It's easy to find out who viewed your Instagram Story. All you have to do is tap your Story Circle, swipe up and you'll be presented with a list of people who have viewed it. But is it possible to see who views your Instagram Stories and who posts the most? Can you find out who follows your profile on Instagram? If so, how can you do that? These are just some of the questions this article will answer. Stay tuned if you want to learn more about the world's most popular social media platform.
It would be quite interesting to know who views your Instagram Stories the most. Unfortunately, Instagram doesn't have that feature, as it would violate the network's privacy policy.
However, there are a couple of tricks you can use to find out if you have a stalker snapping you. Keep in mind that the following methods are not 100% reliable, so take the results with a grain of salt.
How many times have you checked to see if someone saw your story seconds after posting it? Probably more than a couple of times, right?
Believe it or not, this habit can help you spot suspects for the ongoing question.
When you first open the Instagram app on your smartphone, your closest friends post the first circles you meet. To be more specific, they come from the people you interacted with the most.
This means you liked their posts, viewed their profiles, stories and probably conversed with them. While it has a strong impact, chatting is not the crucial criteria for some profiles to appear first on Instagram Story.
Most likely, you tap the first Story Circle in your feed and scroll through the following ones. This is exactly what other people do as well.
So, if you notice that a particular profile always shows their Stories first, chances are they are following your profile.
Keep track of the profiles that appear in the list of story viewers seconds after you upload a story. These are likely to be the profiles that view your content the most. With a little luck, you may discover that your secret crush is your number one stalker.
Real Instagrammers know that certain people always appear first on their story viewer lists. Regardless of who viewed your story first, it's likely that the top accounts on this list are almost always the same. But why, you might ask.
The answer lies in Instagram's interaction algorithm, which we'll explain later in the article. For now, suffice it to say that the list of story viewers is always organized according to certain criteria.
For example, if someone who doesn't follow you sees your story, their profiles are likely to appear last in the list of story readers. On the other hand, if you like certain people's posts, constantly watch their stories or have occasionally exchanged a few messages with them, they will most likely always occupy the top spot in this list.
The top spot may change from time to time, but the profiles you interact with the most will always be near the top.
Therefore, if those names consistently appear at the top of your list of story viewers, they are likely to appear at the top of theirs as well. In other words, your Story Circle could be their first touch when they open Instagram.
Although Instagram has not officially confirmed it, there is more than enough evidence to conclude that the interaction algorithm actually exists.
The purpose of this algorithm is to determine the type of content and profiles that users interact with the most. Then, while you use Instagram as you normally would, this algorithm collects data in the background.
The algorithm "remembers" the profiles you've visited, the posts you've liked, and the stories you've tapped on. Some experts even claim that this algorithm tracks the time you spend on certain Instagram Stories.
After collecting a certain amount of information, the algorithm can determine which profiles you interact with the most. This is why your closest friends almost always appear first on the Instagram Story timeline. This is also why you consistently see certain profiles in the Suggested section.
While this algorithm is usually perfect, it can also make miscalculations. For example, if you recently followed an Instagram profile and they followed you back, the algorithm might "read" it as a strong interaction.
While there are no official features, there are methods you can use to find out who views your Stories the most. As mentioned above, none of the methods described above should be considered conclusive proof that someone is stalking your profile.
Do you think you have an Instagram Stalker after reading these methods and learning the interaction algorithm? If so, how many? Tell us in the comments below.
To read more:
- How to find out who hasn't accepted your follow request on Instagram.
- How to edit a video after posting it on Instagram.
- What happens when I unfollow someone on Instagram
- How to find blocked people on Instagram
- How to mute someone on Instagram