Review for Doom. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 13/05/2016
It was the early 90s when the idea of a three-dimensional FPS video game capable of running under Dos and on Windows '95 took shape, but no one would have expected the boom of success that would follow from there. Today, having become a saga with several spin-offs and chapters, a film and a source of inspiration for dozens of other titles, Doom finally lands on Nintendo Switch, and we honestly couldn't wait.
How did a First Person Shooter among the bloodiest of all time behave on the newcomer from Nintendo?
Before we go together find out what awaits us in Doom for Switch, it is necessary to make some important premises. First of all we tell you that we will not make comparisons with the versions released previously for the other consoles: it is clear that the Switch hardware is less performing than its colleagues. On the Nintendo newborn you will have to settle for 30 FPS in portable mode and 60 FPS on the home television, a deteriorated texture definition, an anti-aliasing at just sufficient levels and some bugs. If you are looking for the visual miracle you should aim for a Playstation 4 Pro, or an Xbox One X, although of course you should give up portability.
Secondly, one important thing must be kept in mind: fact Doom for Nintendo Switch is the first Pegi 18 FPS / Splatter / Horror title to land on this console. This is Bethesda's bet that also focuses on Switch as a console for adults: hardware capable of entertaining the little ones but which does not therefore have to be limited to light-hearted titles only (and thank you for this, Ed.). Seeing some blood spatter as we make our way mashing alien undead with pulse rifle shots is something that was beginning to be missed.
Although many may claim that the plot is nothing original and has already been used millions of times, it must be borne in mind that the first to use the cliché "last man trapped alive in hostile alien territory" was Doom in 1995. Then arrogating the right to reuse for the umpteenth time this hackneyed plot is largely legitimate: here we are again lost in a hostile planet and surrounded by thousands of angry aliens, who have the sole purpose of life to kill us. To tell the truth, we too are not too sociable, since from the very beginning we will exterminate anything that comes our way.
After all, it was to be expected: being naked on an operating table, in a room filthy with offal and blood and moreover chained is not a pleasant thing. At the first hint of an alien movement, the impulse to survive will be felt and will give us the necessary strength to free ourselves and shatter some bones. After this short interlude splatter we will go to take on a suit that will allow us to survive better in the inhospitable environment and a weapon with which to exterminate - among spatters of blood, crumbled bones and cracked skulls - our enemies.
As simple as the plot is, the gameplay adapts well to the context by setting both the adrenaline and the level of attention at a very high level, thanks also to the high difficulty that always keeps the player revved up. Already at a normal level it is necessary to dose strategy and homicidal madness in a masterly way, on pain of a premature and quick death. Enemies split into extremely aggressive and intelligent waves, even at the simplest level. If you think you are dealing with dull static clusters of flesh you will be amazed to see how they will chase you, move on multiple levels, hang on structures and go around to hit you from behind. Staying on the move and having an overview of the environment will always be imperative for your survival.
The game arenas are really very large: you will also have to take into account the verticality of the game space since to reach your goal it will be necessary to go back and forth on several levels. At first, this 360-degree use of space is disorienting, thanks to a texture that is diversified only from scheme to scheme, but soon you get used to it and moving quickly becomes easier. The environment could have been better managed, which often proves harmless where it should be deadly - allowing us to land unscathed from hundreds of meters - and deadly where it should be harmless.
Perhaps for a deliberate nostalgic comparison with its origins, Doom for Nintendo Switch recalls its predecessors in a striking way: secret rooms that contain unlikely items, platforms that can be reached with millimeter jumps, splatter weapons, blood and remains everywhere, vast arenas. Compared to the first chapters of the series we find a much more marked verticality, which takes its roots from the chapters of Doom from the third onwards. There is also an option to have the classic Doom weapon with center grip as it was in the first release: a nostalgic feature only for fans with no use for gameplay purposes.
The bosses are well structured and in the same way the enemies prove to be equipped with a good variety and weapons, unfortunately, however, we do not find anything that makes you cry a miracle even if we must admit that everything works harmoniously. Even in multiplayer the experience is pleasant and a particularly powerful connection is not necessary to allow for a fun experience.
The controls are the classics of the type of game: stick for movement and view, backbones for attack and keys to lower and jump. Leaping to a ledge will initiate an automatic climb whenever possible, while crouching in front of a tunnel will make you crawl inside. In addition, a smash attack was provided to finish off the enemies in addition to the usual contact weapon. With the pressure of the right analog you can start short splatter sequences (different for each enemy), which will put an end to your opponent: every time an opponent lights up after a volley of shots, you can use this move to finish him in a decidedly bloody way, also increasing the rewards obtained.
We find some flaws in the aspect of the game controls due, in our opinion, to the fact that Doom for Nintendo Switch is still a port. The touch is not used in any way as well as the accelerometer, and even the rumble is used at a basic level. For the first time ever, we really felt the need to use the Controller Pro, which has a more familiar value to the touch and adapted to the mechanics of the First Person Shooter.
We also encountered an annoying bug that made our hands and weapons disappear, making them invisible, in fact functional but totally hidden from our eyes. Of course we are talking about a digital version that will not miss patches before the official release and therefore we would like to reassure gamers interested in Doom for Nintendo Switch.
The audio component is marginal but still suitable for the context and the various sections of the game. The localization in Spanish, both in the audio and video sectors, including the menus, is the result of a work done with knowledge of the facts. In short, the work carried out is up to expectations, but never shines except in the sound effects, which in some cases make the player jump in the chair.
Unfortunately, every rose has its thorns and Doom for Nintendo Switch is certainly no exception. Several bugs afflict the 1.1 release tested, including framerate drops and application crashes. Furthermore, the version we tested, which weighs the beauty of 21,3 GB (of which about 9 only for the Multiplayer sector), drains the battery of the console in portable mode in an impressive way, so much so that it reaches 3 hours of game in a row. it's almost impossible. It must be said that porting an already developed title can give problems and that we are certain, given the passion shown by Bethesda for Switch, that the patches will be numerous, fast and effective.
Did you really miss a FPS / Splatter / Horror on Switch? Absolutely yes! Doom for Switch manages to bring a surge of adrenaline to a console that many think is suitable for a younger audience, but thanks to the numerous indies and third-party developers, even the most mature gamers will be able to appreciate the newborn from Nintendo. A few bugs on the first ported title of the genre is to be expected, but fortunately it is nothing that affects the gaming experience. Promoted then, turning a few eyes, the first blood massacre on Switch.
► Doom is an FPS-Horror game developed by Id Software and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 13/05/2016