A Hat In Time is the very nice adventure platformer game from Gears for Breakfast, in which we play the Hat Kid in his space adventures as he tries to stop Mustache Girl. With this A Hat In Time achievement guide you can get all Steam achievements without any problems.
360 no-feet
For this achievement you will need to do a somersault on the scooter. To do this, simply buy and equip the Scooter Badge, equip your Sprinting Hat and activate the race, which will make you get on a scooter. Once on the scooter you simply have to launch yourself from a height and try to make a 360 ° turn; we advise you to try it horizontally, as a spinning top, as attempting a complete somersault can be difficult.
A Series of Unfortunate Accidents
This achievement requires you to find and take down all the Mafia enemies scattered around Mafia Town. Although it can also be done in other acts, we advise you to try it in The Golden Vault act of the first chapter. Here are the locations of the various enemies in this level:
Afraid of Water
To get this achievement, you will have to avoid falling into the water in The Subcon Well act of the third chapter. Obviously you can touch the water when it has yet to begin to rise, or rather you cannot avoid doing so; you simply have to avoid falling into the water when it starts to rise, and you will get the achievement once you are safe.
Alpine Skyline - All clear!
For this achievement you will have to collect all the Time Pieces of the fourth chapter, which include 4 Time Pieces of the main locations and 3 Time Pieces found in the Time Rift.
Master badge
For this achievement you just need to equip 3 Badge Pin. To do this, just buy the Badge Pin sold by the Badge Seller, with a total cost of 300 gems, and equip them in the slots. As soon as you have equipped 3 of them you will get the achievement.
Battle of the Birds - All clear!
For this achievement you will have to collect all the Time Pieces of the second chapter, which include 6 Time Pieces of the main locations and 3 Time Pieces found in the Time Rift.
This achievement requires you to complete The Big Parade, the fifth act of the second chapter, without ever touching the ground (i.e. the audience).
False Detective
To get this achievement, just complete Murder on the Owl Express, the second chapter of the second act, without collecting any of the clues scattered throughout the level. Just progress through the level as if you have collected them all.
Obtaining this achievement requires the use of certain items. First you have to go to the main room of your spaceship, equip the Ice Hat and make a ground pound on the ice mat you see in the room, in front of a slide. By doing so you can go up the slide and arrive in a room full of letters and a fan on the ceiling; Just equip the Hookshot Badge, use the grapple on the shovel and hang on for a while to get the achievement.
Fueling the Feud
To get this achievement you will need to get enough points, for both teams, to get a cumulative score of over 2000 points. Here is an example:
If I sit, I sit
For this achievement, simply sit on 3 different chairs, which can also be found on the spaceship.
Let there be light
You will get this achievement the first time you enter your spaceship.
Mafia Town - All clear!
For this achievement you will have to collect all the Time Pieces of the first chapter, which include 7 Time Pieces of the main locations and 3 Time Pieces found in the Time Rift.
No Time To Explain
For this objective you will have to complete the fourth act of the second chapter, Train Rush, without dying or getting time bonuses. There are two ways to do this, one of which is to use the Time Stop Hat skill in order to get to the end on time. Otherwise, you will have to use the Sprinting Hat as much as possible, but the challenge will be greater.
One Punch
For this achievement, you will need to defeat any boss with the 1-Hit Hero badge equipped. Once bought for 500 gems, you just need to wear it for the entire duration of a fight against any boss at the end of the chapter, as it does not count the number of times you die, you just need to defeat it to get the achievement.
Personally I Prefer the Air
This achievement requires you to make 5 air strikes without touching the ground. This is probably one of the more complicated achievements, and we can only offer you one advice: one possible method is to go to The Alpine Skyline Freeroam, in chapter four, go to The Lava Cake and go to the right path at the fork. Here you will find three spiders that you can hit in the air, but instead of landing on the nearby wooden platform you can dive on the next spider (which has yet to appear), cancel the dive with a jump, jump again and attack the spiders, and so on. Street. This way you can hit 7 spiders in a row without touching the ground, if you also count the next spiders.
Here are some guide images:
Pillow Fort
For this achievement you will need to find Hat Kid's secret hideout, which is in his own room. Where there are a lot of pillows you can see a ray of light emerging; when equipping the Ice Hat you will have to jump to this light and ground pound when you are on it. By doing so you will enter a kind of underground space, with a candle and Hat Kid's diary. You will get the achievement upon entering this place.
Put a Badge On It
For this achievement you just need to equip the first Badge.
Return Home
For this achievement you will have to find all 40 Time Pieces, that is, you will have to complete all the acts of all the chapters as well as all the Time Rift, including those in your ship.
Secret Intruder
To get this achievement you will need to complete Dead Bird Studio, the first act of the second chapter, without ever being seen by an enemy.
Sequence Break
For this achievement, you will have to somehow break through the fourth wall and complete the first act of the game, Welcome to Mafia Town, in a different way.
At the beginning of the level you should go to the right, but for this achievement you will have to go through the fence on the left:
The area can be seen from the outside as follows:
You don't have to press this button, which causes Mustache Girl to appear:
You will have to reach the end of the level and get the Time Piece:
Slip 'n Slide
For this achievement, you just have to slide down a very long slide, like the one you find on the beach of Mafia Town.
Subcon Forest - All clear!
For this achievement you will have to collect all the Time Pieces of the third chapter, which include 6 Time Pieces of the main locations and 3 Time Pieces found in the Time Rift.
Take a Hike
For this achievement you will have to climb the gigantic mushroom present in the first act of the third chapter, Contractual Obligations. At the start of the game you will have to turn around, thus seeing a huge hollow tree that you can even enter. Instead of entering, however, you will have to walk on the rope that climbs the tree and thus serves as a path; you will then have to jump on the various mushrooms and complete the platforming part, thus reaching the top. You will get the achievement when you arrive.
The floor is lava
To get this achievement you will need to get to the bottom of The Lava Cake level without ever touching the lava. You can still take damage from the fire, the important thing is never to touch the floor. As soon as you get the Time Piece this way, you will also get the achievement.
For this achievement you will have to find all the clues scattered in the Murder on the Owl Express level. Here are their locations:
Vacuum Vandal
In the main room of your ship, you can see a small automatic vacuum cleaner. To get this achievement, just jump on it and wait a moment, until it starts to emit different sounds and sweat.
To get this achievement there are various methods, but we are listing only one. In the Murder on the Owl Express level you will be asked by one of the ravens in the Cafeteria which part of your body you are most ashamed of. At this point, just free the child in you, write exactly what you are thinking (in English) and you will get the achievement. Note: Different parts of the body apply.
► A Hat in Time is a platform-type game developed by Gears for Breakfast and published by Humble Bundle for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 05/10/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/12/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 06/12/2017 The version for Xbox One came out on 06/12/2017
A Hat in Time is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 84%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the A Hat in Time Review