Hidden Objects: Seed of Strength x1, Medicinal Herb x2, Herb of Antidote x1, Coin x3
After choosing the name and gender of our character, we will find ourselves in a dungeon where we are wielding the sword. Dan (from now on we will call the protagonist without a predefined name) will finish his training and find himself alone. First of all, let's go close to every barrel and every skin, let's break them until we find interesting objects for our adventure. Leaving the basement we will meet a talking frog, let's follow it and we will discover that others are not from our friend Elisa, who will inform us that our parents are waiting for us for dinner. Let's go to our house, the one in the center of the village, and we will witness a dialogue between Dan and his parents ...
Castle of Burlandia
We will attend a speech by King Basilio about the missing children in the nearby village of Bellavalle, our task is to reveal the secret of these disappearances, so the neighboring town is our next stop, but we refuel in the city of Burlandia.
Hidden objects: Medicinal Herb x2, Seed of Strength x1, Coin x8.
Armory: 30M Club, 100M Copper Sword, 200M Divine Dagger, 550M Chain Sickle.
Protections: 180M leather armor, 350M chain mail, 90M leather shield, 180M scale shield, 65 leather hat, 120M wooden helmet.
Emporium: Medicinal Herb 8M, Antidote Herb 10M, Holy Water 20M
Inn: 4M per person.
In addition to getting good equipment, breaking barrels and skins, the most important thing to do is talk to Agnese (the lady near the house to the south) who will tell us that her husband Attilio has disappeared, of course she will ask us to find him.
Surroundings of Burlandia
Monsters: Beetle Scissors, Vermiciattolus, Slime, Bollaslime (night only)
You have to go to the cave northwest of Burlandia.
Bellavalle Cave (Recommended LV 5)
Monsters: Vermiciattolus, Volasorcio, Slime, Scissors
Hidden objects: Coin x40, Medicinal Herb x1
Follow the main road and go north, you will find the exit.
Surroundings of Bellavalle
Monsters: Slime, Volasorcio, Ceppo Geppo, Vermiciattolus, Scaraforbici, Bollaslime (only at night)
Once out of the cave, always go east, you will find the city of Bellavalle.
Hidden objects: Coins x33 (25 you will find inside the well), Medicinal Herb x3
Armeria: Copper Sword 100M, Divine Dada 200M, Hunting Bow 350M, Chain Scythe 550M, Iron Lance 880M
Protections: 350M Chainmail, 700M Bronze Armor, 1200M Iron Armor, 180M Scale Shield, 650M Iron Shield, 120M Wood Helmet
Emporio: Medicinal herb 8M, Antidote herb 10M, Holy water 20M
Inn: 6M per person
In addition to shopping, we have to go to the north of the village. Behind the church we will find some stairs in the middle of the grass. These will take us to an underground prison where a poor man named Attilio is locked up; this name is not new, in fact it is the husband of Agnese, the woman of Burlandia.
Of course, it doesn't even need to be said that, a little like "You've got mail", we need to get husband and wife back together.
Let's go back to Burlandia, talk to Agnese, she will follow us to the Bellavalle prison and finally she will be able to embrace her husband, who will tell us to thank us that he heard the children of a forest where they used to be.
Let's head to the forest southeast of Bellavalle.
Forest (Recommended LV 7)
Monsters: Talpazza, Flash, Ceppo Geppo, Doctr Slime
Hidden objects: Medicinal Herb x2, Agility Seed x1, Vital Seed x1, Talari x1, Coin x592
When we arrive in the forest we will immediately see a well, we go inside and every time we see the phrase "Diqui ..." we go in this order: down, left, down, stairs (at this point we go straight to meet a Doctor Slime who will accompany us in the adventure and go back), up, up, left (to find a chest with the Talari) and right (for the chest with 592 Coins).
Let's go back to the beginning and instead of going down, let's go left to find the exit. We will find ourselves in a room with barrels and wineskins, let's break them and take what we find. We are now ready to go to the Bellavalle Tower, west of the Bellavalle Cave.
Torre di Bellavalle (recommended LV 9)
Monsters: Wink, Strambotorink, Anselmo Tell, Talpazza
Hidden objects: Chimera Wing x1, Scale Shield x1, Fire Sword x1, Seed of Resistance x1, Coin x640
Let's put ourselves in front of the tower and use the Talari to find ourselves on the roof of the building, here we will see one of the missing children carried away by a green being. We wander around the tower to find the items, especially the fire sword, useful against the final boss, and try to get to the base of the structure, where we will find a soldier lying near a staircase. We talk to the soldier and we will discover that the Demon Lord is kidnapping all the children, as a legend tells of a child hero who will defeat the Demon Lord.
Going down these stairs make sure you have equipped the fire sword in Gagliardo and get ready for the clash with the first boss of the game.
Boss: Discepsaro x1, Monocle x1
Let's kill Monocolo first (3 shots will be enough), then let's deal with the Discepsaro, which will have about 250Hp. It will be long to kill, but not difficult. We keep hitting it, ignoring the spells it will cast at us as it will do us little damage, until it falls.
At the end of the battle, the children will be released and will follow us. Let's go back to the top of the tower and drop down to get back to the mainland. Let's go to Bellavalle and bring the children back to their families. After this we return to Burlandia where the King awaits us with open arms to give us some EXP.
Congratulations, you faked the first chapter.