undoubtedly a well-built teaser!