Review for Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories. Game for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC, the video game was released on 07/04/2020
Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories, developed by Granzella Inc. and edited by NIS America for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC, it bursts onto the market bringing with it yet another tragedy to live and from which to be able to escape. The game follows the same pattern as the previous titles in the series, released several years ago on PlayStation 2 and PSP. After a short character editor, where you will choose sex, hair color, the hairstyle e the face among a predefined list, you will be catapulted into the heart of the game. Not even time to get on the bus and decide whether or not to give way to an elderly lady and the earth will start to shake, causing the vehicle you are traveling on to overturn. Thus begins the new chapter of the series, no frills or tutorials. You can still acquire on the way new items of clothing e accessories to wear in the dressing rooms.
Never get distracted ...
From the first moments in which you find yourself wandering around an unspecified city in Japan hit by a devastating earthquake, the gameplay will immediately put you in front of what will be the trend from start to finish: every choice has consequences, every distraction is expensive. When wandering around the streets, always pay attention to unsafe light poles or real pieces of buildings that are always on the verge of ruining the ground.
Moving away from certain dangers as much as possible ensures that you don't lose too much life, since Finding healing and useful items in Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories is quite complicated. Let's not go around it, this is a game survival which focuses on realism, if you are new to the series or are used to modern games where tutorials and tips help you go forward, get ready for a rude awakening because here the music is decidedly different: there is no initial tutorial, you are immediately in the heart of the game and you have to think to get your legs out of the tragedy that has just hit the city.
Never patrol portions of the map or buildings that do not have adequate lighting, get yourself first a flashlight because the risk of falling or being injured is very high. The general feeling that the game breathes is that of fear mixed with anguish and frustration, because realistically you could leave us the skin at any moment, because of a ledge that hits the road as you pass or because of a wrong choice. Thanks to the fact that there are no tutorials, at least at the beginning - but also later - you will apparently find yourself a aimlessly around the city and without understanding how to go forward. When such a thing happens, you have to calm down because frustration causes mistakes that Disaster Report 4's game system tends to make a decisive impact.
The only advice we give you is to literally beat the scenarios inch by inch, entering the buildings, going up to the upper floors and opening anything that can be opened. You will get to know the locations like the back of your hand, but never forget to do so interact with all NPCs, even with those who apparently seem unwilling to talk or distracted by something else: you cannot know who will be the character that will trigger an event or give you the idea to solve the situation.
Think carefully about the answers to be given during the dialogues, because your path will depend on their outcome. If you are wondering how to understand what the correct answers are, rest assured: in practice there are no "right answers" e "Wrong answers"; it all depends on how much we want to push ourselves to give eccentric answers with respect to our character or what would seem the most "normal" answer.
From a purely managerial point of view of the character, never forget to literally stock up on curatives, drinks, bandages and so on. Likewise, make sure you've searched every nook, room, or piece of furniture. For example, if you find doors closed, know that sooner or later you will find a key: wherever you are, always come back to try it in the various doors that you could not open, because inside you will find precious objects or, for example, more capacious backpacks. In this regard, know that in Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories, the backpack has limited capacity, therefore, finding backpack expansions to be able to carry more items is one of the main things to do.
The only real help is the map and from compass: Consult the map to exhaustion to know where to go and where certain objects and objectives are located. Some items can be regularly purchased in shops, others found in locations, while others must be acquired through the NPCs who will drop them following a dialogue or some completed task.
Audio and graphics
Despite an interesting gameplay and a story that takes you from the beginning and transmits really intense emotions and sensations, we cannot help but turn up our noses in front of the technical compartment: graphically we are on the verge of retrogaming, with the classic stereotyped blocks thrown into the setting. Handling of lighting and particle effects such as fire, smoke, steam or spray is very rough. The audio effects are simple and all in all functional, they contribute significantly to the emotions felt by the player and, at least this, turns out to be an excellent aspect. Passing by the electricity booths and hearing the typical hum or the sudden creak of a pole that is about to fall on you is definitely suggestive. If you buy Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories for PlayStation 4 you will have the possibility to use the first person shot thanks to VR, but we do not know how much it can improve things in practice. At least on Nintendo Switch, the platform of choice for our test, we noticed loading times a bit too high and some drop in frame rates.
Summing up is complicated. If on the one hand the gameplay is compelling, keeping you glued to the console for several hours and opening up to replayability to sift through the different possible alternatives based on the choices made, the feeling that accompanies the player along the adventure is that of frustration and disorientation. . Mind you, if we were faced with a seismic event and we were in the position of having to save ourselves, in all probability we would also be disoriented, but within a video game an initial bewilderment with an attached sensation of spinning in circles in an inconclusive way, can cause desist more than someone. If we add primitive graphics to this feeling, the chance that many will leave Disaster Report 4 on the shelf increases exponentially. Those who manage to go further will find a pleasant adventure, full of pathos and mixed feelings. What would have happened if I had helped that woman? And what would have happened if you didn't? These are questions that arise spontaneously and demonstrate the goodness of the concept. The game has no multiplayer mode so you'll have to get by on your own, to the full advantage (or disadvantage) of your skill. Our advice is to try it anyway, because it is an adventure that deserves to be played.
► Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories is a Survival-type game published by NIS America for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC, the video game was released on 07/04/2020