A tough battle awaits BJ Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. The Nazi forces have subjugated his country and BJ must travel across America to assemble a group of rebels and repel the invading regime. But he will not launch into the fray unarmed, relying on a arsenal of powerful firearms, grenades and miscellaneous items that will allow him to force his way through the evil occupants.
So here's our guide to all weapons in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
The developers of MachineGames, however, did not limit themselves to providing BJ with a varied arsenal of excellent firearms: in addition to brand new weapons, Wolfenstein II provides the possibility of freely use two weapons at the same time and customize weapons with a variety of modifications. But even with these upgrades it won't be easy for BJ to free his country and save the world from evil. To help you, we have decided to compile this complete guide to the weapons available to BJ to make America a Nazi-free place again, while also including some thoughts on the brand new weapon customization system in the game.
Note: Potential SPOILERS
- Accept: affect the enemy
In Blazkowicz's hands, the hatchet can have two functions. First of all can smash supply crates and other obstacles, that is, to do exactly what it was designed for as a tool for firefighting operations. However, BJ is engaged in an anti-Nazi operation and for this reason he uses this edged weapon also for ukilling silently or brutally.
Why only one? Over the course of The New Colossus, BJ will occasionally come across entire stacks of hatchets. These extra hatchets can act as silent but deadly throwing weapons with which to take down unsuspecting Nazis from afar… or have the last word in a firefight if the shippers cry misery. Finally, hatchets uprooted from the corpses of fallen enemies are reusable, rewarding BJ's throwing prowess with at least one more free opportunity to take down another Nazi.
- Gun: reliable and ready
Easy to use (and even easier to keep charged, as dead Nazi commanders leave ammo on the ground in large quantities), the pistol is a reliable secondary weapon suitable for close range combat. Despite its humble appearance, especially when compared to the larger guns in BJ's arsenal, the gun is able to easily dispose of all non-armored enemies with just a few well-placed shots. Its efficiency increases with Extended Magazine (more shots) and Magnum (more damage) upgrades.
Shhhh! When it comes to saving ammo (or simply taking unsuspecting enemies by surprise), there are few better solutions in The New Colossus than a silenced pistol. With the Silencer upgrade, the pistol becomes practically an essential tool for stealth assaults, with which to eliminate Nazis from a distance without triggering alarms.
- Maschinenpistole: fast and powerful
Sometimes, in firefights, efficiency cannot be based on the concept of “one shot, one life” but must refer to that of “shoot as much as you can”. In these cases, BJ has the Maschinenpistole at his disposal, a light machine gun with an impressive rate of fire. Few weapons can clear a room as quickly as a Maschinenpistole (or two) in BJ's hand
Some like it hot. Like the pistol, the Maschinenpistole can also be equipped with the Full Silencer upgrade to perform stealth kills. But if BJ doesn't want to have such problems, he can always resort to the Nail Gun upgrade, which is a superheated barrel that fires incandescent bullets to make every single shot even more… burning for the enemy!
- Sturmgewehr: power and precision
Normally used by the Nazi elite, this automatic rifle comes back a lot useful for neutralizing enemies just beyond the firing range of the weapons which work best at close range. Add the Piercing Ammo and Jungle Cartridges upgrades and this high-caliber shotgun will be particularly effective against toughest enemies and in ranged combat.
Distance will not be a problem. When the distance between BJ and the enemy is considerable, the Precision Scope can come in handy. Once this splendid sight is activated, the Sturmgewehr becomes a semi-automatic shotgun, more powerful and precise.
- Schockhammer: like a shotgun, but three times more powerful
Very Wolfensteinian shotgun, the Schockhammer adds an unexpected twist to the shotgun concept. Literally. Equipped with not one, not two, but three rotating barrels that automatically unload lead, when a barrage fire with great stopping power, the Schockhammer is BJ's weapon of choice
Bouncing bullets. The Rebound boost allows Schockhammer shots to bounce off hard surfaces, allowing BJ to take out enemies lurking around corners or behind cover or trapped in tight spaces with what could only be described as a "Sock-billiard shot".
- Kampfpistole: a rocket launcher from another world
The Kampfpistole represents The New Colossus' version of the concept “it may be small, but it can hurt you very, very badly”. Despite its small size, in fact, the Kampfpistole is very serious, being essentially a grenade launcher disguised as a gun. A single hit is capable of blasting an entire squad of Nazi soldiers (or rather, what's left of them) in all directions.
Rocket man. Although the Kampfpistole normally fires its projectiles in an arc trajectory, BJ can choose to shoot at zero elevation with the Rocket upgrade: if activated, the shots fired from this powerful weapon will cross the air in a straight line, as if BJ was holding a single-handed missile launcher. With this upgrade, the bullets also explode on impact, allowing BJ to immediately enjoy the final pyrotechnic guaranteed by the exploded Nazis.
- Laserkraftwerk: it is not used to cut only the gratings
Bombs and bullets are fine, but there is something extremely satisfying about vaping a Nazi that is hard to put into words. While we try, BJ can meanwhile do it by pulling the trigger of the Laserkraftwerk, already seen in Wolfenstein: The New Order. Available in Fergus' timeline (i.e. if you choose Fergus over Wyatt), with its darts of pure supercharged energy, the Laserkraftwerk it can pulverize even the most resistant of armor.
Big and loaded. As hard as it is to believe, the Laserkraftwerk's output power can be further increased with an upgrade. Once modified with SuperchargeIn fact, BJ just needs to hold the trigger to charge and then release a very powerful energy beam. The important thing is that BJ remembers not to hold the trigger for too long, or the gun's electric battery could run out.
- Dieselkraftwerk: bombs, bombs, bombs!
If you choose Wyatt's chronology (instead of Fergus's), instead of the Laserkraftwerk you can count on the Dieselkraftwerk, which aims not so much to vaporize the Nazis with precision, but by combustion: with its charges filled with remote detonating fuel, it is possible to make the Nazis fall into intricate traps, or simply attack them with a charge to be blown up on command. Any form of spectacular destruction is welcome.
Why wait? As effective (and fun as it is) to set traps, there are times when BJ doesn't have time to wait for the Nazis to bite his traps. Once the upgrade is unlocked Incendiary mouth, BJ will be able to set fire to the charges of the Dieselkraftwerk immediately, effectively transforming this delayed detonation weapon into a grenade launcher ready to rain napalm on enemies in an instant.
- Handgranate: a poisoned ball… explosive!
Deadly enemy of enemies locked in tight spaces, in large groups or very slow, the Handgranate is what it takes to give any battle that little bit more. Throwing it in the right place at the right time, BJ can clean up an entire room full of Nazis in one fell swoop. That said, the real fun begins as soon as you start using the upgrade kits ...
One and three. While not a conventional firearm, BJ can equip the Handgranate with upgrades that make it even more lethal. With the Shards upgrade, for example, that makes it a fragmentation weapon, BJ can tear the Nazis to shreds.
Il Diesel upgradeInstead, ignites the surrounding air, while the EMP enhancement launches an impulse capable of neutralizing any electronic device. And yes, BJ can also activate all three upgrades at once, turning each Handgranate into an EMP fragmentation incendiary grenade!
- Heavy weapons: powerful tools
Brought to the battlefield by the menacing SuperSoldaten of The New Colossus, these powerful military tools add another ace to Blazkowicz's deck of anti-Nazi killing techniques as long as he first stole them from the super-gorillas in their possession by eliminating them. While too bulky to fit into BJ's inventory or to use two at a time, these two-handed weapons are unrivaled in power. Among them are the Lasergewehr, able to melt metals and Nazis alike, the very fast and incandescent Dieselgewehr e the Hammergewehr, which somehow manages to overcome even it Schockhammer with its four (yes, four!) rapid-fire barrels.
One weapon to dominate them all. Those looking for the best in terms of Nazi disinfestation cannot fail to yearn for the use ofÜbergewehr, the incredible encounter between devastating firepower, the combustibility of diesel and the energy of a laser concentrated in a single beam for a guaranteed carnage. Like any respectable Nazi-slayer, BJ is tempted to prove the extraordinary power of the Übergewehr but, to do so, he will first have to eliminate in combat the Zerstörer units that are equipped with them (double copies, too). Sure, the feat isn't easy, but hey, that's exactly why BJ has all those other weapons at his disposal!
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus will be released on October 27, 2017 for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC, with the Nintendo Switch version scheduled for 2018.
► Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is a Shooter type game developed by MachineGames and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 27/10/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 29/06/2018
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus